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I: The Flowers Are Not Sleeping
Chapter 1: Yayoi
March's Yayoi and March's red hair.


At the end of winter the year before she turned twelve, Yayoi and her mother moved to Tokyo together. Starting from Tokyo, she took the Saikyo Line and took an hour's drive. Yayoi and her mother moved to the ancestral home of her maternal grandfather. It was said that her mother childhood was spent in her ancestral home.

Yayoi was born in March, which was spring in Japan. After the winter, starting from March, cherry blossoms would bloom from south to north, reached the northernmost part of Japan.

Yayoi had used the same name for two lifetimes.

In her previous life, Yayoi had never met her mother and did not know who her mother was. Everyone chose to keep silent about Yayoi's mother and even tabooed Yayoi's existence, so her name was given by her sister. In this life, her name was given by her mother. The two of them seemed to have made an appointment and used the same name.

Yayoi's mother liked "Yayoi" very much. She always had a warm smile on her face and called her name softly. Although, Yayoi thought for a long time that her careless mother gave her such a name for convenience.

Because March was also called Yayoi.

It was still winter when she moved to Saitama Prefecture, and there was still a thin layer of snowflakes on the ground, and fine rime hung on the bare branches.

After Yayoi and her mother got out of the car, dragged their heavy suitcases, the air-conditioning in the air penetrated into her mother's neck. After her mother's body shook, she couldn't help but sneeze.

Yayoi took off the scarf that was the same color as her hair and wrapped it around her mother's neck.

Her mother shrank her neck around the scarf. After looked at Yayoi's fair neck, she reached out to take off the scarf and wrap it around Yayoi's neck.

Yayoi tied the scarf for her one step ahead of her.

"Yayoi, mom can..." Her mother still wanted to put the scarf back around Yayoi's neck.

Yayoi stuck out her tongue and stretched out three fingers, "Three times."

Her mother quickly closed her mouth.

Yayoi looked up at her mother's small face. Her mother was petite and only half a head taller than the twelve-year-old Yayoi. Yayoi was very confident that she would be taller than her mother when she grew up.

Yayoi shook her finger, "Mom caught cold three times this winter."

Yayoi put away three fingers and pointed at herself with her index finger proudly, "I have never been sick."

This was true. Unlike her frail mother, Yayoi had almost never been sick since birth. The first time she went to the hospital was when her mother gave birth.

Her daughter's hair was a beautiful red, mom's favorite red. It looked like flowers blooming warmly in spring. Her cheeks had not yet showed, and her fair and round cheeks were still soft and warm, like a hand warmer. When she held Yayoi in the winter, she never felt cold.

Her mother couldn't help but hugged Yayoi and rubbed her soft cheek, then rubbed her bright red hair, and said with a smile, "Yayoi is really reliable! Mom loves Yayoi the most!"

Her mother had been weak since she was a child, and would even get sick if she stayed outdoors for too long in winter. Among the white snow, Yayoi's bright red hair was the most beautiful thing. After giving birth to Yayoi, her mother always believed that her daughter who could jump barefoot in the snow without getting sick was a treasure given to her by God.

After the mother and daughter had had enough of wandering around the station, they pulled their suitcases and followed the street, the address in their hands, and her mother's childhood memories to find their ancestral home.

It was said that before the Meiji era, her great-grandfather's family was a prominent family in this area, but it declined in a certain generation during the Showa era. The ancestral house had been preserved from a time further than the Meiji era to this day. Her mother's mother, that was, Yayoi's grandmother passed away very early. When her mother was a child, she was fostered in her great-grandfather's home. When she was in elementary school, her maternal grandfather, who worked in Tokyo, took her to Tokyo to attend elementary school.

The ancestral house was a traditional Japanese-style house. It had a long history. It was renovated at a large cost when her grandfather was still alive. There was a large courtyard in the ancestral house. There was a tall cherry tree planted in the courtyard with bare branches. It was covered with white snow, and there was a shabby swing underneath.

