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II: Lily of the Valley
Chapter 105: Long Night Scent
I will be with you till the end.


No one knew what was behind a door unless it was pushed open.

The crystal lamp hanging above the head was shattered, and the surging darkness swallowed up the light completely. Fear was like a highly contagious virus, quickly sweeping through the people trapped in the darkness.

The darkness was like the bottom of a bottomless well, and someone quietly threw a torch into it.

Quite a few of them present were ordinary people who could not see the curse. With the power and special channels invisible to ordinary people, they had obtained information about the curse, they gathered from all over the country to this auction house with various purposes in mind.

"Curse" was a distant and out-of-reach word for ordinary people. Excluding special circumstances, ordinary people could not see "curse" with the naked eye. Being the creature that created "curse", humans and "curse" were very close, but thousands of miles apart.

Fearing the harm and disaster caused by the "curse", while coveting the benefits that the "curse" could bring.

In ancient times, some people used "curses" to kill others to clear obstacles on the road, some people used "curses" to gain a lot of wealth, and some people cursed their enemies to kill them for revenge.

Those who use curses were collectively called "curse users."

For wealth, career, and desire, imposed curses on others.

She knew that Suguru had no enemies, and Suguru did not pursue an official career, nor did he need a lot of wealth. Sorcerers in this era did not lack money, but only the life to spend money.

Before becoming a curse user, Suguru, apart from sometimes being an idiot with Satoru, was essentially a high school boy with a super upright mind and outlook. He looked forward to the future of a curse user and put his ideals into practice.

Maybe the word "ideal" was too far away for her. Her brain was just a little big and she couldn't think of such a noble thing.

The shoulder pole that carries the burden would break if it bore too much weight that it could not bear, not to mention that the shoulder pole always liked to take the responsibility on itself.

The love and hate in a human life was a very heavy thing. Bearing the weight that one needed to bear was almost the limit of a person. Sorcerers often have to bear the negative emotions of others.

Human beings were still human beings after all, and whether they were sorcerers or curse users, they could never escape the category of human beings. Once the weight they bear exceeded this category, their temperament would change drastically, which was only a precursor to collapse.

The horrified shouts and the clack of shoe soles on the floor were like a fire in the Edo period. As long as one of the wooden machiya houses was contaminated with sparks, it would burn all the way along the rows of eel-like longhouses, causing a continuous disaster. The entire auction venue below was filled with panic and fear.

The shattered glass chandelier dropped fragments like snowflakes, and the bright light flashed in the darkness.


Skin and flesh were torn apart, muscles and bones were broken, blood splattered all over the floor, and the glass scattered on the ground was stained with a dazzling red.

The color red she hated.

People who were alive one moment were torn into pieces by invisible things the next moment. Blood mixed with organs flowed all over the floor. Invisible fear grabbed people's necks, and the venue fell into an audible silence, it was overwhelming and pushed to a climax.

Someone released a curse in the venue.

Visual inspection revealed that the level of cursed energy was Grade 2. In addition to Grade 2, there were several Grade 3 cursed spirits scattered in various corners of the venue.

Yayoi didn't know how to use Satoru's technique. Afraid no one but himself could master this extremely complicated technique.

The advantage of being tall and having long legs was that it saved a lot of unnecessary movements. After dodging the claws of the cursed spirit, Yayoi grabbed the cursed spirit's arm with her backhand, and it twisted body was thrown to the ground. The neat marble floor cracked like a spider-web, and the depression became a shallow pit.

The power of the curse wrapped around her fist. She raised her hand and landed her fist. She smashed the head of the second-grade cursed spirit with a clean punch.

High-precision control of the cursed energy, the error of the conflict between the cursed energy and the strike was so small that it was infinitely close to zero. The space was distorted, the lightning-like black light flashes away, the body of the cursed spirit suddenly exploded, and the smelly blood splashed on the floor and the wall.

One hit kill.

This was something Yayoi, who was wearing Satoru's shell, didn't expect.

