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II: Lily of the Valley
Chapter 84: No Thoughts Left
How strong is the heart a cat needs to grow up in a world full of curses?


The gentle sunshine parted the heavy curtain and poured out from the horizon.

The white curtains were half-opened, and the smooth glass windows were coated with a thin layer of honey-like sunlight, and the flat ground reflected the cut sunlight.

The phone in the lounge kept ringing. The woman who was woken up had a sullen face and heavy dark circles under her eyes as she pressed the answer button angrily.

Shoko took a deep breath and pushed back the hair on her forehead. Her eyes were tired under the bangs. After her impetuous emotions were suppressed, Shoko tried to make her voice calm, "Moshi moshi, I am Ieiri. "

After hanging up the phone, Shoko threw the phone on the bedside cabinet and fell into the soft quilt. Her brown hair was scattered on the white quilt.

With most of her face buried in the quilt, Shoko felt that her eyelids were extremely heavy and had a tendency to close anytime and anywhere.

Yesterday's work was too busy, and the number of injured patients she took over was much beyond her expectation. She slept directly on the bed in the specialized medical room until the next morning.

'It's really annoying to disturb other people's rest.'

The sleepy woman thought as she decided to give the guy a few more blows during the treatment.


"Woo wou.

"Don't make any noise." Shoko turned over.

There was a rustling sound of the quilt being rubbed in her ears. Shoko, who had stepped half of her foot into God of Dream's territory, raised her heavy eyelids with difficulty, and a black... furry thing appeared in her sight.

Shoko paused and felt that the quilt half covering her body seemed to be being pulled, and the black fur was also moving.

After a while, she came back to her senses and focused her eyes again.

Shoko saw a fox with black and gray fur. The little guy was holding a corner of the quilt in his mouth and trying hard to cover her with the quilt.

Shoko paused.

The fox's movements reminded her of one of the two bastards from the 'Disobedient Bastards Group' in high school. Thinking about it this way, Shoko had been dealing with the infirmary since she was a young girl. From an injured sorcerer to two bastards who were injured from fighting in their own nest, she had to deal with all kinds of injuries every day. It’s been more than a decade since she had been going back and forth.

Although Suguru was the same scumbag as Satoru, and was uniformly called the "scumbag duo" by Utahime Iori, but this guy somehow knew that when he saw her lying down tiredly in the infirmary, he would put some blanket on her.

The gray fox, aware of Shoko's gaze, paused and looked over with his deep purple eyes. Shoko inexplicably saw a guilty conscience in those eyes.

Why do little animals have such eyes?

Shoko held her chin and held the fox's furry head on her hand. The furry touch made her feel a lot better.

It’s been a long time since she cut her hair. Shoko always had neat short hair in high school, but now her hair had grown past her shoulders. When she stood up, her long brown hair fell down her shoulders.

Shoko stretched out, picked up the fox next to the bed, and gave him a few hugs.

Geto the Fox: "..."

"I'm such a sinful woman. I actually think that you, a little fox, are a bit like that scumbag Geto." Shoko murmured to herself.

Geto the Fox: "..." Rude.

Suguru glared with a pair of dead fish eyes, saying in his heart that 'I am really sorry, I am the scumbag you said.'

Shoko could somewhat understand why the little redhead was so keen on petting cats. After petting the fox, her mood improved a lot.

Putting her hands through the armpits of the gray fox's two front legs, Shoko lifted the fox up and looked left and right, then said thoughtfully, "It still feels like it."

Geto the Fox: "..." No, you are wrong, I am just an ordinary little fox.

What evil intentions could the little fox have?

Suguru blinked, looking weak, pitiful and innocent, with a pure and harmless look on his face.

"Especially these little eyes." Shoko said, holding her chin.

Geto the Fox: "...Wouh!" Do you want to fight?! Why were my eyes so small?!

