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I: The Flowers Are Not Sleeping
Chapter 46: Silk Curtain
The sea is beautiful and the world is huge.


Satoru and the others found Misato at a cold drink shop on the streets of Naha.

The store door was a floor-to-ceiling sliding door, with lush green plants planted at the door, and a beautiful rose flower basket hanging on the door handle.

Several large parasols were opened at the entrance of the store, and tables and chairs were placed under the parasols, so that customers could enjoy a cold drink while watching the streets with people coming and going.

At a glance, Satoru saw the little redhead sitting next to Misato. Her red hair was naturally scattered on her shoulders and fell to her waist like a waterfall. The golden sunlight flowed down from the edge of the parasol above her head and fell into her amber pupils, with thin strap top, her fair skin, and exposed round shoulders.

The open parasol was like a huge sunflower, and the huge flower disk cast a shadow on the faces of the two women, one large and one small.

"Kuroi!" Riko saw the woman next to Yayoi. She was still wearing a knee-length dress and an apron around her waist. Apart from her expression being a little tired, she was generally safe and sound.

Yayoi saw the girl's two braids passing by in the wind. The girl's skirt rose and fell with the movement, and in a blink of an eye, it fell on the woman sitting next to her.

"Don't worry, Miss Riko, I'm fine, I'm fine." Misato Kuroi hugged the thin girl back, stretched out her hand, and touched the soft hair with her palm.

Riko was really worried.

The girl's parents died in a car accident when she was young. Time had blurred the appearance of her parents in her memory, and the scene of her parents' death. Even now, not even a complete outline remained in her memory. She only remembered Misato Kuroi. It was Misato who played games with her, Misato who cooked for her, and Misato who advised her to take medicine when she was sick.

Maybe Misato came to her because of family reasons, but what did that matter? Misato was her family, Riko Amanai's family, this was Riko Amanai's only family.

"I'm glad you're okay."

I'm very worried about you, very worried about you.

Riko's face was buried in Misato's clothes, and the smell of Misato's body filled her nostrils, including the smell of shower gel, blood, and soil.

She thought of the photos those people sent her. They tied Misato's hands and feet and threw her to the ground.

"Are you injured?" Riko grabbed her arm, "I smell blood!"

Misato touched the girl's temples. The girl's eyes were shiny after being soaked with tears. "Don't worry, Miss Riko, I'm not injured. I'm fine."

"As for the blood..." Misato turned her head to look at Yayoi, "That was when Miss Yayoi beat someone until he spit blood and spattered it."

This red-haired girl was always fierce when she hits people.

Riko: "..."

Satoru: "..."

Suguru: "..."

Yayoi held her orange ice soda and sucked it. When a few pairs of eyes looked over, she hadn't reacted yet, and her brain was shut down for a while. After she reacted, she stopped sucking the orange ice soda and bit the straw. She raised her head and looked at them.

"What are you looking at me for?" Yayoi hugged her orange ice soda, and the redhead was confused. "I'm not a sorcerer. Gojo said I'm a little redhead with zero cursed energy."

Misato: "..."

Riko: "..."

The biggest problem was that you were not a sorcerer but a little red-haired girl with zero cursed energy!

The two high school boys next to them have long been used to this kind of scene. Those who should look at their phones were looking at their phones, and those who should whistle were whistling. They have a leisurely attitude as if they were on vacation.

The weather today was indeed very good, very suitable for a vacation. The sea in the distance connected with the sky, and the blue color on the sea was integrated with the sky. It's as if someone had blurred the dividing line with a paintbrush. Looking into the distance gently, the silhouettes of small islands scattered on the sea still could be seen.

When Riko looked at Yayoi again, her eyes were attracted to her red hair. The bright hair was like the red maples all over the mountains and the jumping flames on the winter night, but she herself had a completely clueless look.

"Can I touch your red hair?" The girl with the two braids was shiny, and her eyes were full of that beautiful red hair.

Yayoi stretched her head over and said, "You can touch it."

Riko carefully stretched out her hand, and the red-haired owner let it fall on her shoulders. She did not use hairpins or hair ties. There was no excessive repair or overdressing. The most common way to take care of her hair was to use orange-flavored shampoo. The feeling on the fingertips was soft and delicate, like fine silk. When she get close to it, the sweet orange smell lingered in her nose.

Riko became a little bolder. She stretched her fingers slightly and touched the red hair with her palms. The sunlight and the beautiful red hair leaked through the gaps between her fingers.

"Has your hair ever been dyed?" Riko said, "It doesn't look like it's dyed."

Yayoi: "It's not dyed, it's natural."

"Your hair is so beautiful." Riko's eyes were sparkling, with envy in her pupils, "I also want such beautiful red hair."

