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I: The Flowers Are Not Sleeping
Chapter 19: Flower to the Moon
Starting from three years, the maximum penalty is death penalty.


Yayoi's head retracted into the bed and arched. The person who huddled under the blanket yawned, her eyelids were heavy, and her amber eyes were half-opened. She was obviously very sleepy.

The red eyelashes were raised, and the amber pupils met the pale blue ones.

Yayoi spread the quilt a little further on Satoru's body, and the quilt just covered Satoru's body.


Oh, the quilt was too short, and his feet were exposed.

Yayoi thought there's nothing wrong with it.

The red-haired girl lying on the pillow looked as sweet as a house cat when she was sleeping. She was breathing evenly and her eyelashes were moving from time to time. His Six Eyes were so good that Satoru could even count Yayoi's eyelashes. There was also a faint sweet smell of orange soda.

Satoru thought there was a problem, and it was a big problem, but he was baffled.

"Good night."

The little red hair shrank back into the futon again, like a cat that found its nest, and fell into a deep sleep, leaving someone alone to brainstorm with a confused expression.

Except for being harassed by Satoru before going to bed, Suguru had a very comfortable sleep.

The first ray of morning sun fell into the mountains, and the chirping of birds waking up from their sleep echoed in the mountains.

Suguru got up refreshed, washed himself refreshed, and opened the door of the room refreshed.

Suguru didn't see Satoru for a long time.

Suguru was a little confused. With the white-haired boy's childish and terrible character, he would not give up if he didn't pull him up and stay up all night together last night. But the reality was that Satoru really didn't bother him again in the second half of the night.

It really didn't fit with Satoru's childish personality.


Suguru thought as he walked, and decided to go find Satoru. He made up his mind that if the white cat was still angry, he should treat him to dessert at noon today to apologize. If one cake was not enough, then two.

*knock* *knock* *knock*


Suguru raised his fingers and knocked on Satoru's room door.

No respond.


Suguru reached out and knocked a few more times, but there was still no response.

Where did he go?

Suguru scratched his face, wondering if he had run away?

So Suguru decisively summoned the cursed spirit used to detect the power of Satoru's cursed energy. The summoned cursed spirit was very small and just happened to lie on Suguru's shoulder.

Suguru tapped the little head of the cursed spirit with his finger, "Remember Satoru's cursed energy, right?"

The cursed spirit nodded.

"Go find him." Suguru said.

The cursed spirit jumped off Suguru's shoulders, followed Satoru's curse energy. It sniffed all the way along the corridor, jumped all the way, and finally stopped in front of the door of a room.

Suguru raised his hand and was about to knock on the door, but when he looked up and saw the room number, he felt that the room number looked familiar.

Wait a minute...

Wasn't this the room number of Yayoi's room?

Suguru's eyes widened and he turned to look at his little cursed spirit with questions on his face.

-Were you sure you got it right?

The little cursed spirit nodded.

-You sure?

Suguru pricked up his ears, and the room was surprisingly quiet. Thinking back to the alarm clock that was thrown out and smashed badly that day, Suguru felt that it shouldn't be. If Satoru came to harass Yayoi early in the morning, he bet the redhead would hit Satoru on the spot in anger. Throwing him out of the window, but of course, Satoru would never let the redhead throw him out. Because the result was that the two of them started fighting in the room.

There was no sound of banging, no sound of fists and feet.

It was too quiet.

Had Satoru finally become a human being?

Suguru thought, and looked at the little cursed spirit at his feet for confirmation.

The little cursed spirit nodded again, indicating that Satoru was here.

Suguru: "..."

Suguru took a deep breath, and finally knocked down the hand that was frozen in mid-air.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Let me sleep for five more minutes."

There was an extremely familiar voice in the room, just like when he was in the school.

Satoru always stayed in bed, so Suguru had no choice but to knock on his door. After knocking too many times, it became a habit for two people to knock each other's door, and it became a habit for one person to dawdle. Many times, when Suguru knocked Satoru's door first, he would reflexively say, 'let me sleep for another five minutes', 'let me sleep for another half hour', and many more. Then Suguru would directly kick the door open and pull the person out of bed, then the two of them just lingered together.

One of them would said, 'wake up, you're going to be late', and the other said, 'then let's be late, let Yaga wait for me a little longer', then Suguru, who was unable to protect himself, would fight with Satoru, who was angry when he got out of bed.

In the end, the two of them were late together, and the last two of them were punished by Yaga's fist together.

Suguru wanted to kick the door open, but this room belonged to Yayoi and the door belonged to Yayoi, so it stood to reason.

-Then the question was, why was Satoru in the redhead's room?

-Why was it that you were still so reluctant to get up?

Suguru looked confused.

Satoru, what were you doing, Satoru?!

"Ouh! You redhead, why are you kicking me?" Satoru's angry voice came from inside.

Suguru: "..."

"You take my quilt." Yayoi's voice was as steady as an old dog's.

"Didn't you ask me to sleep with you?"


Suguru: ???

Suguru: !!!

What the hell were you two doing?!

Suguru, who suspected that his best friend was committing a crime, couldn't sit still.

As soon as Suguru kicked the door open, Suguru who kicked the door saw Satoru holding Yayoi's face and refusing to let go. The two of them were sitting on the futon that had been lifted, and Yayoi's face was red from being pinched. The ends of her anxious eyes were a little flushed, and still tinged with tears.