"Yoshi, yoshi, don't be angry." Shoko touched the gray fox's soft back and smoothed the gray fox's fur. The gray fox, who was originally filled with indignation, felt much better now that he was being treated like this.

The phone that was thrown on the bedside table vibrated, and Shoko reached out and checked it back.

After reluctantly putting down the fox, Shoko went to the bathroom to tidy up, and then made some general preparations, planning to take over the injured.

At first, Shoko didn't consciously pay attention to the names on the information. She needed to treat more and more patients every day, one more and one less. It didn't make any difference to her. If the person lying on the hospital bed was Satoru or Suguru, she might even make some mockery of these two inhumane bastards, but the fact was that Satoru could use Reverse Technique himself, and as for the other bastard, he had already kicked the bucket. People who have already died did not need Reverse Cursed Technique.

Shoko, who was browsing the patient's symptoms on her mobile phone, felt something was wrong the more she looked at it. She slid her finger down hard and saw the name on the medical case - Naoya Zenyuan. It was an unnecessary trouble.

Shoko didn't have much interaction with this guy, and her impression of him only remains as a "comedian who liked to cause trouble for himself and others". Furthermore, he was a guy who couldn't learn to respect women.

Having said that, this guy had a mysterious confidence in himself, and a mysterious... yearning for Satoru?

Shoko said that she couldn't understand. The most scumbag thing Satoru did was to hook up with an underage redhead. Why did he mess with this guy?

Shoko flipped through the messages sent by people from the Zenin family on her phone. Their heir was currently in a state of rage. No one dared to mess with him. His whole body was not much different from paralysis. At least, he wouldn't be able to get out of bed and move around for a short time. The only valid information he got was that he seemed to have been beaten by a woman.

Shoko: Ha.

Scratches, big or small, were not a concern and could be ignored. There were no fatal injuries on the body. Although the injuries were serious, the suspect skillfully avoided the vital points. There were multiple comminuted fractures throughout his body, the most serious of which was the large-scale bone fracture on his face.

Shoko took a deep breath, what kind of cruel person could beat someone like this and still let him breathe?

Shoko didn't know whether to say that Naoya was a cockroach or that the person who beat him was ruthless.

When her finger slid down, Shoko's brows twitched uncontrollably when she saw the message above, and her eyes stayed on the words 'The remnants of the curse were not captured at the scene'.

Shoko had a dull look on her face, staring at the phone screen, her thoughts wandering, and she simply became stunned. She seemed to know who had beaten this guy.

The door of the medical room was knocked at this time.

Shoko put her cell phone into the pocket of her white coat without expression, put her hand on the door handle, turned it down, and opened the door to the infirmary.

Ijichi, who was wearing a black suit, stood at the door, bowed politely and said, "Excuse me," and then stood aside. Several guys followed his instructions and carried the heir of their family into the infirmary in a hurry.

Shoko watched expressionlessly as the guy covered in plaster and tied up like a mummy with bandages was carried in.

After settling in, Shoko didn't ask any questions and picked up the scalpel calmly. The smooth surface of the knife reflected Naoya's eyes filled with suppressed humiliation and anger.

Shoko had no intention of giving this guy a good treatment. He was probably trying to kill himself and made himself like this. She had no reason to be lazy and fish for business, but this kind of private request...

Shoko: Ha.

Ijichi watched as the woman in a white coat directed the people in the infirmary to help her untie the bandage on Naoya's head.

After the bandages were removed, Ijichi heard Shoko inhale.

"I think it would be more practical if you sent him to a beauty hospital for plastic surgery." Ijichi heard Shoko say.

Ijichi raised his head furtively and took a look. Even though he had been working in the jujutsu society for many years and had seen the big world, the assistant director was shocked.

Did your face take a blow from the front of the battering ram?!

Ijichi thought of Yayoi again, who had 'innocent and harmless' written all over her body, and his heart trembled. He couldn't expect the person Satoru pulled out to be a normal person!

