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I: The Flowers Are Not Sleeping
Chapter 8: Daylight Lamps
Come on, come on and make some fun!


The sky was hazy blue, like gems covered with dust.

The old telephone poles that were propped up under the sky stood upright on the side of the street. There were a few sparse figures scattered on the sidewalks on both sides of the street. The rays of the morning sun did not shine on this street, made it appear quiet and lonely.

The weather was still not warm. When Shoko Ieiri walked out of the 24-hour convenience store carried a plastic bag, the cold air hit her face. The short-haired girl couldn't help shivering, and her neck couldn't help but shrank into her scarf.

Shoko took out the cigarette case from her pocket. After lighting the cigarette, the white smoke slowly rose upwards. The smell of cigarette rolled in her lungs for a few times. After a long time, Shoko closed her eyes and blew out a puff of smoke.

The girl with short hair stood next to the old telephone pole on the street. She put the cigarette into her mouth with extremely skillful movements and took out her mobile phone from her pocket with one hand.

After sliding the phone cover open with her fingers and pressing it a few times, the call was connected within a few seconds. Shoko held a cigarette in her mouth and said, "Hey, Geto?"

"Shoko." Suguru's slightly tired voice came from the phone, "Have you bought the things?"

Shoko said 'hmm' and couldn't help but raised her eyebrows, "Why does that guy Gojo have so many problems?"

"Who knows?" Suguru was obviously helpless, "The mission has been completed. But if it affects ordinary people, well, it's very troublesome to explain. Let's talk slowly after meeting."

Then there was a clanging sound on the phone.

"Geto?" Shoko said subconsciously.

Suguru on the phone was silent for a moment. When he spoke again, his voice was obviously tired, "It's okay, come here quickly."

Help, he couldn't hold on anymore.

"No, you little redhead, you attacked me!" Before the call was hung up, Satoru's angry and confident roar came.

Shoko: Huh???

When she woke up vaguely, the sky was still pitch black, there were no stars in the sky, only the moon hung alone in the sky.

Yayoi woke up in the room facing the courtyard of her home. The cherry blossoms in the courtyard fell quietly, and the soft petals were dotted with silver moonlight.

The moon was still in the sky, and the sky was still black and not bright.

Yayoi didn't like black. Black was too dark. It's so dark that no light could illuminate it. Any light that shone on it could only be swallowed up without a trace. The room where Yayoi was locked up a long time ago was full of black runes. The crooked runes were written on the ground, drawn on paper, and plastered all over the walls. Black curtains were hung in front of the windows.

The wind swept over Yayoi's neck with a rustling coldness. After her neck shrank into the blanket, she wanted to continue sleeping, but the glass wind chime hung under the eaves was blown around by the wind. However, the crisp echo was like a pebble fell into windless water.


Yayoi lifted the blanket and jumped up from the tatami, but was caught off guard and stumbled over the blanket, and her forehead hit the low table with a thud.

The little redhead grinned in pain, covered her head and got up from the ground.

Yayoi covered her head and opened the door. There was a thumping sound from the kitchen not far away. This mansion was old, and currently only Yayoi and her mother lived there. It's still dark before dawn, and the noise in the kitchen seems particularly loud.

Yayoi released the hand covering her forehead and walked all the way to the kitchen. When she opened the door, she saw the white-haired boy who was looking through her refrigerator. The boy had already stuffed his whole head into the refrigerator. When he realized that someone had come in, he pulled his furry head out of the refrigerator, and when he looked back at Yayoi's confused gaze, he still had a piece of cherry blossom cake in his mouth.

Yayoi: "..."

Satoru: "...hmm?"

Satoru groaned and swallowed the whole cherry blossom cake in his mouth. While chewing the cherry blossom cake, he said vaguely, "Awake?"

Yayoi felt that she must not have woken up, so she decisively closed the kitchen door. She didn't want to see this guy who confidently went into someone else's refrigerator right now.

The weather was unsatisfactory, and Yayoi opened the door again. Satoru simply took out the whole plate of cherry blossom cakes from the refrigerator, leaned on the refrigerator openly and started to destroy the second piece of cherry blossom cakes.

Yayoi said slowly, "Why are you at my house?" also ate the snacks made by her mother openly.

Satoru was holding the cherry blossom cake, puffing up his cheeks and pouting like a cat eating. The white cat said confidently, "Of course I'm relaxing after work."

He also added, "This cherry blossom cake is very delicious, which one is it from?"

He must go there often to take care of the business.

Yayoi paused and told him, "You can't buy it in stores outside."

Why did he come to her house to relax after work?

"What?" The tall boy raised his chin with an expression on his face that said 'I have plenty of money'. He held the cherry blossom cake in one hand and waved his free hand, "There is nothing I can't afford. Say it quickly."

