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I: The Flowers Are Not Sleeping
Chapter 22: The Fairy in the Painting
Not me! I didn't!


Grandma Kuriko said it would snow today.

Yayoi lived in the deepest part of the clan compound. Not many people knew about Yayoi's existence, and not many people were qualified to come to Yayoi's residence. Most of the time, Yayoi could only see Grandma Kuriko in her own residence.

Grandma Kuriko's hair was the same as Yayoi's hair, both red.

But Grandma Kuriko was different from Yayoi.

Yayoi couldn't tell exactly what was different. Yayoi's vocabulary was very limited. She was literate, but she couldn't describe it specifically.

Grandma Kuriko didn't like to talk and was not close to Yayoi. She would come out from nowhere only when Yayoi needed her. But Yayoi never knew what she needed, so Grandma Kuriko prepared Yayoi's basic needed and took care of her daily life.

When she got up in the morning, Yayoi saw the gray sky, which was actually not surprising in winter. Most of the time, Yayoi could only see black and white, except for the red in her hair.

The cherry blossom trees in the courtyard had lost all their leaves, and the grass on the ground had withered. Grandma Kuriko would sweep those withered leaves away. When the winter snow fell, the whole world would be buried in white snowflakes.

Grandma Kuriko said one more word to Yayoi today.

'It's going to snow today.'

"Will sister come today?" Yayoi wrapped herself into a ball and shrank her red head into the quilt.

Grandma Kuriko shook her head. Her face was full of ravines left by the years. Although her appearance was aging, her eyes were still clear.

"Mito-sama went out today." Grandma Kuriko told Yayoi.

Yayoi got up from the quilt. The wooden window frame was swayed by wind chimes in the howling cold wind. Looking from the window in the distance, one could see the gray sky, the snow-covered peaks, and their shallow outlines.

Her sister told Yayoi that their country was surrounded by the sea and there were very few places where you could see mountains. It just so happened that mountain could be seen from Yayoi's residence. There was a shrine built on the mountain. If the weather was good, Yayoi could see the red Torii.

"Will sister bring me a souvenir?" Yayoi asked, lying on the window sill.

The term 'souvenir' was taught by her brother-in-law. People who come back from an outing would bring gifts to their families. This was souvenir.

Brother-in-law was the person that her sister liked. Yayoi didn't quite understand what 'the person she liked' meant. Yayoi heard Grandma Kuriko say that he is her sister's future husband and would one day become Yayoi's brother-in-law.

Grandma Kuriko said yes.

In fact, every time her sister came back from outside the clan, she brought souvenirs to Yayoi.

Grandma Kuriko put the prepared clothes on the tatami. The elderly woman lowered her head and knelt on the tatami. Her red hair was neatly tied back. She was as quiet as a sculpture.

'Miss Yayoi, please grow up.'

The sound was vague, like the bells of an ancient temple echoing at dusk.

Yayoi was stunned.

"Grandma Kuriko." Yayoi did not rush to put on the clothes Granny Kuriko prepared for her, but wore white pajamas. "Do you have something to tell me?"

"No, Miss Yayoi." Granny Kuriko responded to Yayoi calmly, her tone was as calm as usual, but Yayoi felt something was different.

Yayoi put on the clothes prepared for her by Grandma Kuriko and opened the door of the room. What she saw was the gray sky and the old tree alone in the white. Before winter came, its leaves had fallen off. Only the black branches growing toward the sky were left.

Suguru was gone.

Satoru was so irritable that he wanted to curse.

The starlight was dim at first, and the dense branches overhead blocked the sky. Through the tiny gaps, the cold moonlight gathered into beams and fell down.

There was no cicada chirping in the summer night, only the rustling sound of leaves.

It was not known when it started, but Satoru found that Suguru next to him was missing.

After that, Satoru stood in front of a vermilion torii, followed by seabirds fluttering across the sky and waves roaring in the sea breeze. The blue sea stretched into the distance, and the land on the other side could be vaguely seen.

The sky was a bit gray and the weather was cold.

Satoru sneezed and sniffed, thinking to himself, what the hell was this place?

Under the feet was a road paved with bluestones. The pavement paved with bluestones passed through the torii and extends all the way to the stairs, and then there were stairs one after another.

Satoru pushed up the small sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.

The cursed spirit that could manifest the birth domain to such an extent was 100% a special grade cursed spirit.

