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Chapter 15: Ways to Outsmart
There is no shame in resisting, no matter what form it takes.


"Listen to what you said, the person who bullied you is not only a clique, but he is also very big person and cannot be defeated at all."

Tiantian flicked the ashes of her cigarette thoughtfully and frowned. She patiently listened to Junpei's intermittent description of the situation in his school.

Although Junpei's voice was very deep now, his mood was not very stable.

The young man held the napkin Tiantian gave him in his hand.

When he first started talking, he was just plain sad and aggrieved. But in the later stage, he thought about the animal faces in the school and became more and more angry. During the conversation, his hands were clasped so tightly that two big men couldn't break them apart, and his forehead gradually began to be covered with veins due to anger. It looked shocking.

"The opposite of liking is indifference."

Junpei seemed to be immersed in his own world, speaking low and cold words to himself.

He clenched his fists tightly, and his nails dug into the soft palms. The force was enough to sting him, as if he had tightly packed the ugly faces in his mind into his palms, venting his unwillingness and anger.

"I just want to know if the person who said such misleading things has died a violent death?"

If you were indifferent, then just ignore him. Why should you inflict harm on him?

The opposite of "like" was originally "hate", but some people just added "indifferent" without any reason. Did this kind of person want to show how high his literary level was? Or did it show how high his ideological level was?

"Wait, let's not talk about anything else."

Tiantian frowned and knocked on the table with her knuckles.

Junpei's ability to jump between languages was too strong. In two sentences, she almost got involved in literature, which was not her area of expertise at all.

So she's going to pull the center back first.


Junpei looked at Tiantian's unhappy expression and was confused for a moment, a little nervous.

"So, your main problem right now is that you can't defeat these people, you have tried to resist but it didn't have the ideal result, right?"

Tiantian stared at Junpei and said the most important problem at present.

Junpei was silent for a moment, and nodded slightly melancholy.

"Yes, I tried to resist, more than once."

Precisely because of hope, the useless resistance time and time again becomes even more desperate.

School was like a bottomless pit, and getting up early to go to school every day was a torture.

"If you can't resist, don't resist for now."

Tiantian came to a conclusion very simply and put out a cigarette butt, then lit another cigarette.


As soon as she said this, Junpei's eyes widened in a daze.

It seemed that he didn't expect that she could come to such a conclusion.

So what's the point of this conversation?

However, Tiantian ignored the young man's dull expression. She took a puff of her cigarette and continued to talk to herself.

"If they come to harass you again, you give them two symbolic slaps. Then you rush to the principal's office or the teacher's office."

When Junpei heard this, he was about to say in disappointment and eagerness, 'the teacher doesn't care at all, he will just treat it as a fight between classmates', when the second half of Tiantian's words came out,

"You just lay down on the floor of the office in a big font[1] and don't get up even if you say anything. Just insisted that those people had beaten you up, that you were about to die, and your whole body hurt, and asked the teacher to call an ambulance for you."

Junpei: "..."



The boy's eyes widened and his expression went blank for a moment, as if he didn't realize what Tiantian was talking about.

Countless information was hitting Yoshino Junpei's brain, causing a sad short-circuit in his brain's processor.

Tiantian's words quickly created an extremely shameful picture in the young man's mind. Its visual impact was no less than that of Tiantian acting drunkenly in an alley just now.

"If the teacher or the principal wants to forcefully pull you up from the floor, you just roll around on the floor. If you don't get up until you die, just lie down on the floor."

Tiantian smoked a cigarette and continued to teach her true experience course very calmly.

"They said you couldn't get up. The first condition is to let the ambulance drive into the school. Then call the police and take those little bastards with you for examination."

"When you get to the hospital, you say you have a headache, and then you drool at the doctor from time to time, looking dazed, at this point, the hospital basically gives you a preliminary diagnosis of concussion. More serious, it is cerebrospinal cord injury, which is more serious, it's the kind that can kill people at any time."

The woman's eyes shot out two eerie cold lights, holding a cigarette between her fingers. She stared deeply at the astonished Junpei and continued to speak.

"When such a dangerous situation occurs, it doesn't matter whether those bastards are underage or not. Nine times out of ten, they will be put on record. Then you just keep doing nothing and make them pay for the mental damages. Any injuries incurred will be compensated together."

"...compensate ...compensate?"

Junpei was like a dull goose, repeating the last two words of Tiantian's words like a repeater.

"What are you doing if they don't pay for it?"

Tiantian glanced at Junpei with a strange look, and her voice was a little loud.

"What, you still want them to beat you in vain? Then it costs money to hit someone with a sandbag in the gym, and you just want to apologize and be done with it? What dream did you have to have such a beautiful dream? I know you don't care about the money, but it's not about money, it's about rules!"

Tiantian said the word "rules" sonorously and forcefully.

"Oh... oh..." Junpei trembled all over and nodded reflexively.

"If they don't lose money, I will help you contact the media reporters and expose the school and the parents of those students. You don't have to be afraid of that bastard's family's big business. Let me tell you, the richer the person, the better. The more they're afraid of being embarrassed, the more they're afraid of being caught. How do you know if he has an opponent? Maybe his opponent is just waiting to grab his tail and put small shoes on him."

Tiantian gave him experienced thinking and taught Junpei what the dirty and sinister adult world was.


