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II: Lily of the Valley
Chapter 70: Weeping Branches
The opposite of survival.


Death in the popular sense was the opposite of survival.

There was a taboo boundary between life and death. This boundary clearly distinguished the living from the dead. The dead could not reach the world of the living, but once the living go to the world of the dead, they could only stay on the other side forever.

Spiritual creatures have a wonderful premonition of death, and they have a vague feeling that they were about to leave this world and go to the other world.

At first, this feeling was very faint, like a distant traveler looking at the mountains shrouded in thick fog. Looking from a distance, only vague outlines could be seen.

Going and coming, coming and going, life and death were a cycle. The cycle of life was like a snake with its tail flowing in circles.

The flowering period of the cherry blossoms had passed. After the brilliant bloom of the branches faded, layers of green spread out. As the temperature got warmer, the greenery became more intense and vigorous.

Through the shade of the trees, speckled sunlight fell to the ground. The breeze picked up the fallen leaves and ran against the ground like naughty children.

Yayoi suddenly remembered Tangerine, the cat she had had for several years.

It was autumn when she took the big orange cat home. The yellow leaves were falling off the branches, the sun had faded away from its scorching heat, and the sky above her head were bright and clear.

The dew brought the coolness of autumn, and the cherry trees have shed their vigorous branches and leaves, and the golden leaves hang on the branches stretching toward the sky.

The big orange cat lay lazily on the wall of someone else's house, basking in the sun, half-squinting its eyes, and twitching its whiskers from time to time.

Its nest was in that house, but that was already a thing of the past.

The original owner of Tangerine moved away, perhaps forgetting to take the cat with him, so Tangerine was left behind in this small town. The mistress of the new house was allergic to cat hair and didn't like cats, whether they were domestic cats or wild cats, so she was determined not to keep the cat of the original owner of the house.

When the wind blown, the warm autumn sunshine carried the yellow leaves tumbling in the wind, crashed like a roiling golden wave.

The orange cat was hidden in the golden wave, and the tree shadows were mottled on the orange cat fur. Some were darker and some were lighter. The shades were different, but unexpectedly harmonious.

The cool autumn wind carried the sound of the mistress of the house driving away. The emerald-green eyes of the big orange cat met the amber eyes of the little redhead.

For a human, more than ten years was just the most youthful years of life, but for a cat, it was enough to be considered a lifetime.

Cats were magical creatures.

Tangerine seemed to have expected its end point.

The organs throughout the body have failed over time, and the bones have aged over time. The originally lazy orange cat had become listless and had a loss of appetite.

Regarding its impending death, Tangerine behaved very calmly, eating and sleeping when it should, and its lazy look remained the same as in the past. The only difference was that it always stuck to Yayoi's side intentionally or unintentionally.

Three months before leaving, the normally carefree orange cat that no one liked to talk to suddenly became clingy. It liked to follow Yayoi wherever she went. It liked to eat next to Yayoi's ankles and even slept in her bed. Instead of lying down, it slowly climbed onto Yayoi's bed, curled up into a big pile and lay on the side of Yayoi's pillow.

When the weather was nice, Yayoi would fold a soft blanket in half several times and lay it on the windowsill of her room. Tangerine would lie on this blanket and take a nap while basking in the sun. If it lied there for a long time, it would move itself and change to another one. It would continue to doze in the sun in a comfortable position.

When autumn came, the warmth of summer still lingered in the air. The leaves in the yard were swaying in the wind, and dusk was smeared on the glass windows like strawberry jam on bread.

Yayoi noticed that Tangerine had been lying on the windowsill for a long time without even changing its position.

"Tangerine?" Yayoi called her cat in shock.

The leaves hanging on the branches were roaring and rolling, and the color of the sky was so gorgeous that it seemed as if it would catch fire in the next moment.

The whiskers on the big orange cat's face twitched. It half-raised its eyelids, and the sunset fell into the emerald green cat's eyes.

As the return date approached, the vague outline would become clearer.

It was leaving, and no one knew its death better than it did.

As the afternoon approached, clear sunlight flowed on the horizon, as soft and quiet as a gurgling stream in the mountains.

Satoru found no one at Itadori's house. He rang the doorbell several times, but no one came out to open the door.

Satoru rang the doorbell several times but didn't see anyone coming out to open the door. His eyes wandered around the door a few times and he caught Geto the Fox by the wall.

Suguru: ???
Curiosity killed the cat, no, it killed the fox.

Satoru, who specially wore sunglasses to meet someone, pinched the back of Geto the Fox's neck with one hand, rubbed his chin a few times, and said with a strange expression, "Why do the more I look at you, the more I think you look like Suguru?"

Geto the Fox: "...ouh."
No, that's your illusion, I'm just an ordinary little fox.

Satoru: "Even the eyes are small."

Geto the Fox: "..."
If you want to fight, just say so!

"Fox-chan, have you seen Yayoi?" Satoru stroked the fox twice.

Geto the Fox: "..."
You ask a fox where the little redhead was, were you thinking wrong?