Satoru put his hands into his pockets and stepped on the first step of the stairs leisurely. He walked up the stairs step after step as if he was going sightseeing.

After falling into the enemy's lair, Satoru was not much panic, but more interested and eager to try. He became more and more curious about the technique of the cursed spirit.

After passing through the chozuya[1], Satoru saw the huge Hontsubo bell[2]. He walked to the Hontsubo bell in three steps and two steps. He stretched out his hand and pulled the rope attached to the Hontsubo bell. The ringing sound echoed in the sea breeze.

There were several white seabirds lie on the eaves of the shrine, turned their heads from time to time, their dark eyes stared at Satoru below.

Satoru made a face at the seabirds, but out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the swirling totem on the curtain under the eaves.

Satoru thought of the swirl buttons on his uniform, and for a moment he couldn't think of such a place in a high school. Moreover, the Tokyo Jujutsu High School where it was located could not see the sea, and was surrounded by mountains and forests.

There was no one in the shrine, and even after wandering around for a long time, nothing came out.

Satoru looked at the gray sky. When he came in, it was hot summer outside, but cold winter inside. It looked like it was going to snow.

Satoru retracted his fair neck into the collar a little, pulled on the black collar of his shirt, and couldn't help but shudder. Someone tapped him on the shoulder, and Satoru punched out of reflex, but his wrist was grabbed.

Suguru grabbed Satoru's wrist, and Satoru's fist would hit him in the face if it was a little late.

"Don't be nervous, it's me." Suguru smiled.

Satoru curled his lips and lowered his fist, "I know it's you."

"You knew it was me and you still punched me?" Suguru deeply felt that this person was a super dog.

"If you can't dodge, it just means you're a fake." Satoru's expression was unflattering, "Suguru, you can't even dodge my punch, can you?"

Suguru: "..."

It's hard, the fist was hard.

"How's it going?" Satoru asked, "Have you found the ghosts and the cursed spirits themselves?"

"No." Suguru frowned and pointed to the stairs behind him. Following the stairs, Satoru saw the house below. This place seemed to have been inhabited.

"I came up from the bottom of the mountain." Suguru said, "This place looks inhabited, I didn't see anyone."

"There is no one." Suguru added. After that, he looked at the royal curtain under the shrine. When he saw the whirlpool totem, he paused. "Most of the houses at the foot of the mountain have this whirlpool totem."

"It's a bit like the swirl buttons on the uniform." Satoru tugged on the buttons on his lapel, "But it's different."

"Go down and take a look?" Suguru said, "You have Six Eyes and can see more things than me."

Satoru thought it made sense, so he followed Suguru and left the shrine. Before leaving, Satoru couldn't help but look back at the whirlpool totem on the curtain hanging under the eaves. The curtain swayed in the sea breeze, along with the whirlpool above. The totems also rolled together.

That totem was red.

Satoru inexplicably thought of Yayoi's red hair, which was also red.

Satoru and Suguru passed through the surrounding houses. This place was close to the sea. Except for the mountain where the shrine was built, they had not seen other mountain. It seemed to be because it was surrounded by the sea and there were often huge sea breezes blowing from the sea.

The houses were not too high and were made of light wood, which seemed to be to reduce the casualties caused by natural disasters. At the same time, almost all people's homes has swirling totems carved on them, like a village.

The houses on both sides were not arranged neatly, but they made way for each other in a tacit understanding. Satoru and Suguru walked along this road and saw a traditional Japanese building.

The traditional Japanese-style architecture was quite in the style of the Big Three Sorcerer Families.

The door was open, but there was no gatekeeper.

Suguru paused for a moment. His usual good manners made him subconsciously think that he needed to inform the owner when entering someone else's house. However, Satoru didn't ask and walked in with his long legs without stopping.

Then he suddenly thought that this was the birthplace of the cursed spirit, so he should follow the etiquette of an ignorant people, right?

Suguru decisively followed Satoru through the door.

The winding corridor extended all the way forward, and the water flown through the bamboo pipes into the pond below, rippling with water. There was a very tall tree beside the rockery of the pond, and the mottled tree shadows fall on the rockery. It looked like an ordinary mansion.

Suguru saw Satoru jump off the veranda, walk all the way to the edge of the rockery, and pick up a half-grown boy from the gap and put it on the grass. The boy was thrown onto the grass by surprise and was so frightened that he cried loudly.