If Satoru didn't use Limitless and only used Black Flash, this person would not be safe. No, he would be the One-Punch Man in the world of curses.

#No cursed spirit could withstand the second Black Flash under Satoru's hands.

The cursed spirit has been exorcised, but the fear had not dissipated. As long as people still have negative emotions, after reaching a certain concentration, a new cursed spirit could be reborn.

Relevant personnel have begun to evacuate the crowd. As people come and go, the remnants left by the curse spread into thin paths, extending to places beyond the reach of the crowd.

Yayoi followed the curse and chased after it.

Cursed spirits were tamed by people. Taming cursed spirits required a lot of manpower, material and financial resources. There were not many people who have the ability to tame cursed spirits. Most sorcerers rely on their own techniques, and there were very few sorcerers who could bring cursed spirits to assist in combat.

If she remembered correctly, according to the information provided by Ijichi, the ancestors of the Soma family had a precedent of taming cursed spirits to assist in combat.

Today was a day off, but not Kento's day off.

The tightly wrapped blunt sword was slashed on the limbs of the cursed spirit. Ratio Technique, used a cursed technique to forcibly create a weak spot at the ratio point of seven to three. If he could concentrate this proportion of 'points', it would be a critical hit.

The floor of the corridor was splashed with blood. After the splashing sound passed, the body of the cursed spirit fell down.

Kento loosened the tie around his neck to let some air in, but a strong fishy smell hit his face.

The reliable office worker paused.

"Work overtime... don't... work overtime... I don't work overtime..."

Bits and pieces of words came out of the cursed spirit's mouth, twisted and weird.

Kento sighed, adjusted his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, and paused with his hand holding the handle of the sword, already thinking about what to do next.

If possible, he didn't want to work overtime. Overtime was a waste of life, and labor was bullsh*t.

This was what a laborer who was not an office worker thoughts.

The fierce wind directly broke the hair on his forehead, and the long golden snake-like chain rubbed across his face. The golden chain passed over the cursed spirit and suddenly spun in the air, like a turning snake head, and the sharp tip of the chain penetrated directly through the body of the curse spirit, and with a 'clang' sound, it sank into the smooth marble floor.

The half chain that was dragged out of the body of the cursed spirit was bleeding gurglingly.

"It's such a close call."

The soles of the shoes made a musical sound on the ground, and the opponent walked out of the darkness like stepping on nodes.

Kento frowned. This frivolous attitude, frivolous tone, and even the bones revealed a sense of frivolity that could not be beaten. Hidden under the frivolous appearance was bottomless strength.

This feeling was not unfamiliar to him.

But the other person was a woman, a red-haired woman who could be said to be a rare beauty. She wore a slim-fitting long skirt that reached her knees, a dark complexion that was incompatible with her, and her bare feet were fair and slender. The high heels made her looked taller. There was a frivolity in her bones that was familiar to Kento.

The light chains submerged in the marble floor were like scattered fireflies, dissipating in the air.

The moment the other person saw him, her eyes lit up, her cat-like amber eyes blinked, she waved her hand and shouted, "Nanamin!"

Kento: ???

"Guess who I am~" The other person smiled with her eyebrows curved, her index fingers on her cheeks, and her amber eyes sparkling.

"...I'm sorry, miss, I don't seem to know you." The reliable adult said.

"Guess, guess, you'll get a prize if you guess right~" The red-haired woman blinked and acted coquettishly and softly.

Kento had a feeling that something was terribly wrong.

A series of cell phone ringtones rang at the right time, and the other person finally let him go. She took out her phone from her pocket, and said delicately, "Moshi moshi, darling~"

Kento: "..."
The reliable adult was shuddered by this soft and coquettish voice.

The person on the phone seemed to be in the same situation as him. After a while of silence, a voice that was so familiar that it killed him said, "Gojo."

Kento: ???

Kento's brows knitted into a knot. The other person even turned on the speakerphone. It was hard not to hear it, but he recognized it. It was Satoru's voice.