"Your eyes are also very beautiful." Yayoi blinked, "There seem to be stars hidden in them."

Riko felt that Yayoi looked like a little red fox, with beautiful fur and soft flesh pads! Super cute! What girl wouldn't like a soft little red fox?

Satoru, who was standing aside, suddenly became nervous for no apparent reason. It was obvious that Suguru, who was playing with his mobile phone next to him, also sensed something was wrong. He glanced sideways and saw Satoru's eyes glaring through the lenses of his sunglasses at Riko who was rubbing Yayoi's hair.

If Riko's full attention hadn't been on the little red-haired girl, and she was slightly distracted, she would have felt that a certain big cat's gaze was as sharp as two steel knives piercing her body.

Suguru had dead eyes and elbowed Satoru, "Do you know what you look like now?"

Satoru curled his lips, "What?"

Why did he suddenly look so displeased with that little girl?

This guy even rubbed against Yayoi's face! Little redhead, you were still stupid enough to rub against others like this, please keep some distance from me!

Suguru thought that if Satoru had a cat tail, the fluffy tail might have been as sharp as a feather duster.

Suguru said without thinking, "Like a big cat who comes home and finds that the poop-shovel has been occupied."

Satoru looked at Suguru with a confused look on his face as if he was an idiot.

Suguru shrugged and looked down at his phone.

The friendship between girls was a magical thing. They could quickly become friends because of the same favorite hairpins and beautiful clothes.

Riko liked Yayoi's red hair very much, and Yayoi liked her dark eyes, which were twinkling with light inside, like stars in the night.

Riko said that because of many reasons, she couldn't go out often. The thing she did most at home was play Mario Kart with Misato, the family member who took care of her. Her favorite thing to do at home was also play Mario Kart with Misato. It was her first time to come to Okinawa, and it was also her first time to come to a place so far away from home.

Every lively and active little girl liked to travel and shop, press the shutter of the camera in front of beautiful scenic spots, take all kinds of beautiful photos, go shopping in shopping malls, carried shopping bags and walking around the streets of large and small shops, picking up beautiful skirts, hairpins and shoes while shopping, holding each other's arms and chatting together

Riko happened to be such a girl. She liked to go out, chat with friends, shopping, beautiful clothes, and exquisite hairpins, but she couldn't go out very well. There were many people in the outside world staring at her.

After getting off the plane, after the danger to her abducted family members was resolved, her worry dissipated and she saw a beautiful little red-haired girl with delicate and lovely features like a ceramic doll, and beautiful and rare red hair.

"I couldn't go out very well before," Yayoi said. "My family didn't allow me to go out, but my sisters would take me out secretly."

"I have a cat," Yayoi said.

Hearing the words 'I have a cat', Satoru became angry.

"Do you want to see my cats?" Yayoi opened the phone screen, "They are beautiful."

Riko saw Tangerine on the screen. The fat orange cat was holding a small dried fish in its mouth. It half-squinted its eyes and looked like it hadn't woken up. "Wow, this cat is so fat."

"Eh? This cat is so beautiful. It looks familiar." Riko saw the white furball in another photo, the stars in the beautiful pale blue eyes were twinkling, and the fluffy cat fur was as soft as white foam.

"This is Gojo's cat," Yayoi said. "He's beautiful."

"Eh? That guy actually knows how to raise a cat? It's such a beautiful cat!" Riko's expression was surprised, and then the little girl curled her lips, "He looks like someone who can carry a cat by the scruff of its neck."

He had carried Riko around like a vegetable before.

"This guy lifted me on the roof before." Riko curled her lips.

Suguru looked at Satoru. Satoru had his hands in his pockets, feeling no guilt at all.

"Gojo won't carry me and run away." Yayoi blinked and told the truth, "Because he can't run away from me."

She was a little redhead who could catch up with a car.

Riko looked at Yayoi's small body and then at the tall Satoru.

"How shameful." The girl said with contempt on her face.

Suguru: "Pfft..."

Satoru: "..."##

Gold and silver undulate on the sea surface, the sea water stired up white waves, and seagulls flapped their wings and fly across the sea like an arrow off the string.

This street in Naha was close to the sea, and the sound of the ebb and flow of the tide still could be heard vaguely. This street was very quiet, at least for now, and the sea breeze carried the sound of bicycle bells.

The tram passed along the railway track under the blue sky, and the sea breeze was filled with the cries of seagulls.

Yayoi met the lifeguard who greeted her again with a lifebuoy on his arm. He waved hello to her very familiarly, "We meet again, beautiful red-haired girl!"

Yayoi wanted to respond, but was dragged away by Satoru halfway.