Ijichi was shocked.

After sending away this troublesome guy, the door of the infirmary was kicked open.

Satoru kicked open the door happily, and a cheerful voice sounded in the infirmary, "Shoko, Shoko, I'm here to play with you!"

Just by hearing the voice, Shoko knew that this guy was here to see a fun show, but he was late.

"The person have left. You're late." Shoko took off the rubber gloves on her hands and threw them into the sink. A gurgling stream of water poured from the faucet.

"Is that what the little redhead did?" Shoko asked while washing her hands without raising her head.

Satoru's back was leaning against the wall at the door, "Yes."

"Honestly, I'm really surprised." Satoru was in a good mood. "That guy from the Zenin family seems to be a first-grade sorcerer. Yayoi can knock him down, which means that her own strength is at the level of a first-grade sorcerer or above."

"Maybe she's like Yuta, at the level of a special grade sorcerer." Satoru rubbed his chin.

After washing her hands, Shoko came out of the bathroom and sat down on the swivel chair next to the table. "But, she's got a grudge against him, right?"

"It doesn't matter." Satoru disagreed, "I'm protecting her~"

Shoko raised her eyes and glanced at Satoru, "I think you are the most dangerous."

"Ijichi said you have been leaving your tasks to the little redhead lately?" Shoko said.

Ijichi's back felt cold when his name was called, and he straightened his body subconsciously.

"Yes~" Satoru said, "Originally I just wanted to confirm Yayoi's level, but now it seems that there is no need to confirm anymore."

"She is stronger than I thought, and crazier than I thought." A bright smile appeared on Satoru's lips, "I seem to like her more."

Shoko felt that she needed to tell Yayoi to be careful. After all, Yayoi brought her a souvenir when she returned from a mission a few days ago.

Shoko, who wanted to play with the fox but not with the nasty cat, opened the white curtain in front of the bed, but did not see the gray fox.

"What a shame." Shoko let go of her hand regretfully.

She couldn’t pet the fox anymore.

Yayoi, who had been remembered by many people at the same time, was now feeding cats on the hillside behind the college.

Yayoi liked cats, and she herself was a cat sucker. Wherever she went, as long as there were cats, whether they were wild cats or domestic cats, most of them would run towards her meowing nonstop.

The wild cats behind the hillside were more wary. After Yayoi spent a few days getting to know them, she was able to rub their soft bellies openly.

Three first-graders went to Chinatown. Yuji always remembered the Chinese food in Chinatown. It was rare that Yuji had to go out for team building with his friends. Yayoi left the space and time to her younger brother and his friends, and ran to the back mountain to feed and petting the cats.

After adapting to the life of a high school, Satoru began to teach her how to perform tasks. She learned quickly. After being taken out by Satoru to perform a task, she was officially certified by the spicy teacher Satoru Gojo (self-proclaimed), even if she performed the missions alone, there would be no problem.

After having some free time, Yayoi thought of the cats in the back mountain. She was so busy recently that she almost forgot about them, so Yayoi took the cat food to the back mountain.

To be honest, the feeling of performing the mission was very fresh.

In the past, she often heard Hashirama talk about things that would happen during missions. When he talked about those things, Hashirama would have a bright smile. Yayoi also understood that he would only tell her the pleasant things, with a bright and clear smile, just like himself, he only wanted to leave happy things to others.

Yayoi had never been a kunoichi, but someone told her that being a shinobi would make you happy or unhappy. You could leave home intact when performing missions, but you may not be able to return home intact.

Ijichi-san said that being a sorcerer was a profession that made people unhappy.

All missions must be contaminated by human malice. Those malices were as uncomfortable as garbage piled up in the corner and fermenting silently. The rotten smell was so bad that it made people feel unfortunate.