After opening the door, her mother kept looking at the shabby swing for a long time. It wasn't until Yayoi called her three times that she realized what was happening. Then she told Yayoi excitedly about the cherry blossom trees in the courtyard.

Yayoi's mother said that when it arrived at "Yayoi", a whole tree of cherry blossoms would bloom. Yayoi walked around it excitedly for a long time, and then reluctantly walked away to help after her mother started packing her luggage.

The ancestral house that had not been occupied for a long time had accumulated thick dust and cobwebs. The tatami on the ground has become moldy and had grown some kind of fungus. The weeds in the courtyard have grown wildly, and some of them were higher than Yayoi's height.

Yayoi threw away the moldy tatami, borrowed the shears used for garden flowers and plants from her neighbor, cut off the weeds in the yard, and wiped away the spider's web on the dusty floor and ceiling.

After cutting the weeds in the yard, Yayoi took a pair of scissors and stood under the bare cherry blossom tree for a while. The next day, she found new boards and ropes and hung up the swing again.

"Does Yayoi want to play on the swing?" her mother asked her.

Yayoi nodded.

Yayoi liked the feeling of soaring in the air when swinging on the swing. Unfortunately, she couldn't fly, so she could only swing on the swing once, otherwise she must experience the feeling of being a flying bird.

The sky seen from the bottom up was already so vast, clean and clear. What would the blue seen by birds that were closer to the sky than Yayoi look like?

Yayoi and her mother laid a tatami in a Japanese-style room near the courtyard. When the cherry blossoms bloom in March, they could open the door and see the cherry blossoms falling down. They could make a pot of tea with spring cherry cakes and sit on the changed tatami, enjoyed the falling cherry blossoms.

Yayoi's mother was very good at making desserts, and Yayoi would never get tired of the snacks she made.

"After Yayoi makes new friends at school, she can take them to visit our home." Her mother was looking forward to it. "Mom will make snacks and tea at home, and wait for Yayoi to bring her friends home."

Yayoi was in a dilemma because she had never been good at making friends since she was a child. Moreover, her bright red hair was often laughed at, and there were always some naughty boys who liked to point at her hair and yell "look, there's a tomato", and liked to pull her hair.

Her scalp always hurt when her hair was pulled up. So Yayoi obeyed her sister's teachings honestly — if anyone dare to pull Yayoi's precious hair, use fists to make them repent.

Because this Yayoi often fought with others, fortunately, no one could beat Yayoi so far, not even the seniors, so Yayoi had become a problem child known throughout the school since the first day of school.

When she was in elementary school, the new homeroom teacher saw her hair and called her parents. He taught her mother earnestly that she should not allow her children to dye their hair at a young age.

Her mother truthfully explained that Yayoi's hair was not dyed, but natural.

After the homeroom teacher looked at the black hair of his mother and father suspiciously, he then looked at Yayoi's red hair. His eyes kept circling back and forth between Yayoi's parents and Yayoi. It wasn't until his father coughed on purpose that he stopped looking at her.

Her father's face became ugly, and Yayoi hated this new class teacher from then on.

Yayoi didn't like her red hair anymore. It's a burden. It would be nice if it was black like her father and mother's hair.

Yayoi didn't look like her father, nor did she look like her mother. Her father was an ordinary white-collar worker, and his physical fitness was not as conspicuous among ordinary people as Yayoi. The twelve-year-old Yayoi had repeatedly broken her existing records in sports, widely watched by the coaches of the track and field department.

Yayoi looked nothing like her parents.

Maybe without her red hair, maybe mom and Yayoi wouldn't have moved to Saitama Prefecture.

Her mother touched Yayoi's bright red hair. From Yayoi's birth to now, she had never disliked Yayoi's hair. The bright red hair was as cute as the healthy Yayoi.

Yayoi stood on tiptoe and circled, "I'll do my best."

Her mother curved her gentle eyebrows and said, "You don't need many friends, as long as Yayoi won't be lonely."

She who had friends would never be lonely.

Her sister and mother told her so.

Yayoi tugged on her red hair, puffed her cheeks and looked at her mother, thought for a while and told her, "I'll dye my hair black."

