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II: Lily of the Valley
Chapter 75: Bring the Stars
You still have to give him a hug when he needs one.


"Hey, Yayoi, do you want to be Gojo-sensei's teaching assistant?"

The clear moonlight filled the dark night, slanting down from the windowsill, and the floor was filled with mercury-like moonlight.

The vegetation in summer was always lush and leafy, forming a rich shade. The vigorous green melted in the moonlight, and the slender branches were bent by layers of leaves, swaying in the quiet night wind.

The mottled tree shadows fell at his feet, and the pupils of the sky were as clear as the blue that bloomed after being knocked over in the dark night. It was abrupt, yet extremely bright, just like the bright and beautiful stars on an autumn night when the clear frost was shaking off

Satoru put his hands on the back of the chair. Only two legs of the four-legged chair were on the ground. This man was sitting upright, playing with the legs of the chair, and the moonlight like frost and snow fell on his back.

The same old attitude, frivolous and casual, and unhurried look always make people think of an elegant and reserved cat, although this person himself was not reserved or elegant at all.

Yayoi didn't sleep all night.

The moonlight was very good last night. After the thick clouds were cleared, the moon was low and the stars were dim and sparse.

Yuji fainted after being poked in the forehead by Satoru. The latter used some small secrets in his heart to help Yayoi take her brother home with teleportation. Before leaving, he put many strange charms around Yuji's room. It was said that used to shield the breath of the curse.

After pasting the ghost-like charms on the wall, Satoru naturally pulled up a chair and tilted the chair to play while extending an invitation to her.

The lips without lip gloss were gleaming with clear water, and a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The twenty-eight-year-old adult man who is still active and keen to cause trouble smiled like a big cat playing mischief.

"Think about it~" The big cat who was always playing tricks said to her like a baby, "Think about it seriously, Yayoi~"

If a normal person encountered this kind of thing and met a frivolous creature like Satoru, they would most likely kicked him out of the house. But Yayoi was not a normal person, and a creature like Satoru may appear to be frivolous, but in fact... he still very flirtatious.

The big white cat's flirtatious invitation to her was not without reason.

If Yuji woke up again and was not possessed by Sukuna, then he was a "vessel". According to the laws of jujutsu society, he was also the target of death.

If Satoru obeyed the jujutsu society rules honestly, he could have executed Yuji immediately, but now that he was taking a leisurely pace and had fun joking with her, he had no intention of killing Yuji on the spot.

After being chased and beaten by a curse, the little tiger was successively slapped and fisted by his elder sister, and severely beaten by Satoru. Even if he was as strong as a cow, he couldn't resist playing like this. After Satoru poked him in the forehead and put him into a deep sleep, it did a good job of meeting the little tiger's physical needs for rest.

Yuji was sleeping soundly under the covers. Satoru poked his forehead and directly put him into a deep sleep. In addition, Yuji could sleep soundly on the highway, so Yayoi didn't have to worry about him being waking up.

Yayoi pursed her lips and pulled Satoru that was playing with a chair in her brother's room out of Yuji's room.


The door to the room was gently closed.

Yayoi let go of the doorknob and turned around, her nose almost bumping into Satoru's.

He didn't wear a blindfold and she looked into those eyes at close range. For a moment, she was a little dazzled by those too bright eyes.

Satoru blinked, his delicate and long eyelashes clearly visible, and his warm breath hit Yayoi's face directly.

Yayoi slapped Satoru in the face, who seemed to be trying to play a prank, and distanced herself expressionlessly. Satoru probably pursed its lips in aggrievedness.

"The special grade cursed object is missing, and those rotten oranges on top will definitely notice something." Satoru said with a sullen mouth, "It is also a certainty that Yuji will be sentenced to death."

Yayoi frowned, "Can I go kill them?"

Satoru blinked and said 'wow', his eyes were bright and he was obviously very happy, "I also want to kill them, Yayoi, we really have a tacit understanding~"

Yosshi, you don’t have to worry about it this way.