"My mom made it." Yayoi said, "Of course you can't buy it outside."

Satoru was silent. After some brainstorming, his eyes changed when he looked at Yayoi again. Yayoi felt that the meaning in his eyes when he looked at her changed from 'hateful little redhead' to 'wow, what a free meal ticket'.

The tall boy looked at the little red-haired girl with bright eyes. Yayoi found that his eyes were very beautiful, like the sky on the top of a mountain that had been washed clean by snow, a blue that was not stained by haze.

"Aka~gami~chan~*" The syllables of the tongue were deliberately lengthened and bent several times. Satoru blinked his beautiful eyes like a big cat blinking.

Yayoi smelled a conspiracy and decisively chose to run away. She turned around and was about to run away, but was caught by the big devil behind her before she even crossed the threshold.

The unperturbed Satoru Gojo grabbed Yayoi's collar from the ground and carried her back. "Don't you want to thank me for saving you and your mother?"

It seemed that Yayoi was unable to break free from Satoru's claws due to the use of cursed technique. She could only watch as Satoru picked her back up like a kitten by the scruff of her neck.

Satoru was very tall. Just standing, Yayoi couldn't even reach his shoulders. When he carried Yayoi over, not surprisingly, Yayoi was lifted in the air by Satoru with her feet dangling in the air.

Yayoi's expression went blank as she was lifted in the air.

Seemingly satisfied with the little redhead's expression, Satoru placed the ceramic plate containing the cherry blossom cake on the top of the refrigerator, bent down slightly, and looked down at Yayoi. The sunglasses on the bridge of his nose slid down. The white eyelashes under the sunglasses were long and soft, and the eyes were slightly narrowed, like a big cat that wanted to play tricks.

Yayoi's intuition was naturally accurate. She felt that it was not a good time to go out today, and that she would most likely be unlucky if she went out. Now her intuition told her that Satoru was going to do something bad, so she could take the medicine herself.

So the little redhead struggled harder.

"Let me go first." Yayoi's amber eyes met Satoru's eyes.

"Let you go, and then you run away?" Satoru pushed up the small sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, looked as fierce as a debt collector.

Yayoi's face was full of shock and she thought to herself, how did you know that? Everything in her heart was written on her expression.

Satoru suddenly felt elated, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. After rubbing his chin, he decided the fate of the little redhead, "It's decided, you will be my meal ticket from now on, now I want to eat daifuku, the edamame cream flavor. Meal ticket, hurry up and prepare."

The boy with "I am the only one in the world" written all over his face made Yayoi feel like she was the little eunuch serving the emperor, and now the emperor said "I'm going to have a meal, come and serve me." Logically speaking, the eunuch should make arrangements non-stop. The problem was that Yayoi was not a little eunuch, but a red-haired girl who sent two troublesome children who were famous in the Jujutsu High to the police station at the first meeting.

So she refused decisively, "No."

"Huh?" A cross appeared on Satoru's forehead.

Yayoi looked at the gradually turning blue sky outside the window and rolled her eyes, "It's not bright yet, and the edamame cream flavored daifuku hasn't gotten up yet."

It's still early, where could she go to give you the edamame cream flavored daifuku?

"So think about it in your dream." Satoru heard the little redhead in his hand say seriously, "The daifuku in the dream also tastes very good."

Satoru was about to start a fight with Yayoi, but her voice suddenly sounded in his ears, "Mom... is she cursed?"

Satoru paused. Before he put down Yayoi in his hand, the red hair hanging down from Yayoi he was holding in the air covered most of her face. Satoru only saw the soft lips and white chin of the little redhead.

"Yes." Satoru didn't hide anything, "What? Your intuition is quite accurate."

"What are you and Geto looking for when you go to my grandfather's graveyard?" Yayoi asked.

The mountain forest where the cursed spirit appeared previously contained the tombs of the Kawabata family's ancestors. Last winter, after Yayoi and her mother moved here from Tokyo, her mother took Yayoi to pay homage to her grandfather. Her mom's father was also buried in this land.

The moment Yayoi entered the mountain, she felt that this seemingly peaceful mountain contained something with strong and thick negative emotions.

Yayoi didn't like this feeling, but this was the resting place of mom's father and grandfather.

In various legends, mountains had spirits. In fact, this was indeed the case. Perhaps it was because of the spirits in the mountain and the curse hidden in the mountain that had remained silent for decades, or perhaps the time for the curse to be activated had not yet come, so the cursed spirit that carried the curse had not moved for the time being.

"The Kawabata family collected something." Satoru said, "That thing was hidden in the Kawabata family's cemetery. Places like the cemetery are always a frequent place for curses."