Even though she no longer went to school in Tokyo where she had acquaintances, Yayoi still felt that she couldn't make friends with her red hair.

Her mother held Yayoi in her arms and rubbed her chin against Yayoi's red hair. Yayoi did not struggle and allowed her mother to hold her. She also liked her mother's hug.

"But mom likes Yayoi's red hair." Mom said softly, "Yayoi will also meet someone who likes Yayoi's red hair."

Yayoi felt that no one could like her red hair except her mother and sister.

Since her mother liked her hair, Yayoi also gave up the idea of dyeing her hair. The day after settled down in the ancestral home, Yayoi cut her waist-length red hair short. After washed it, her red hair was half-length but not short. It stuck firmly to the scalp. When her mother wiped Yayoi's hair, she always nagged her for a long time.

Yayoi raised her hands honestly and told her mother, "I will never cut it next time."

Mother poked Yayoi's hair, her beautiful almond eyes widened, "Do you still dare next time?"

Yayoi: "..."

Yayoi felt that her red hair was her mother's biological daughter, and she just happened to have it by the way.

During the winter, her mother and Yayoi lived in Saitama Prefecture. After spent the winter in the ancestral house left by her grandfather, they ushered in the New Year. Mrs. Tanaka, a neighbor, and her mother became very good friends. The number of visits between the two families increased, they often give each other desserts made by themselves.

Mrs. Tanaka's family opened a popular dessert shop in the street. Mrs. Tanaka was also good at making sweets. However, after eating her mother's sakura cake one day, Mrs. Tanaka couldn't help but think about her mother's sweets, so she often came to Yayoi's house to be a guest and drink tea.

Yayoi didn't know if Mrs. Tanaka would hate her red hair. In fact, it's okay to hate her red hair, as long as she didn't say it.

In the new year, Yayoi's mother hung a kadomatsu at the door of her house. She looked at the green kadomatsu and then at Yayoi's red hair, and curved her gentle eyebrows.

Yayoi couldn't help but touch her hair, then looked at the green kadomatsu, and said stupidly, "My hair is red."

Her mother laughed so hard that her stomach hurt. She squatted on the ground holding her stomach and almost cried out of laughter.

After winter, spring came, and "Yayoi" arrived as promised when the cherry blossoms bloom in the courtyard. The pink flowers were clustered one by one, swirling and dropping their petals from time to time. Suddenly, the entire courtyard was like a flower dreamland.

Yayoi happily jumped around the cherry blossom tree, circled the tree and stood on tiptoes to reach the small cherry blossoms on the branches. Her bright red hair was still eye-catching among the beautiful cherry blossoms.

Standing at the door, her mother covered her mouth and smiled reservedly. Until Yayoi hugged the trunk of the tree and after her mother screamed, she climbed up the tree and sat on the branch with a bright smile.

Then Yayoi was severely punished by her mother.

After the New Year, Yayoi enrolled in a middle school in Saitama Prefecture and officially became a junior high school student. As expected, her bright red hair immediately attracted everyone's attention on the first day of school.

A slightly tired Yayoi followed the teacher's request and wrote "Yayoi Amamiya", which was her name, on the blackboard, and said nothing more after that.

As for the bright red hair, before going to school, Yayoi explained to the teacher in advance in order not to repeat the incident where the homeroom teacher called the parents. It was not dyed, but natural.

Junior high school students often have adolescent brats with excess energy.

In the first week of Yayoi's schooling, a tragedy occurred in the school. The senior delinquents got together and got into a fight. The fight ended extremely tragically. Yayoi Amamiya was beating, and the senior delinquents were beaten collectively.

The school security guards were called over by the students who reported the fight. It was said that a group of senior delinquents were making trouble for a little red-haired girl. But when they rushed over, they saw a little girl with red hair sat on the pile of 'cadavers', supported her chin with one hand on her knees, her amber eyes looked down at the people stacked up at her feet, her bright red hair lay obediently on her head.

No matter how you look at her, she was a good girl.