Why did you, a person named Gojo, call others Gojo? Why did you sound so reliable?

Kento felt that this world was a bit strange.

"The head of the Soma family is here." Yayoi said, "There are rumors that the "Three Ages of Buddhism" can resurrect the dead. "

Satoru paused, held his forehead and sneered, his tone very familiar to Kento.

"I knew it." Satoru lifted up the slender heel of his high-heeled shoes and grinded them on the smooth marble floor. "Last time it was a resurrected doll, and this time it was a 'Three Ages of Buddhism'. You really thought I would be interested in these damned things. Do you think those rotten oranges are looking down on me too much?"

"The 'Three Ages of Buddhism' is a little more worth looking at than the Soul-Returning Doll. Since it allows people to swap bodies, it might actually have the effect of resurrecting people~" Satoru said jokingly.

"There is no such thing." The person on the phone retorted him crisply.

Kento: "..."
No, no, no, it's not what he thought, right?

It was rare for a reliable sorcerer who was not an office worker to fall into confusion. If that were the case, it would be a horror story.

On the other side, Satoru had finished the conversation with Yayoi, and made a playful scissor hand gesture to Kento with a sweet smile, "Who is the most popular person in the Jujutsu Tech?"

Kento: "..."
Not Satoru Gojo anyway.

"Of course it's the Great Teacher Gojo!"

The other person laughed out a series of heart-rending 'hahahahaha's' all the way, and walked with a step of disowning his relatives, leaving a cool figure on his back.

Kento: "..."
Horror stories come true.

The corners of Kento's eyes twitched crazily, but he had no choice but to follow his fate.

Yayoi put down the phone and shook her painful head.

Things behind the booth were thrown away in a mess. Broken porcelain and scarlet blood were mixed together. Behind the thick curtain, the smell of blood made her dizzy. The rich smell of rust mixed with dust penetrated her nose. It was simply more deadly than PM2.5, not to mention the unreasonable Six Eyes that were cueing her crazily.

Yayoi could not use Reverse Cursed Technique and could not use it to refresh her brain like Satoru.

To be able to empathize with something like this, you really need to experience it yourself.

Yayoi rubbed her temples. Her head was just that big. Although Satoru's head was smarter than hers, the core in this body was now called "Yayoi", and this was where the limit of her brain was stretched.

These eyes were really unreasonable. Yayoi deeply understood Satoru's difficulty and decided to treat him better after changing back.

#It’s really not easy for the kitty.

The chaotic brain was dragged into a dream, and the consciousness continued to sink.

She saw a woman in an elegant kimono of Yamabuki color, a simple bun with a wooden hairpin, her black hair was like clouds, and her delicate eyebrows were like peach blossoms blooming in spring.

The season was spring, and the courtyard was full of peach blossoms. The pink flowers bloom toward the sun. The golden sun reflects on the neat tatami, and the exquisite screens were painted with gorgeous flowers and birds.


Someone was calling her.

The peach blossoms on the branches were in full bloom, as gorgeous as fire.

"How are you doing?" the man who walked into the courtyard asked her.

That was a man she didn't know. He was still young, had handsome features, and was wearing a traditional kimono.

"I'm fine, Etsujin​-sama." The woman's voice was soft and clear.

The man broke off a hairpin from a cloud-like peach blossom branch and tied it into the woman's temples.

His smile was gentle, like a gentle wind.

"Washiko, if you want to live long, you will live a long life." The man said softly.

The heavy corolla fell into the mud, and patches of pink spread on the ground. The cold wind picked up the muddy flower branches and scattered them to the sky.

"Washiko, Washiko."

A stream of time fragments passed before my eyes like old-fashioned film tape, and finally stopped in a Japanese-style room with a few curtains. The flowers and birds on the screen were still gorgeous, but the woman had aged.

The pure white fabric was stained with dazzling scarlet, and the woman's breath was like a candle trembling in the wind, with the possibility of being extinguished at any time.