Satoru was annoyed. He glanced at the boy with his light eyes and said coldly, "Shut up, or I'll kill you."

He really didn't like the kid. Not every kid was as careless as Yayoi, and not every kid was as worry-free as Yayoi.

Satoru muttered in his mind.

The boy immediately covered his mouth tightly and swallowed back the cries and shouts.

Satoru squatted down, and the small sunglasses on the bridge of his nose slid down a little, revealed his enchantingly bright blue eyes, "I want to ask you, have you seen the little redhead?"

"Don't tell me you don't know her." Satoru said coldly.

Sorcerers deal with cursed spirits, and cursed spirits were born from people's negative emotions. Satoru, who had dealt with curses spirits almost every day since he was a child, had a strong and almost twisted desire to survive when people were in danger, and he was well aware of negative emotions such as timidity and fear.

Satoru also knew what he would do when driven by such negative emotions.

"I remember it clearly." Satoru's voice was cold.

'Quickly pull her red hair.'

'Go quickly, go quickly Tomoya-kun.'

Suguru was stunned for a moment, "Yayoi-chan isn't..."

"The cursed spirit expanded the scope of the domain." Satoru interrupted Suguru and grabbed two handfuls of his hair irritably. "After I and you broke in, it realized the threat and expanded the domain."

To the naked eye, there was indeed no change in the area where the cursed spirit was born, but Satoru's Six Eyes could detect changes in the cursed energy anytime and anywhere. The information flow that the Six Eyes absorb from the surroundings told Satoru that the cursed spirit's energy suddenly boiled. Then the domain area was expanded. Although Yayoi without cursed energy could not be detected, she had already crossed the bridge, and she was still on the edge of the bridge.

"I- I didn't see her." The boy stammered, "But- but I saw a woman who was a little older than her and also had red hair."

"Huh?" Satoru's eyes turned around.

"In the deepest part of this house." The boy's voice trembled, his face turned white, and his hands and feet were weak. "There are monsters here. No, we can't disturb those monsters, otherwise we will all die."

Satoru rolled his eyes at the boy and said to himself, you couldn't disturb this ghost. You've already disturbed it since you came here to die.

This was the birth domain of the cursed spirit. It could also be said that it was in the body of the cursed spirit. You were hoping that the cursed spirit would not notice you in its body, what about daydreaming?

Satoru didn't tell the boy, and even if he did, he wouldn't understand.

"Then I'll trouble you." The guy with man bun next to him, said to the boy with a smile.

The boy was stunned for a moment, unable to figure out what this meant.

"Take us to the red-haired woman." Suguru smiled and smiled again.

Boy: "..."

Tomoya Nozawa also refused to go. In his opinion, the gap in this rockery was his safe zone. If he went out, he would be killed by monsters. He had already seen that his companion was rolled into the mouth by a monster with its long tongue. The tendons were broken, the bones were crushed, and they were swallowed into the its stomach with crunching sounds. There was blood all over the floor.

Tomoya also crawled away from the scene. The monster was giggling behind him, and he was left behind by the hysterical cries and shouts of his companions.

He kept running, running through the winding corridors, and finally found a safe area.

Satoru raised his eyebrows, "If you don't leave, I will kill you now."

Tomoya: "..."

Suguru and Satoru high-fived each other. It turned out that under special circumstances, efficiency came from the bottom of the stick.

So now they had to find Yayoi quickly.

Satoru thought that Yayoi was different from these little brats who only gang up to bully others. Although Yayoi was a Heavenly Restriction person with zero cursed energy, she was recognized as a waste in the jujutsu world, but Satoru just thought that Yayoi was very strong, and she who could fight with him, Satoru Gojo, would not be weak at all.

Suguru released a few cursed spirits. From Tomoya's mouth, he learned that there were other survivors in this area, so there was no reason not to save them. These cursed spirits were connected to Suguru. What would happen? it could also inform Suguru in time.

Unknowingly, thin snowflakes began to float in the sky, and the white snowflakes fell on the branches of the courtyard, looking hazy and unreal.

The surroundings were so quiet that it was disconcerting.

Tomoya couldn't help but stretched out his hand and grabbed Suguru's clothes.

Suguru was stunned for a moment, turned around and saw the boy with his head lowered, intermittent sobs ringing in the silent snowy sky.

"I'm sorry." The boy said.

Suguru didn't understand why he apologized.

"I shouldn't have pulled her hair." The boy said, although he didn't pull her hair and was beaten up.