"However, once a batch of rotten oranges are killed, there will be other rotten oranges to take the place of the dried oranges." Satoru curled his mouth and rubbed the end of his hair against his forehead in the shadow of the hallway.

He stretched out his hand, put his index and middle fingers together on Yayoi's frown, and rubbed the redhead's frown away.

"Yuji's death sentence will still not be resolved." Satoru said.

Yayoi listened to Gojo-sensei's speech attentively and allowed him to fiddle with her brows unethically. The brows were rubbed open, but this person did not stop his hooligan behavior at all. After rubbed a handful of Yayoi's hair, he simply put both hands on Yayoi's face, squeezing and rubbing it.

The intensity was not strong, but it gave the red hair a strange feeling.

"I will go get a reprieve for Yuji." Satoru, who was addicted to playing, held Yayoi's face and rubbed the skin on her cheeks with his thumbs.

"But it's still a death sentence." Yayoi said vaguely.

"Well, so he has to become my student." Satoru said, "Winning a suspended sentence means an unlimited time limit for Yuji. After all, one of my students has such a precedent."

"Are you trying to trick people into going to your school?" Yayoi's brows twitched.

A school that could cultivate abnormal people like Satoru and Suguru was definitely not a serious school, not to mention that the guy in front of her was the crooked teacher in a crooked school.

According to the behavior and attitude of the sea urchin head, Megumi Fushiguro-kun, who was temporarily sent to the hospital for treatment of wounds, towards Satoru, Yayoi silently realized that Satoru was a man in the sea urchin head who lacked everything, both beauty and talent, knowledge and wisdom, but he was lacking in all philosophical concept and thinking mode.

This person had a terrible personality!

Before leaving, Megumi cast a meaningful look at her, and the bloody sea urchin-headed boy silently told her to stay away from this nasty cat.

This person was a teacher in this hopeless jujutsu society.

"What are you talking about?" Satoru purred again on the silly red-haired cheek, "I am the spicy teacher Satoru Gojo who has lofty teaching ideals~"

"Don't worry, leave everything to me~" Satoru said coquettishly, "So, come on, come on, come and be my assistant~ Then you don't have to worry about not seeing Yuji~ You can see the handsome one every day Gojo-sensei~ The salary and benefits are very good~"

"I understand. I'll go there tomorrow after I finish taking care of things." Yayoi said.

Yayoi agreed to be Satoru's assistant in a daze.

The big cat smiled and bent his beautiful eyes. He pulled on her and rubbed her hair. The cat was soft and fluffy, with the sweetness that Yayoi liked. This taste seemed to be the sweetness of Kikusui'an's kikufuku. But inexplicably, Yayoi felt like she had fallen into a pit.

Megumi was a little annoyed today.

Satoru's flirty moves come one after, and he came up with them every time.

Yuji, who chewed the special grade cursed object last night, seemed to be an acquaintance of Satoru. That guy seemed to have a bad brain. When his brain got hot, he just chewed the special grade cursed object. If that guy had chosen to turn around and run away, he would be getting out of bed and going to school in a hurry.

Yuji, who had become a "vessel", would be the target of death by the law of jujutsu world. Between the human being who swallowed the curse and became a body and the curse, the sorcerer could easily blur the difference between the two and killed Yuji and felt no different from removing a curse.

The world had always been unequal. In an unequal world, only the reality of inequality existed equally. However, Megumi always firmly believed that kind people were more qualified to be happy than anyone else.

Megumi, from the bottom of his heart, didn't want this idiot to die in such an unexplained way.

So when Satoru dragged him to visit Itadori's house, Megumi didn't refuse.

Megumi wanted to ask last night. In terms of his attitude towards Yuji, who was a "Sukuna's vessel", Satoru could be said to be casual. He had no special preferences and no special restrictions. According to this person himself, as he said, he sent the person home intact, carefully put the person on the bed, and carefully tucked the person into the quilt.

Megumi: "..."
D*mn retarded.

"Don't worry, Yayoi won't let anything happen to Yuji." Satoru rang the doorbell of Itadori's house in a familiar manner.