The lamp placed in the Japanese room was knocked over, and the hot lamp oil was splashed on the tatami. The flames rolled up the low-hanging curtains under the eaves, crackling, licking the wooden window frames and pillars, greedy like evil beasts.

The flames burned down the house, burned the body, and almost burned the man to ashes. The screen continued to turn, and the man was seen again, with hideous scars on his face.

The head of the Soma family, Etsujin Soma, had the same scar on his face.

Or maybe they were the same person.

Yayoi held her head, holding her painful head. After shaking it for a few times, her consciousness became clear.

The sound of burning flames still seems to linger in her ears. This was not a simple dream, but a memory that flowed in silently through the power of the spell.

Not to mention whether the Six Eyes have this function, this dream was too real, so real that it was obviously not her who was lost, but the despair at the time of loss and the sadness left after the loss remain, and the heart was throbbing and painful, and there was something weighed heavily on her breath.

Yayoi stepped forward and pushed aside the thick curtains in front of her one by one.

"Soma-san." She found that her tone was unexpectedly calm, as if the scene just now had never happened before.

"Amamiy-san." The man, whose face was mostly in shadow, nodded to her.

He was greeting 'Amamiya-san', not 'Gojo-san'.

Yayoi looked at him quietly. Compared to the memory that just flowed into her mind, the man in front of her was older. He was obviously around forty years old, but he looked like an old man in his twilight years.

"You want to see Washiko-san, right?" Yayoi asked softly.

The old man-like head of the family took off the mask on his face, revealing his ferocious face, the scars left by the flames on the day his wife died.

"I know you, Amamiya-san," Most of the face looked ferocious, and the warmth under the peach tree could be vaguely seen on the other half of the face, "you are Gojo-san's assistant, 'the reverse Heavenly Restriction with complete zero cursed energy', the unrelated sister of 'Sukuna vessel'."

Yayoi was silent.

Etsujin smiled, "This is just the information I collected, and it is also the superficial understanding of you by the higher-ups. I speculate that you have cursed technique."

"This is your own speculation." Yayoi lowered her eyelashes and spoke calmly.

"I think my guess is correct." The head of the Soma clan smiled.

"What on earth are you going to do?" Yayoi raised her eyes, her eyes as sharp as a blade.

"Has anyone seen you use the technique? The enemy is one of our own." The man let out an old sigh, "Even without my guess, it can be easily leaked."

"There is no real wish in this world." The man said softly, "Wishes are just fantasies, staying in the imagination of the brain. Compared with reality, they are like a cloud that can dissipate at any time."

"I hope that my wife can live a long life, but she died." The man closed his eyes, and the past passed through his mind like a revolving lantern. "I hope that I can perform my duties as the head of the family well, but the result is that people in the family are always trying to hinder me, my father, my mother, my... children."

"I once hoped that I was a great sorcerer, but I became a moth." He smiled, and the sarcasm in his smile almost overflowed, a mixture of misery and despair.

"If you don't want to laugh, then stop laughing." Yayoi pursed her lips and interrupted him, "You look so ugly when you smile."

Yayoi paused and vaguely remembered that she seemed to have said similar words to someone else before that.

"If you don't laugh, are you crying?" The other person's expression was helpless, "If a man cries, it will look ugly, right?"

"Amamiya-san, my limit is right here. Where is Gojo-san's limit?" The man smiled gently.

Yayoi opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but the next moment, the lines and outlines in her vision were stretched to a mess, the objects were stretched into blurry blocks of color, and the picture was drastically reversed.

"It's time, Amamiya-san."

The last thing she saw was the man's curved mouth, and the blood overflowing from the corner, which was so scarlet that it was dazzling.

There was a dull pain under her feet and her body fell sharply. Before landing, she grabbed the handrail and managed to steady her body before falling.

"What's wrong, Gojo-san?" Kento paused.

Soul exchange, this kind of thing was a rare thing even in the curse world where there were so many weird things, not to mention that it happened to Satoru, which directly turned the rare thing into a horror story.