The tall adult man squatted at the door with his chin in his hands and thought for a long time. His already open-minded mind became even more divergent. Considering that a certain Yayoi had a history of moving without telling him, Satoru naturally thinking about that, he then thought about Yayoi's vow to him a few days ago that she would not move, and that even if she did, she would tell him.

So Satoru gave up the idea of digging out the redhead by force.

He carried the fox around Itadori's house several times and found many stray cats in the alleys and streets. These stray cats were docile and fatter than cats elsewhere. It seemed that these days, it was quite a nourishing life.

Satoru suddenly remembered that Yayoi liked cats. She would pet and feed any stray cats she met on the roadside.

Gojo the Cat: inexplicably unhappy.jpg
Gojo the Cat: Bah.

There should be a plump Tangerine where Yayoi was, but Satoru never saw that Tangerine either on the night he spent the night at Yayoi's house or during the recent visits.

The soft meowing sound of the cat came from the alley, and the cat's eyes gave off a unique and faint luster in the darkness.

A tricolored kitten walked out of the alley, and circled around Satoru's feet for several times, and finally squatted in front of him and raised its furry chin.

Satoru held his chin, tilted his head, looked at the little calico cat and thought for a while, then put the Geto the Fox in his armpit, squatted down, and touched the little calico cat's chin a few times.

Geto the Fox trapped in the armpit: "..."
D*mn you.

The cat purred comfortably, looking past those deep gazes. Several cats in the alley were ready to move, as if they wanted to run over and beg to be petted.

Satoru found it a bit funny.

"Don't trust humans too much, except of course the little red-haired cat who likes cats." Satoru looked down at the little calico cat and stood up, "Let's go, let's go."

The little calico cat reluctantly walked away.

The fox, who was held in Satoru's armpit, watched the cat leave, tilted his head slightly, and glanced at Satoru's face under his sunglasses from the corner of his eye, remaining silent.

Satoru walked around the Itadori family's house again, and carefully looked at the place where the little redhead had lived over the years. Perhaps his behavior was too weird and blatant, and his clothes were too strange, and he was almost regarded as a pervert by the girl living next door.

Geto the Fox: "..."
Don't doubt it, he was a pervert, the kind who faked it and paid ten for it.

Fortunately, he was the all-powerful Gojo. The small sunglasses on the bridge of his nose were slightly lowered, and his beautiful pale blue eyes make the neighbor's daughter's heart skip a beat.

"I'm not a pervert, I'm just looking for someone." Satoru smiled and turned the screen of his phone up to show Yayoi photos he had collected in his phone. "I'm looking for a girl with red hair."

"Eh, eh? Is that Amamiya-san?" The neighbor girl paused, and the eye-catching red hair in the photo caught her eye.

"Yes." Satoru pushed up the small sunglasses on his face.

"Itadori-san seems to be hospitalized. Amamiya-san and her brother Yuji Itadori always run to the hospital." The girl blushed.

"Speaking of which..." The girl thought of something at the end and murmured to herself, "Although she and Itadori-kun are the grandchildren, Amamiya-san's surname is not Itadori either."

"Huh?" The white-haired man opposite tilted his head, and the small sunglasses on the bridge of his nose swayed.

"I, I'm telling you, don't tell others!" His beauty was too harmful to the country and the people, so the girl was forced to tell the truth, "I heard from people around me that Amamiya-san originally lived in Tokyo. After her parents divorced, she moved to the countryside with her mother. Later, her mother passed away, and her custody fell into the hands of Itadori-san, and she has been living with Itadori-san and his grandson ever since."

"Oh, it's really strange. Amamiya-san's father is still alive, so why is she..."

"Thank you."

She was interrupted before she could finish her words. Satoru picked up the fox and turned around to leave.

"No, you're welcome!" the girl said loudly. When she reacted, the tall and good-looking man was no longer in front of her.

"Eh—" The girl sighed in frustration.
What a pity, I haven't asked him for his contact information yet.

The nearest hospital was Sugisawa Hospital.

Considering that he was going to visit Yayoi's family, Satoru bought flowers specially.

When buying flowers, Satoru saw sunflowers in the flower shop. The slender stems and the large flower disks were in sharp contrast, and the sunlight fell slantly on the soft petals.

He remembered that time in the hot springs village of Yamanashi Prefecture. Yayoi stood in front of the torii holding sunflowers. The mottled tree shadows hit the ground paved with bluestone slabs. The little redhead standing under the torii was as light as a cat.

Satoru bought a few more sunflowers, and they were packed into a bouquet by the flower shop proprietress along with the daisies and gladioli that were blooming this season.

While the flower shop proprietress was packing the bouquets, she would occasionally look at Satoru, who was playing with his mobile phone with the fox under his arm, as if she was looking at someone strange.

After asking the nurse at the service station about Wasuke's ward number, Satoru was holding a bouquet. Before he entered the door, he heard the old man yelling angrily, "Didn't I tell you not to come? Go to club activities! Make more friends, you two socially incompetent guys!"

Satoru, who was standing at the door holding a bouquet, raised his eyebrows.

The old guy's words were strong and clear, and it didn't look like he needed to be hospitalized at all.