"Yayoi-san?" Megumi paused. Last night, after knocking the King of Curses to the ground with a slap and tied by the redhead, "Speaking of which, why would she, a sorcerer, become a teacher in an ordinary school?"

"Because she is not a sorcerer." Satoru said, "Because of her special constitution, even Six Eyes cannot detect the cursed energy on her unless she uses her cursed energy. In addition, she herself has no interest in the world of jujutsu, so she has been living in the society of ordinary people."

"...you already knew this?" Megumi said suspiciously.

Satoru's hand paused strangely on the doorbell, "No, I only found out last night."

Megumi: "..."
D*mn, was there anyone? Come and beat him!

Maybe it was because the desire to beat up Satoru was too strong. Satoru, who didn't speak human words but talked nonsense, was really beaten. Two teenagers of the same age watched a fight between adults. The tall white cat and the red cat fought all the way to the courtyard of Itadori's house. The two of them fought back and forth. Neither of them used any cursed techniques. They fought purely with physical skills. They punched and kicked each other. The moves were endless and fancy.

In the end, Satoru Gojo was actually beaten, he was actually beaten!!!

Megumi looked expressionlessly at Satoru, who was laid down on the ground by the red hair and collapsed into a cat cake: ecstasy.jpg

Satoru, who had been beaten up by the redhead, held up the non-existent handkerchief and wiped the non-existent tears. He cried so hard that for a moment, you felt like "I couldn't bear to see you but feel pity for you, and I couldn't bear to let you suffer."

After he explained the cause and effect in jittery sentences, Yayoi felt extremely guilty knowing that she had beaten the big cat indiscriminately, and she apologized to the big cat honestly.

Satoru cried even more sadly as he became unscrupulous. He pulled Yayoi directly asked for comfort and a hug that could heal his spiritual wounds.

Megumi: "..."
I had underestimated this person's shamelessness.

Yuji: "..."
The adult world was so complicated.

The June wind blew the thin grass blades, the mountains on the horizon have exquisite undulating lines, the mountains were filled with hazy mist, and the crisp chirping of birds echoed in the mountains.

Yuji went to Sugisawa Hospital. The fine dust seemed to be stagnant in the air, and the sunlight poured through the window. Sasaki-senpai, who was wearing a school uniform, looked sad by the window, with obvious fatigue on her face.

There was a sudden knock on the door. Sasaki looked up and saw Yuji standing at the door.

"Itadori?" There was also fatigue in her voice.

Yuji pursed his lips, "How is Iguchi-senpai?"

"The doctor said there is nothing serious, but he has not regained consciousness." In the silent ward, the girl's sobs could be heard intermittently, and her tears fell like broken beads. "It's all my fault, it's all my fault for asking him to go to school at night..."

"You won't believe it. Strange monsters attacked us, and I was caught too..."

Fine dust rose and fell in the sunlight. The girl lowered her head, her hair falling covering her face, and she let her tears fall.

"It's not your fault, senpai."

Trying his best to keep his voice calm and his heart calm, Yuji heard himself calmly interrupting Sasaki-senpai's words.

"I believe you, senpai, they are not monsters, they are curses. That finger is called a 'special grade curse', which has the effect of strengthening curses and attracting curses." Yuji explained the truth with a calm enough expression and voice, "So, it was me who at fault for picked it up."

Did you regret it? Of course he regretted it. It was obviously his fault, but he made others suffer.

The hand holding the railing beside the bed tightened unconsciously, and Yuji lowered his head.

"Sorry, senpai, but don't worry. Specialists will come to treat senpai tomorrow, so don't worry." Yuji pretended to smile lightly, putting all the regret and bitterness into the smile on his face.

There were only three people in the Occult Research Club. Yuji, who had a cheerful personality, was an important reason why the three of them could play together and carry out club activities happily in a club with a declining population.

Yuji's smile was contagious, neither too hot nor too dazzling. It was as clear and clear as the sun after a rain. Anyone who saw his smile would feel relaxed.

But when Yuji smiled now, he felt inexplicably distressed and helpless.