Satoru was wearing a hotel yukata. This person didn't have much peace of mind when sleeping. After a night, most of his clothes were lifted, revealing most of his muscular chest. Yayoi was still wearing the long-sleeved pajamas with little rabbits on them that she brought from home. The collar of the pajamas slipped down, revealing a large piece of fair skin at the nape of her neck. It seemed that she had just woken up and her mind was still a little unclear. She let Satoru pinch her face, and it hurt.

One of them looked like a ferocious wolf with white hair and a big tail, and the other looked like a pitiful and helpless little rabbit. They were in the same futon. It was difficult not to think too much.

Suguru: "..."

Yayoi slapped Satoru's hand away, turned around and saw Suguru weathered into plaster by the door frame.

"Geto-san," Yayoi rubbed her face that was pinched by Satoru, "good morning."

Suguru's eyes twitched in reaction.

Satoru yawned, stood up from the bed, and stretched his waist. His clothes were still not properly put on, and he put a big hand on the half-opened yukata.

The casual attitude made Suguru feel a little angry for no reason.

"Morning, Suguru." Satoru yawned.

Morning my ass!

Suguru ignored him, turned to look at Yayoi, narrowed his eyes, and tried his best to show a gentle smile.

"Yayoi-chan, how old are you?" Suguru asked.

Yayoi tilted her head, wondering why Suguru asked this, but she answered honestly, "Twelve years old."

At the end, she told Suguru, "I was born in spring."

Suguru: "..."

Yes, twelve years old, still a minor, a young girl.

Suguru thought to himself, 'I really didn't expect that my friend was actually a lolicon'.

Very good, three years to start, maximum death penalty, Satoru, you're done.

Next to him, Satoru yawned again. He was not wearing his little sunglasses, and his blue eyes were exposed to the air, like an infinitely extending dome.

After being kicked out of bed by Yayoi in the morning, he groped the tatami next to him, but he didn't touch anything. He probably left his sunglasses in his room.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes, he unexpectedly slept very well last night. The Six Eyes were born to absorb the information flow around his. The information flow received every minute and every second was not too much. But his brain was often forced to be overloaded to process large amounts of information, which also meant that Satoru's sleep quality would not be very good.

But he unexpectedly slept a few more hours last night.


Satoru supported his waist, but it was Yayoi's kick that really hurt him.

Little did he know that this move made Suguru split open. After being messed up in the wind for a moment, the upright Cursed Spirit Manipulation user directly threw several cursed spirits at him and punched him with his own fist.

"Satoru, Yayoi-chan is not yet an adult!" Suguru veins popped on his forehead.

You at least wait until she graduated from high school, you beast!

Suguru was filled with grief. He didn't know whether he should regret that his best friend committed a crime in his prime years and went on a road of no return, or that such an easy-to-deceive little red-haired girl was harmed by Satoru, a scumbag, at a young age.

"What the hell?!" Satoru looked confused.

"???" Yayoi's face was full of questions.

It was so early in the morning that Yayoi half-opened her eyes, looking at the two high school boys playing outside the window, and thought to herself that adults were so childish.

The two of them fought like crazy, and they fought all the way to some corner. When they came back, both of them were dirty, with a lot of mud and leaves on them. There was also a big footprint on Satoru's yukata. Just look at the size of the footprint, and you didn't have to think twice to know who they belong to. There was a bump on Suguru's head. Judging from the size of the bump, he couldn't be just doing it for fun, right?

Yayoi looked at the two childish guys with dull eyes.

The two of them went to take a shower and change clothes. After listening to the two little b*stards explaining what happened last night, Suguru's head got big.

Satoru sat at the table with his arms folded, banging the table angrily, looking at Yayoi and glaring at Suguru opposite him, "How could I like this flat-chested dwarf melon! Suguru, is the recent temperature too high, have you made yourself stupid?"

Yayoi puffed up her cheeks, "I'm not a flat-chested dwarf melon. I'm still young. I will grow taller."

After recalling the adult appearance of "the vessel" 'Yayoi', the redhead strengthened her belief that she would grow taller. Well, her height would grow and her breasts would grow, so she was not a flat-chested dwarf melon.

This was not the point!

The blue veins on Suguru's forehead popped out, and he looked like a hard-working parent worrying about a careless kid. The black-haired boy told Satoru with a smile, "Even if Yayoi-chan is still young, don't just go to other people room casually."

You unconscious white hair!

It was impossible for Satoru to behave properly and listen to the instructions. The other person bent one leg and stretched the other leg under the table. He raised his hand with his little finger raised to pick his ear.

"I know, I know." Satoru responded with a grunt, "Suguru looks like an old woman."

Yayoi thought it made sense.

Suguru: "..."

Who am I doing this because of? Who? You two b*stards!

The wandering Yayoi suddenly thought that if the age of Yayoi as the "vessel" and Yayoi Amamiya were added together...

She counted on her fingers.

Phew, it would take three Satoru's ages combined to surpass that.

"I suddenly remembered something." Yayoi said, "I should be older than Gojo."

Suguru paused and said, "It can also be said that."

Although you two are evenly matched, one was three years old and the other was three and a half years old.

Suguru thought that the three-year-old one was Satoru and the three-and-a-half-year-old one was Yayoi.

Nothing wrong.

"Older my ass!" Satoru jumped up and pinched Yayoi's cheeks, "Why do you look older than me? How tall are you?"

Satoru looked at the dwarf melon redhead whose height couldn't reach his chest. His face was full of the contemptuous expression of a tall man looking down on a short man. A good-looking face was forced into this b*tch's expression, making Suguru want to slap him.


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• Omake •

Brother Suguru: You really dare to sleep!

5 Satoru: What's wrong with sleeping? I didn't do anything bad.

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