Satoru didn't like old people very much. This was largely due to the influence of the Gojo family and the high-ranking people in the jujutsu society who like to be arrogant and bossy but not conscientious enough to deprive young people of their youth.

The old man in the ward and the old guys he knew were obviously not the same thing.

Not to mention the ear-splitting roar, the old man waved the spatula one morning and kicked open the door of the little redhead with all his strength. With that devastating kick, he was as powerful as an old but still fierce leopard.

At that moment, Satoru, who had believed that he was the only one in the world since he was born, felt guilty for a second when he made a mistake in school and was caught in front of her father.

It seemed that the little redhead was not here anymore.

But it didn't matter, he could first visit Yayoi's elder.

"Hai~ Yayoi and Yuji didn't come, the person who came is Satoru-chan~"

Satoru held the bouquet in one hand and fished the fox in the other. The moment a refreshing smile emerged from the door frame, Wasuke's pupils suddenly shrank, like a leopard staring at its prey, and the fierce light bursting out of his eyes was like a dark, lightless sky. Like a car lights that suddenly turn on at night were as lethal as the light of destruction and death.

The air was suddenly quiet.

It's okay, Satoru-chan was never embarrassed.

Satoru: Wow.

Gojo the Cat blinked.

He was worthy of being Yayoi's grandfather. Just by looking at his eyes, he looked like a jackal and a leopard. He was incomparable to those timid old guys above who like to huddle in dark corners.

"Put down my fox!" The old man said with great momentum.

Geto the Fox: "..."
Good people, no, good monkey.

From a long time ago, Yayoi knew that her big orange cat only had a short time to live.

The shiny and slippery cat fur became pale and weak, as if fading, the originally soft flesh pads became rough, and the sleeping time increased, often lying down all day long, and the orange cat, who did not like to talk to people, became less and less communicative, even ignoring the wild cats that came to climb the walls.

The beating of the heart became heavy and dull, and movements become slow and difficult.

It was an old cat.

Someone had done a survey. It was said that when creatures like cats have a premonition of their own death, they would leave silently, find a place where no one could find them, and use it as their last residence. They would leave quietly.

Two years ago in the fall, Tangerine was doing the same thing.

Perhaps it realized that its appearance after death would be an extremely ugly rotting corpse, and it didn't want to be seen by anyone, so it tirelessly searched for a new place to belong.

One day in late autumn, Yayoi saw a rickety old cat at the door of her house and took it home.

Yayoi put the orange cat on her lap and sat on the floor facing the yard. She kept stroking the gray and matte fur of the big orange cat. After the leaves fell off, the branches became bare.

The wind in autumn was silent and indifferent, whirring withered leaves as they run past.

"Don't leave."
I know you would die.

Yayoi touched the orange cat lying helplessly on her lap. Tangerine had drooped eyes and had no energy, so it could only let Yayoi touch it.

"I won't be able to find you if you leave." Yayoi said softly.

Tangerine lying on her lap had its eyelids drooped and the tip of its tail twitched.

"I will be very sad if I can't find you." Yayoi said softly.

Just like she could never find the little black cat she once owned.

Maybe it was because her homeland was burned to ashes in the fire, or maybe her own cat survived, but a solitary cat would be very lonely, wouldn't it?

"Don't think about yourself as a cat dying." Yayoi said.

Whether a cat survived alone or died alone, it was a very lonely thing.

The sky in late autumn was very clean, with few and thin clouds. The few clouds were like torn cotton wool, and white birds flutter across, sliding invisible tracks on the blue curtain.

Tangerine raised its head and made a small meow at Yayoi who had brought it home more than ten years ago. Yayoi saw her own reflection in those emerald green cat eyes.

Tangerine lay on Yayoi's lap, chose a sleeping position it liked, curled itself up, and curled its tail around itself.

The wind was still blowing in the yard.

Tangerine closed its eyes quietly and didn't move anymore.

It was as quiet as if it was asleep.

At dusk, the school bell rang. A boy who could run fifty meters in three seconds rushed out of the teacher's office and the student classroom at the same time. After the two met in a narrow road at the school gate, they both turned and ran towards Sugisawa Hospital, with smoke and dust billowing behind them, stunned the onlookers behind.

After Yayoi and Yuji went to the flower shop to buy flowers as usual, they rushed to the hospital unstoppably.


The moment they stopped at the door of the ward, what they saw was Satoru's refreshing and bright smile. The other person raised his hand and waved it as a greeting.

Yayoi: ???

Yuji: ???

To be fair, why were you here?!

Wasuke looked at the two idiots standing in front of the door, stroking the fox with a look of disgust on his face.

"Gojo-san?!" Yuji was confused.

"Why are you here?" Yayoi was confused while holding the bouquet.

"Come to see grandpa." Satoru smiled sincerely.

Yayoi: "..."

Yuji: "..."

The voices of the two siblings were strangely synchronized at this moment.

'To be honest, when did my grandfather become your grandfather?'


· Genuine translation can be found only in OchatimesBlogspotCom, FanFictionNet, and Wattpad

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