Security guard A: "..."

Security guard B: "..."

It was no longer clear who was the victim.

Were all red-haired girls today so cruel?

The afterglow of dusk was deep, the setting sun gradually set in the west, and the little girl's hair was dyed with a layer of rosy color by the color of the afterglow.

Yayoi raised her head and saw the setting sun. She looked down at the watch on her wrist and then raised her head again.

The little girl looked solemnly at the group of helpless howled seniors, picked up her backpack, patted the dust on it and threw it onto her back.

"I don't want to fight."

Security guards: "..."

Delinquent boys: "..."

Only a ghost could believe it!

Yayoi read the information carried by the facial expressions of both parties, "There is a saying called 'well water does not offend the river'. Maybe you don't understand it, so I will explain it in simpler terms."

Yayoi's eyes darkened. A group of people were lying down, but Yayoi was standing. Although the little girl was not tall enough, it was still enough to look down at the bad boys on the ground.

"Don't cause trouble for me, and I won't cause trouble for you, otherwise I will send the seniors to the hospital next time." Yayoi thought for a moment, tried her best to put on a fierce expression, and stretched out a finger, "Once and for all."

Security guards: "..."

Delinquent boys: "..."

It's no longer clear who was the bad guy.

The teachers couldn't control the bad boys in this area, and even the students who mixed up with the bad boys couldn't be controlled by the teachers. Most of the teachers know what the delinquents and problem children were, but Yayoi who got into a fight was completely unexpected by the teachers.

In the first week of school, Yayoi was neither late nor left early. She did her homework well and did her duties well. Except for her red hair, you would think she was a good girl. Yayoi's homeroom teacher never thought that the well-behaved Yayoi would get into fights. Wiped out a dozen of the bad guys in this area.

So Yayoi's parent was inevitably called.

Yayoi became famous one evening. From that day on, the evil name of "Bloody Dusk" spread among the delinquents and problem children in this area. The hair that flew as red as blood at dusk made the delinquents hammered to death with her fist. It was said that one punch could knock out the internal organs of a person. The delinquent boy was beaten until he cried for his father and mother.

Yayoi fell into confusion and doubt for a long time after accidentally heard this nickname that was full of the atmosphere of a chuunibyou. She happened to be on duty that day, and her classmate Misako Aihara, who was on duty with her, covered her stomach and almost laughed out loud.

"I said I didn't mean it, Misako, do you believe it?" Yayoi said blankly while held a broom.

Misako Aihara, a female junior high school student with an out-of-the-box personality and thinking, laughed out loud on the spot.

When Misako regained consciousness, she put one hand on the table and looked at the legendary ghost's "Bloody Dusk" up and down. She was not very tall. She looked at her face again. She had fair skin and beautiful amber eyes. Her beauty already had the charm of a beauty. Misako could guarantee that in a few years, Yayoi with her long facial features would become a real beauty.

Thinking about it this way, it’s not surprising that the guy with a pompadour style haircut would come to the little girl in a "menacing" manner during the first week of school.

Misako rubbed her chin, as if she knew something, and said with a smile, "Hey, tell me about the 'Bloody Dusk'?"

Yayoi recalled that after school that day, Yayoi was ready to go home. A dyed yellow hair and pompadour hairstyle, and a few guys aggressively told her that they had something to say to her. Their tone was so loud that Yayoi, who had been picked on countless times since childhood, subconsciously thought that he was just looking for trouble.

After sighing, Yayoi picked up her schoolbag and said, "Hurry up, I'm going home in a hurry." Mom was the only one at home, so she always felt uneasy.

So the tragedy happened like this. The eldest brother was beaten, and the younger brother ran to call for help. The more he screamed, the more Yayoi beat him. One by one, a group of beaten people, until everyone doubted their life.

After Yayoi explained, Misako laughed even louder.

Misako wiped the tears from her eyes, "Yayoi really doesn't understand the little boy's thoughts at all."

Yayoi puffed up her cheeks, who said she didn't understand.

In a team of three, if there was a girl, then the person having an affair was not the girl and one of the boys, but the two boys!