Junpei was stunned for a long time, staring at Tiantian for a long time without reacting.

He lay on the floor and rolled around, pretending to be mentally r*tarded in front of the doctor.

This series of extreme operations challenged Junpei's sense of shame as a human being, and at the same time made him afraid and afraid to try.

"Don't think this is embarrassing. If you want dignity, at least survive. Nowadays, young people's attacks are not serious at all. Aren't you afraid that one day you will be beaten to death by these people?"

Tiantian could see that Junpei was in a state of shame and self-esteem as a teenager. Her tone gradually became serious, her eyes were fixed on Junpei, and her tone was a bit serious.


Junpei seemed to have imagined this possibility, and his face gradually turned pale.

"Junpei, let me say something unpleasant."

Seeing that the boy seemed a little frightened, she gradually slowed down her tone and began to speak more seriously.

"If you were really beaten to death by those people, it would be nothing more than one lying in the funeral parlor and the other sitting in the dock. Those bastards are all minors anyway. After a few years of squatting there, they will only be able to play while drinking beer at the barbecue stall. An awesome sentence, saying that I once killed someone."

"I've seen a lot of people like them. Basically, they won't be able to live like this in the future. They will more or less live in vain for the rest of their lives."

"But you are different, Junpei, you are a person with potential and very smart."

Tiantian spoke firmly and looked at Junpei with affirmative eyes.


This was probably the first time in Junpei's life that he heard someone comment on him like this.

The young man looked at Tiantian in disbelief, the cloudy eyes gradually clearing up.

"Your life is much more valuable than theirs. You are not the same person until you die. Be cruel when you need to be cruel, and make a decision when you need to grit your teeth. Never let this group of people ruin your life. Do you understand?"


Junpei nodded dully, looking at Tiantian with some recognition and emotion.

"A black cat or a white cat, as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat. Since we can't defeat them, we will outsmart them. Those gangsters are shameless, and I still have shame. If you clean them up like this, they will probably be better in the future. We all have to keep our tail between our legs."

"...sister... I..."

Junpei seemed to have made some kind of determination, and his eyes gradually became firmer.

He originally wanted to call Sister Donut, but it felt weird, so he just called her sister.

However, before Junpei finished speaking, he saw the glass door Tiantian's back was facing suddenly opened, and a tall man with eye patches and a boy with a high collar walked in.

They glanced at him first, and then walked towards Tiantian with clear purpose.

Junpei: "...Sister?"

*knock* *knock*

The young man rapped the table with his knuckles with a grim look on his face, straightening his back, trying to remind Tiantian.

It seemed that these two people are here to find Donut.

No... it's not like, it's obvious.

"What's wrong?"

Tiantian was confused and was about to turn around

A hand suddenly and ruthlessly took away the cigarette in her hand, and a man's mature and deep voice came out,

"Minors are not allowed to smoke, nor are they allowed to drink alcohol."


Tiantian was stunned for a moment and turned around reflexively.

Behind them stood a tall man with white hair and a short man with white hair and a high collar.

The short one had a good sense of presence, but the tall man with white hair and eye patches had an extremely strong presence. He was nearly 1.9 meters tall, and just standing there gave a very strong sense of oppression.

And judging from Tiantian's more than ten years of experience, that muscular figure was definitely not a show-off, and couldn't be compared to the gangsters she just humiliated.

"Do you misunderstand something, I am an adult, who are you?"

Tiantian was more cautious and comforted Junpei with her eyes, telling him not to panic.


The two men were stunned for a moment in front of Tiantian.

Especially the younger and shorter boy, who looked at her blankly with his big violet eyes, as if it was strange that she could speak.

"Isn't this normal?"

After being stunned for a moment, the man smiled calmly and patted Tiantian's shoulder cheerfully and familiarly.


The expressions of Tiantian and Junpei changed instantly.

What did this mean?

And you were such a big man, why did you do something so casually?


"What are you doing? Who are you?"

Tiantian knocked Satoru's hand off with a bad tone and glared.

"My name is Gojo Satoru, and I am a professional teacher at the school. Although we are not familiar with each other now, we will get to know each other soon."

The white-haired man smiled, showing no sign of anger at the beating.


Tiantian laughed angrily and lit up a cigarette provocatively in front of this unknown teacher from pheasant school.


Junpei and the white-haired boy stared at her with an indescribable expression.

Haha, Wu dances[2]? This name was so funny.

"Mr. Wu, right? Or some Teacher Wu?"[3]

Tiantian puffed out smoke with ease and crossed her legs.


The three Japanese on the side showed strange and doubtful expressions.


· Genuine translation can be found only in OchatimesBlogspotCom, FanFictionNet, and Wattpad

[1] A big font; 大. People laying down in a "大" shape

[2] Gojo Satoru's name in Chinese pronounced as "五条悟, Wu Tiao Wu". Again, Tiantian hears and speak in Chinese, and the other hear and speak in Japanese, so even though Gojo and the other speak in Japanese, what Tiantian hear is in Chinese, and Tiantian misheard or misspelled Gojo's name as "吴跳舞", translates as "Wu dances". "吴, wu" a surname, "跳舞, tiao wu" to dances".

[3] It's common for Chinese to have 1 character as surname, like Tiantian's surname, it's 'Liu'. So Tiantian though "Wu, 吴" is Gojo's surname. Reason, see note [2]

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