"Itadori..." Sasaki wanted to say something to comfort him, but the boy just waved to her at the door and said goodbye to her with the usual relaxed smile on his face.

"Sorry, senpai, I have other places to go now, bye."

The door of the ward was thrown behind him, and the corners of Yuji's raised mouth became silent. The sunlight fell on the smooth floor of the hospital. Light and shadow flowed on the smooth floor. Half of his face fell into shadow, and half of his face was illuminated by clear sunlight.

It's really tiring to hide your true feelings. You have to master your expressions and language well. You have to smile no matter how bad your mood was, and you have to say something light-hearted no matter how much you want to be silent.

But Yuji didn't think he had the right to put a stinky face and silence to add psychological burden to others. He was the one who caused the whole thing. If he hadn't picked up the finger, Fushiguro would have successfully handed it over to Gojo-sensei. His senpais would not be attacked by the curses, and Iguchi-senpai would not be unconscious.

Yuji, who was moving forward with his hands toward his pockets and his head lowered, raised his head and was caught off guard by facing the person standing on the other side of the corridor with his current face.

"Sister." After being stunned for a short time, the young man's face showed a relaxed and joyful smile.

"You don't have to laugh if you don't want to," Yayoi said.

"I did not..."
I'm not unhappy.

Yuji subconsciously wanted to say something, but his sister's expressionless face made him swallow the rest of his words.

The corridors of the hospital were quiet, and the floors that had been mopped and washed by the cleaners were so clean and shiny that they silently included the blurred reflections of people coming and going.

Yayoi looked at Yuji quietly, her amber eyes as calm as the windless lake.

After a long time, Yuji was defeated and grabbed two handfuls of his hair in frustration.

"Sister, I..."

The young man's eyebrows finally dropped, and his lips pursed tightly.

Yayoi walked over and touched her brother's soft hair, "It's okay, Sasaki-san and Iguchi-kun will be fine."

"Really?" The boy's muffled voice came.

Yuji's mentality had always been good, but when encountering such a bad thing, no matter how good the mentality was, it would collapse. What's more, Yuji was still a fifteen-year-old boy who would sneak up on Yayoi's back to beat Pachinko. He was still a boy, and he was still a minor even if he was exhausted. Ordinary people of the same age would collapse long ago if they encounter this kind of thing.

How much strength and determination did it take to endure the bitterness that a fifteen-year-old boy should not have to endure?

"You can cry if you want." Yayoi reached out and hugged Yuji.

The boy hesitated for a moment, then reached out and hugged his red-haired sister back.

The five-year-old brother was still very small, as small as a tiger cub that had not yet grown up. Yayoi could pick him up with one hand. The fifteen-year-old brother had grown very tall, and was taller than Yayoi. He was also half a head taller, had well-developed and full muscles, and his body was even far superior to that of most adults in many aspects.

But Yayoi felt that the little tiger was still a little tiger, and she still had to give him a hug when he needed a hug.

Yuji buried his head on his sister's shoulder, and his nose was filled with the smell of orange soda-flavored shampoo on his sister's hair, which was also a reassuring smell.

"I won't cry." Yuji said, "Grandpa said that men should hold back tears even if they have tears."

"Hai, hai, hai." This sentence fitted the character of Grandpa Wasuke, Yayoi touched Yuji's hair.


"Yuji is a good boy, but don't put too much responsibility on yourself." Yayoi patted Yuji on the back, "Taking too much responsibility without permission is arrogance."

"Am I arrogant?" Yuji asked.

"I can't say yes yet." Yayoi said. "When you're in a bad mood, you can cry loudly if you want. Grandpa won't blame you."

"But he will laugh at me, right?" Even though his grandfather always had a straight face, in the final analysis he was still a handsome and unruly little old man.

"Then I'll cry with you." Yayoi said.

"...pffft." Yuji's mood improved a little.

"Let's go pick up grandpa," Yayoi said softly, "go pick up grandpa and take him home."

"Yeah." Yuji nodded.


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• Omake •

Megumin was very happy today because Gojo the Cat was beaten, he was finally beaten.

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