Suguru turned to look at Satoru.

Satoru put his hands in his pockets, raised his head, and looked at the snowflakes falling from the gray sky through his small sunglasses. The expression on his face looked neither happy nor sad, and the bright stars and the gray sky were shining in his eyes, made a sharp contrast.

"You can tell the redhead yourself about this." Satoru turned and left.

"You are not Grandma Kuriko."

The bells were still swaying in the wind, making a ringing sound as they swayed.

The ringing of the bell echoed in the empty courtyard. Yayoi stood under the bare black old tree. The ebony on the top was as black as ink, and the red under the tree was like fire and blood.

The broad sleeves of the white kimono coat were filled with wind and made a whirring sound when they were inflated. Yayoi's red hair were flying in the wind.

"You are not Grandma Kuriko."

Yayoi found that her voice was very calm, as calm as the stream flowing in the mountain stream in autumn.

Yayoi hadn't seen Grandma Kuriko for a long time.

Grandma Kuriko was an elder in the clan. When Yayoi was very young, she was entrusted with a very important task by the clan elder. This task was to raise Yayoi as a vessel.

Grandma Kuriko had the same red hair as Yayoi, but she and Yayoi were different. For a long time, Yayoi remembered that she was shorter than Grandma Kuriko. After a while, Yayoi was as tall as Grandma Kuriko. After another period of time, Grandma Kuriko bent down, and Yayoi was taller than Grandma Kuriko.

Grandma Kuriko didn't like to talk much. In winter, Yayoi would sit in the courtyard watching the snow all day long. Grandma Kuriko would put a coat on Yayoi, even though she knew that Yayoi would not actually get sick.

Yayoi looked at the old woman under the eaves. She was really old. The years had left ravines on her face and her figure in Yayoi's memory.

For a long time, Grandma Kuriko had been saying to Yayoi that you could not go out.

Why, grandma?

Why couldn't I go out?

'You are different from us. The world is both cruel and kind to people like you. You will be very tired.'

Grandma Kuriko told Yayoi.

'You will be covered in bruises.'

Yayoi still remembered the clouds that day were burned red by the fire, and the bloody setting sun was everywhere. She could still faintly hear hysterical cries, the sound of sharp weapons being immersed in flesh and blood, the crackling sound of flames licking wood, and she could still smell it in her nose. The strong smell of rust was mixed with the salty smell of the sea breeze.

The old Grandma Kuriko, who had been telling her not to go out, pulled Yayoi and ran wildly in the veranda. Her back was a little stooped, and her red hair was flying in the sparks.

'You can do anything you want to do... It doesn't matter if you don't want to do anything... You can't live like this... Whatever you want, Miss Yayoi, please... please be free...'

'You are just a little girl... a little girl who has never grown up. Please grow up... please... please...'

"But Grandma Kuriko told me to grow up." Yayoi said, "I am still a little girl."

'You didn't tell me anything.'

'So you are not Grandma Kuriko.'

'At least it won't be Grandma Kuriko who told me she wanted me to grow up.'

When the lie was exposed, the monster hidden under the old woman's skin tore open the human skin as easily as tearing a piece of paper. The monster under the human skin was ugly and ferocious, with huge eyeballs. It hung on the surface of the body without falling off, and its open grin was full of sharp teeth.

It roared, moved its four legs like a reptile, stayed close to the ground, and moved towards Yayoi at high speed.

Yayoi stepped on the tree trunk and jumped up to the branch. The cursed spirit hit the tree trunk and screamed in pain. It howled at Yayoi on the top of the tree with its long mouth, and its dense teeth were exposed.

The cursed spirit below kept howling. Yayoi frowned, jumped down from the top of the tree and punched the cursed spirit in the head. The mandible of the cursed spirit directly smashed a pit into the ground, and the ground cracked into spider web-like marks all around.

After regaining consciousness, the cursed spirit continued to twist its limbs and move quickly in the direction of Yayoi.

Without the power of a curse, it was impossible to remove the cursed spirit.

Yayoi suddenly thought of what Satoru said.

The flow of air suddenly accelerated, and there was a roar in the ears. The claws of the cursed spirit were close at hand, but they exploded with a bang.

Yayoi's hair and the wide sleeves of her kimono were blown up by the strong wind. When her vision cleared, the cursed spirit had collapsed in front of her, and she saw the white-haired boy behind the cursed spirit.