"In the past few decades, the curse has become stronger day by day." Satoru threw a piece of cherry blossom cake into his mouth, his cheeks bulged as he chewed and explained, "The old curse was twisted by the new curse, growing stronger day by day. After swallowing the cursed object collected by the Kawabata family, the power of the curse increased exponentially, and even the semi-closed and incomplete domain was created."

"Well, it won't trouble me." Satoru smiled arrogantly, "There's nothing that 'Blue' can't solve. If there is, then come two."

Satoru reached for the plate again, but this time he found it empty. When he looked back, he saw that the plate was empty. He had eaten all the cherry blossom cakes on the plate.

Satoru looked at Yayoi, and then at the empty plate. He dropped the plate, suddenly squinted his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking, and then put Yayoi down. With her feet on the ground, Yayoi was about to run away, but she was caught again.

Satoru held up her collar to prevent her from running away. He thrust the empty plate into her hand with one hand, changed his face to a serious expression, and asked in a serious tone, "You know how to make cherry blossom cakes?"

Yayoi nodded while holding the plate.

"Okay, how does it taste?" Satoru asked again, the seriousness in his tone unchanged.

Yayoi thought for a while and answered honestly, "It's okay, it's almost the same as what mom did."

"Okay." Satoru put his hands on Yayoi's shoulders, turned her around, and faced the kitchen, "Now you make a plate of cherry blossom cake."

Yayoi: "..."

Satoru: "A professional will come to check your mother's body later, you know that, right? The damage caused by curses is beyond the reach of a non-professional."

Yayoi thought thoughtfully.

"That professional especially likes to eat cherry blossom cakes." Satoru said seriously.

Yayoi raised her head and looked at Satoru suspiciously, "Really? "

"Really." Satoru's expression remained unchanged as he pushed her shoulder and walked in, "Go, go, make more. The taste should be the same as the dish I just ate, and add a little more sugar."

Yayoi was dubiously fooled into it by Satoru. After putting the plate on the sink, in the blink of an eye, Yayoi's IQ, which rarely went online, came online in an instant.

She slowly turned around and opened the refrigerator, she found that all the desserts in the refrigerator had been plundered.

Yayoi closed the refrigerator expressionlessly and turned to look at Satoru, her amber eyes were astonishingly bright, "Is that professional who likes to eat cherry blossom cakes super strong?"

Satoru crossed his arms and leaned against the refrigerator and nodded, his face not red and out of breath, "Also extremely handsome."

"He has white hair, doesn't he?" Yayoi said suspiciously, "Wearing small sunglasses?" "

Satoru nodded. He lowered his head and saw the little redhead who turned around with a serious expression on her face that said 'I knew you, a dog man, were playing tricks on me'.

"You are so shameless." Yayoi raised her head and blinked her eyes with a harmless expression.

Satoru: "..."

So they started fighting.

Suguru put down his mobile phone and heard the sound of banging in the kitchen. When he opened the door, he saw Yayoi jumping on the stove to make up for the height gap, picked up the pot lid and slammed it on Satoru's head. Satoru, whose head was held by the pot lid, grabbed Yayoi by her collar and pulled her off the stove.

Yayoi who was pulled off the stove by Satoru quickly grabbed his wrist, stepped on the edge and took off. Flipped her body in the air. Her movements were flexible and smooth, so clean that Suguru, who liked fighting skills, couldn't help but applaud.

The moment her feet hit the ground, she jumped up and avoided Satoru's sweeping leg that was close to the ground.

The white cat took away the pot lid that the little redhead had pinned on his head. The flames in his blue eyes were burning brightly. The moment they met the amber eyes of the little redhead, both of them were filled with excitement. It was a pride that could not be compromised.

—Whoever admitted defeat first was the dog!!!

—Come on, come and act!!!

And then... then they started fighting again.

Suguru: "..."
It's not over for you two, right?

Suguru couldn't bear it and kicked the two people out. After saying, "Fight outside, don't disturb the people inside to rest," he closed the door coldly.

The cold wind was so bleak that Yayoi suddenly remembered that she was the owner of this house... right?

Satoru: Tsk.

When Shoko followed the address given by Suguru, she saw the white-haired boy and the red-haired girl standing at the door. The looks of disgrace on both sides were hilarious.

Shoko lit a cigarette for herself, stretched out her hand and said hello, "Yo, Gojo."

Satoru: "..."

"The weather is nice." Shoko looked Satoru up and down and smiled meaningfully.

Satoru: "..."

Not bad. Was it a good day with your blind eyes?


· Genuine translation can be found only in OchatimesBlogspotCom, FanFictionNet, and Wattpad

*Akagami: Red hair/redhead

• Omake •

Yayoi: Don't try to fool me, I'm very smart.

Satoru: Who believes it?

Shoko: I don't like sweet things. [lit cigarettes.jpg]

Shoko: Wow, Gojo actually has his moments of weakness. The redhead does a great job. [favorability up]

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