"Hey." Misako pinched Yayoi's cheek, looked like a gangster teased a decent woman, and told her with a smile in her eyes, "Yayoi is going to grow up a little bit!"

Yayoi, who was holding a broom, was still confused.

After finished their duties, Yayoi and Misako walked for a while together. After parted at the fork in the road, they had to walk the rest of the way alone.

Misako was a strange girl, and she was also an out-and-out problem child in the eyes of the teachers. Yayoi thought that the teacher's opinion was right. After all, she was the first to see Yayoi, then she circled around her several times, and finally her eyes looked at Yayoi's hair and said, "It's so cool."

Yayoi unconsciously touched the ends of her hair, which seemed to have grown a little longer.

Cut it off?

Then Yayoi remembered the promise she made to her mother and decided not to cut it.

Unknowingly, she had reached home, and a pink cloud appeared in her sight. Yayoi knew that it was not a cloud, but her cherry blossom tree, which she liked, bloom in "Yayoi".

"Satoru, what are you doing?"

Yayoi paused, and two black figures appeared in her sight. One of them had conspicuous white hair. Both were wearing black uniforms. The one with white hair kept holding on to the wall of Yayoi's house.

It looked like he was planning to climb over the wall of her house.

The white-haired boy looked back at his companion and said, "Climb over the wall."

"This is a private intrusion." His companion covered his face and sighed. Yayoi noticed that this guy had weird bangs. "Would it cause trouble to the owner?"

The white haired boy with sunglasses pushed up the small sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and said sternly, "We broke into a private house with good reason!"

Weird bangs: "..."

Yayoi: "..."

Two strangers who didn't know each other had the same complaint in their minds at this moment — wasn't this still breaking into a private house?!

Yayoi silently took out her mobile phone and punched in a series of phone numbers. At the same time, her eyes stayed on the white haired boy in sunglasses and the boy with a weird bangs.

The two teenagers who felt Yayoi's gaze turned back at the same time, one of them still holding on to the wall of her house.

The weird bangs hesitated for a moment: "...hi?"

Yayoi held the phone, thought for a while, and said seriously: "Hi."

Weird bangs: "..."

White hair with sunglasses: "..."

Yayoi: "..."

The white haired boy with sunglasses put down his hands on the wall, turned around to face Yayoi, pushed up the small sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, "Is this your home?"

Yayoi nodded, "My home."

"It's easy to handle." The white hair's attitude was quite unflattering. He didn't feel guilty at all like he tried to break into a private house and was caught on the spot by the owner of the house. He was so unflattering that the accomplice next to him had already covered his face and told Yayoi silently, 'I didn't know this white hair'.

"You may not believe it, but it's true. There is a curse in your family." The white hair looked down at Yayoi with his height, his hands in his pockets, a small smile on his face, and the small sunglasses on the bridge of his nose slid down. He looked up a little, revealed a pair of beautiful eyes with long eyelashes, "A terrible curse!"

Yayoi tilted her head in confusion, not knowing what was going on.

Weird bangs: "..."
I didn't know this childish guy who was scaring a female junior high school student.

"Moshi moshi, this is the Saitama Prefectural Police Station..." The phone in Yayoi's hand rang.

Weird bangs: "..."

Yayoi raised her head and stared blankly for a while, then told the two people seriously, "I believe, you two idiots should go to the police station."

I believe you, no matter how beautiful your eyes were, you couldn't hide the strong smell of adultery in the air. You two dog men should get into the police station together.

#all lovers and dogs should get out of here#


· Genuine translation can be found only in OchatimesBlogspotCom, FanFictionNet, and Wattpad

• Omake •

#The police department welcomes you#

#A red-haired girl who fools people seriously#

Gojo: I am the best in the world.

Geto: Take this embarrassing thing away. I don't know him.

Yaga: What did you two do while I was away? [heart tired.jpg]

Ieiri: I am the only one in the first grade who is human, the other two are dogs.

Ps: Yayoi went to the same middle school as Megumi-chan.

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