Yayoi had never thought that after human beings' malice was materialized, the cursed spirits that would emerge would be so ugly. Sorcerers were the people who could best understand the ugly side of human beings, and they were also the ones who must face the ugliness of human nature. While exorcising the cursed spirits, they had to endure the disgusting malice from humans besides these cursed spirits.

Dealing with curses was what all sorcerers have to do in their lives.

The orange kitten lay on the grass, exposing its soft belly, and rubbed its head against the back of Yayoi's hand.

The little orange cat who had been rubbed on its belly purred comfortably and lay lazily on the grass warmed by the sun. Its emerald green eyes narrowed into two narrow slits, and it allowed Yayoi to rub its belly.

Yayoi, who was petting the little orange cat, thought of Satoru.

Yayoi herself was extremely sensitive to this kind of malice from human beings, and naturally understood how painful it was for the person who suffered when the malice was vented on people.

When she met Satoru, he was a big white cat. The big cat would also be a kitten before it grew up. What kind of cat would the white cat be like when he was young? He was a cat who had lived under a curse since he was a child, and he was also a cat who grew up under a curse.

How determined did a cat need to be to grow up in a world full of curses?

Yayoi held her chin, thinking about the big white cat. The little orange cat under her hand tilted its head and rubbed the back of Yayoi's hand, purring softly.

Yayoi looked down at the coquettish little orange cat: cute.

Satoru walked all the way to the back mountain. The forest was filled with soft meows. The grass warmed by the sun was full of cats. They were lying on their stomachs, licking their fur, and turning over their bellies to be petted. They were extremely lazy and leisurely.

After his eyes caught the eye-catching red color, Satoru curled his lips and quietly approached Yayoi.

However, Gojo the Cat's eyes widened when he got closer, and he was shocked to find that Yayoi had gone to find another cat behind his back! Making love to other cats in front of him!

After seeing the kitten in her hand, Gojo the Cat was shocked.

Orange! Another orange!

Yayoi touched the kitten's belly and her eyes bent, "Will you also become a fat orange cat?"

Gojo the Cat: !!!

The shocked Satoru recalled the years when he competed with Tangerine, the fat orange car of the redhead's family for favor.

It’s the big orange you’d been... obsessed with?!

"Yayoi!" The angry Gojo the Cat walked toward Yayoi menacingly.

The surrounding wild cats were so frightened that they hid in the surrounding bushes with a roar.

The little orange cat was frightened by the majestic and big-headed Gojo the Cat. After a "meow" sound, it threw itself on Yayoi's shoulder, and nestled on her neck in an aggrieved manner, kept meowing.

Gojo the Cat was shocked, he had never pounced like this before!

Yayoi touched the little orange cat's back and turned to look at Satoru, "Gojo, you scared him."

Gojo the Cat's beautiful eyes widened in disbelief.

Yayoi's eyes widened when she saw the beautiful big cat. His beautiful blue eyes were covered with a thin mist of water. His incredulous eyes fell on her, and finally on the little orange cat huddled in her neck.

"Sneaky cat——!" In the forest, a cat's aggrieved roar went straight into the sky.


· Genuine translation can be found only in OchatimesBlogspotCom, FanFictionNet, and Wattpad

• Omake •

#Let’s interview the father of the person involved, the current head of the Zenin family.

Naobito: If Toji hadn't already died, I would almost have thought it was Toji who had died.

#The moment he saw 'Caiyun Zhuzhu'* being beaten, the Zenin family experienced the fear of being beaten by a group of people (one person beating a group).

Caiyun Zhuzhu: She’s not Toji, no!!!

*Naoya's name in Chinese hanzi is '禅院直哉', which read as 'chányuàn zhízāi', which abreviation is 'cyzz'.
Chinese fans make a some kind of meme of his name with '彩云猪猪 cǎiyún zhū zhū' which also 'cyzz', translated as 'rosy cloudy pig'.

Naoya also got other nickname such as a happy comedian (due to his character) and Toji's number one fan (because he always about 'Toji-kun' here and there).

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