The red-haired woman stood up slowly while holding her head. The chaos around her had not completely dissipated, and her eyes slowly focused.

Kento paused, and he noticed something changed in "Gojo-san".

He looked at the red-haired woman shaking her head and turning back, the confusion in her eyes not completely dissipating, "Nanamin-san?"

Kento: "..."
No, no, no, this was not Satoru Gojo. Satoru didn't know how to use honorifics properly.

"Amamiya-san?" Kento asked tentatively.

Yayoi nodded and took a step, almost spraining her foot. When she looked down, she saw the high heels on her feet.

Yayoi: "..."

It had to be said that she was not naturally suitable for things like high heels.

The first time she wore high-heeled shoes was when she was in junior high school. At Misako's instigation, she stepped on the shoes and didn't take a few steps before falling flat on her face on the floor. When she was in college, she attended a student exchange meeting, and she never thought about wearing high-heeled shoes. Because her roommates complained about her, and when she walked in high heels, she looked like a stumbling child who had just learned to walk.

Who knew how Satoru, who was on her body, could walk so gracefully while wearing a pair of high heels.

Kento watched the red-haired woman stumble before decisively taking off her shoes and holding them in her hands.

"Amamiya-san?" Kento was a little confused.

"I can't wear high heels." Yayoi took off her other shoe, "I can't run fast."

Don't run away if you wear high heels. If you rush into the street, may God bless you!

Kento: "..."

The office worker who was a sorcerer thought of Satoru, who was wearing a pair of high heels and was very powerful, and felt deeply that this senior had some serious illness.

Passing through the winding staircase corridor, following the direction with the strongest smell of blood, Yayoi saw pure white like frost and snow in the chaos and blood.


He stood among the corpses of humans and cursed spirits, with his back to her, showing no joy or sadness.


With her bare feet, she walked slowly towards him over the blood on the ground.

Thick curtains overlap one another, blood splashed on the crimson curtains, and the thick ink color like shadows smudges.

Satoru turned around, still wearing the Western-style formal clothes he wore when going out. The clothes were neat and clean, without any stains, but the collar was loosened a little. The dark blue tie hung around his neck, and the skin on his neck was as fair as jade.

"Why don't you wear shoes?" He smiled, and his usual frivolity and casualness returned to his face again. He saw Yayoi's bare feet.

Yayoi curled up her toes and realized that the floor was a little cold.

She looked at Satoru, "I can't wear high heels."

Satoru raised his feet, crossed over the bones on the ground, and came to her in a neat and tidy appearance. He stretched out his hand to tidy up his slightly messy hair, and pinned the messy hair behind his ears one by one.

His eyes fell on the bare feet, which were so slender that they seemed to break if they were bent.

Satoru moved his eyelids, "Is it cold?"

"It's okay." Yayoi curled up her toes.

Satoru bent down, holding her waist with one hand, and passed the crook of her knees with one hand to pick her up. Yayoi subconsciously wrapped her arms around his neck and touched his hair.

"You don't have to laugh if you don't want to." Yayoi said, "It doesn't matter if you don't laugh."

"Hey~ Yayoi, don't you like my smile?"

"I like it." Yayoi raised her hand and pointed her finger at the corner of his curled mouth, "When you smile, it's when you are happy."

Satoru paused.

"Gojo." Yayoi said, "The road is still long, we can walk together."

Satoru smiled, his eyes shining brightly, like the sky breaking through the clouds in winter, showing endless blue.

"Will you stay with me until the end?" Satoru asked gently.

"Yes." Yayoi looked into his eyes and replied solemnly.


· Genuine translation can be found only in OchatimesBlogspotCom, FanFictionNet, and Wattpad

• Omake •

Little redhead who successfully sold herself and knew nothing about it: O.O

#small theater:
Gojo the Cat: Nanamin, Nanamin, look, this is my wife!
Nanamin: You are lying. If you have a wife, it's your conspiracy.
Nanamin: He actually has a wife, which I didn’t expect.

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