Riko watched with confusion on her face as the white-haired cat put one hand in front of Yayoi's neck and dragged her back angrily, "What's wrong with him? He's so angry."

Suguru shrugged and said something that confused Riko, "Cats don't like their owners to make friends outside."

This unruly cat not only didn't like his owner to make friends outside, but also liked to tease people.

Suguru watched with a blank eyes as Satoru brought an ugly sea cucumber to Yayoi and asked her if she wanted to have lunch.

Yayoi told him with a fierce face that she didn't like sea cucumbers, she liked sea urchins, small sea urchins.

Satoru argued with reason, saying that sea cucumbers were extremely nutritious and could help you grow taller and promote physical development. You should eat more sea cucumbers with your small body.

Suguru had dull eyes and thoughts to himself, did you get so tall from eating sea cucumbers? Just fool this little red-haired girl

Then Yayoi was dragged away by Riko, and it eventually turned into a chase between three people. The sea cucumber danced with the sand, the unruly cat and the sea water flew together. Yayoi slap the sea cucumber in front of Satoru. When she discovered that this person had used Limitless to cheat, Riko shouted that this person was shameless, despicable and shameless.

Satoru's weird laughter echoed on the beach.

This person didn't feel out of place among female junior high school students, Suguru thought with a sharp eye.

The only adult next to her, Misato Kuroi, was holding a round volleyball and looking at the Six Eyes, heir of the Gojo family. The unattainable image of the Six Eyes in her mind had long been shattered to pieces.

From the time when she was born as a Star Plasma Vessel, Riko's activities were almost under the control of certain people. Wherever she went and what she did, she must obtain the permission of those people. She was the Star Plasma Vessel. Master Tengen's assimilation was not only related to the stability of the jujutsu society, but also to the stability of the entire human society. The assimilation of the Star Vessel did not allow for mistakes.

This also meant that the scope of activities of Riko wss very limited. The girl yearned for a novel world, but she was trapped in Tokyo. She could not plan to travel during the long vacation. She was not allowed to go far away. She liked it best when she went to school because she could see her friends there.

Many people have told Riko that she was not born for herself, she was born for someone, and she could not make mistakes. Who said the first advice? Riko no longer remembered it. There were too many times, over and over again, they always repeat these words.

Riko's life was insignificant to them, what they need was the Star Plasma Vessel.

This was the first time Riko had traveled far away, the first time she had seen the beautiful sea, the first time she had met a little red-haired girl born with red hair, and the first time she had run on the beach on the soft and moist sand.

The world was very big, with many novel things and many things that have not been done. People could actually do much more than they think.

Before this day, Riko had never thought that there were so many things she could do and so many places she could go.

Yayoi faced the sea, and her eyes reflected the vastness of the wilderness. It was so big that she felt as small as an ant. Her legs were soaked in the seawater, and the seawater was up to her knees.

Yayoi stretched out her hand, the bright sunlight fell through hrr fingers, and mottled shadows hit her face.

She suddenly remembered that her sister had taken her to the beach to pick up shells. She rolled up her trouser legs and sleeves, took off her clogs and carried them in her hands. The seagulls were chirping in the sea breeze, and the waves were rising and falling due to the everlasting waves.

Her sister held her in one hand and held her clog in the other. The sand under her feet was soft after being soaked by the sea water, and sparkled in the sun, her sister's fair skin seemed to be transparent.

"Look, this is the sea, and we are children born on the seashore." Her sister's voice sounded amidst the cries of seagulls, as gentle as the sun setting on my clothes, "Our village and country are surrounded by the sea. "

Yayoi felt that Riko was a bit like her. They both live under the eyes of certain people. Their lives do not belong to them. They were reminded over and over again by others of what you were, what your responsibilities were, what you should do and what you shouldn't do.

The sea was beautiful and the world was huge, but it had nothing to do with her.

The next moment she was allowed to leave, everything she owned, including her homeland, was burned down by fire. The sea breeze carried the ashes and scattered them to the boundless sea. The sea water carried them to the distant and invisible place. place.

ーOn the other side of the sea was a larger country with higher mountains and longer rivers.

Her sister told Yayoi while holding her shoulders.

ーWhere do you want to go? Where were you going?

"Riko." Yayoi wanted to know, "Where do you want to go? Where are you going?"

"I feel like I want to go anywhere now!" Riko's eyes were bright, and she stepped on the sand with her bare feet, like a happy young deer.

ーI have no idea.

"I also feel like I want to go anywhere." Yayoi smiled.

'Sister, I want to go to all the places in the world that I want to go to, no matter where.'


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• Omake •

5 Satoru: The world is full of sneaky cats.

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