Black sunglasses, black uniform, white hair.

Satoru also saw Yayoi. The white cat took advantage of his long legs and ran up to Yayoi in two steps and stretched out his hand to compare her height.

Well, taller than the redhead.

The entire courtyard was covered with a layer of white snow, and the old tree in the middle of the courtyard was also monotonous black, with thin layers of snow on its branches. The only bit of red in the courtyard was hard not to notice.

Satoru subconsciously thought it was Yayoi, and when he walked in, he found... it didn't look like it.

Well, she was taller than the redhead, and prettier than the redhead...

But not as good-looking as me.


The figure was also better than that of the little redhead.

The white cat's eyes swept over Yayoi's chest, touching his chin and looking left and right.

No matter how you look at it, something felt wrong.

The big redhead tilted her head. Her red hair was not bound by anything, just hung on her shoulders. A strand of red hair fell down her shoulders. Her amber eyes were full of doubts.

This courtyard was all black and white. The only colorful thing was the red in this red-haired woman's hair, fair skin, delicate and soft facial features, amber eyes that seem to contain the fine morning sunlight, and red lips. It felt soft and may feel like cherry blossoms.

Seriously, even Satoru had to admit that this red-haired woman was a beauty.

This silly look made Satoru's heart skip a beat, wondering why this red-haired woman looked so much like the little red-haired girl he knew?

Are all the red-haired people in the world stupid?

Satoru thought.

"What are you doing?" Yayoi pushed away Satoru's face.

Satoru was stunned.

Yayoi looked left and right, but saw no sign of Suguru, "Where's Geto?"

Weren't these two dog-boys together?

Satoru was stunned, and jumped away from Yayoi with a huff, like a frightened white cat, yelling, "What the hell are you?!"

Yayoi: ???

Yayoi told Satoru honestly, "I am Yayoi."

Satoru: "..."

"Don't try to fool me." Satoru yelled, "The redhead is a flat-chested dwarf melon!"

Look at your bust before you talk! You had a C-cup by visual inspection! The little redhead was obviously a flat-chested girl who didn't even know if she was an A-cup!

Satoru puffed up his cheeks when he saw the red-haired beauty. Although Yayoi didn't know basic emotions, Satoru would puffed up his cheeks when he was unhappy.

"I'm still young." Yayoi said unhappily, "I will grow taller and my breasts will grow."

Familiar language, familiar zero cursed energy that could not be detected, familiar stupidity.

From all indications, the beauty in front of him was the little redhead he knew.

Satoru: "..."

The white cat rushed forward without giving up, stretched out his hand and began to pinch the redhead face, squeezing and rubbing it, leaving red fingerprints on the fair skin.

Satoru discovered that the feel of the hand was exactly the same as the little redhead's face!

"I don't believe it!" Satoru pinched Yayoi's face angrily, "Does this curse have the effect of plastic surgery?"

"Ugh-huh-" Yayoi wanted to say that I didn't have plastic surgery.

*thump* *thump*

The wooden veranda made a sound as someone walked towards it.

Satoru looked up and saw the dull expression of his best friend Suguru.

"Suguru, come here and look at this red-haired guy!" Satoru shouted loudly.

Suguru was stunned.

It was hard for Suguru not to think about the scene in front of him. Satoru was just raising and lowering his hands on the red-haired woman. The redhead was young, and Satoru probably wanted to tease the other because she looked stupid. But the redhead in front of him looked like a big girl who had passed through puberty. She was also a beauty. She was taller than the little redhead and had a better figure than the little redhead.

And Satoru was no longer a child, he was a 1.8+ meter adolescent high school boy.

The ends of Yayoi's eyes were flushed, tears were sobbing from the corners of the eyes, and the hair was a bit messy. What's more, Satoru's hand was still on her face, and she was still a red-haired person.

Suguru: shocked.jpg

Satoru you beast! Had you fallen to this point?!


· Genuine translation can be found only in OchatimesBlogspotCom, FanFictionNet, and Wattpad

• Omake •

Brother Suguru: You really have some evil plans for the little redhead, right? You actually found a big one!!!

5 Satoru: I'm not! I didn't!

Little redhead: You two really have an affair!

5 Satoru: I didn't, why are you, a redhead, interrupting! (cruelly pinching the redhead face.jpg)

#Satoru Gojo, single by virtue of ability.
(Strength in various senses)

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