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II: Lily of the Valley
Chapter 120: Washed Clean
There is absolutely no room for rejection.


The golden autumn mood filled the courtyard, golden sunshine flowed into the room, and mist-like dust floated in the air.

She vaguely heard the sound of sparrows.

The light golden color smeared on the white curtains, and there were a few fuzzy black dots lying on the windowsill.

As her consciousness slowly returned and her vision gradually became clearer, she realized that they were several fat sparrows.

She suddenly remembered a cat, a white cat that was woken up by the chirping sparrows in the morning. His furry paws were pressed against the smooth glass window, and his hands and feet were as nimble as a human beings when he pushed open the window and let out a series of angry meows at the sparrows that woke him up from his sleep.

The window of her room faced the old cherry blossom tree in the courtyard. The old tree bloomed year after year and fell again and again. The golden dead leaves curled up and fell, and the drifting wind swept the fallen leaves, and they fell swayingly on the tatami.

There was no strength in her body, and all the bones in her body seemed to be weak.

She was lying on her side, with half of her face pressed against the soft fabric. Her red hair was scattered among the white quilts. Her vision was dull for a while, and she blinked. The withered fallen leaves glowed like gold in the shallow golden sun.

Golden fallen leaves lay quietly on the tatami. The old cherry trees outside the window swayed their branches, and the fallen leaves covered most of the courtyard.

The old tree rooted in this old house was like an old man reunited after a long absence, and the fallen leaves carry an aura of nostalgia.

"What are you looking at?"

The dense breath fell into her naked neck, warm and tingling.

Yayoi's body couldn't help but tremble.

The rustling sound of the fabric being rubbed could be heard in the air. The arms around her waist tightened, naturally encircling her even tighter, and body heat spread from her skin without any gaps.

Satoru opened his eyes, and a shallow golden glow fell into his clear Six Eyes. His pupils were clear and there was no trace of fatigue at all.

Yayoi moved her waist, a sore feeling lingered in her waist, and even her fingers were still loose and weak.

His warm hands touched her waist and rubbed slowly, alleviating the pain in her waist.

"When I was in a daze, I thought about the past." Yayoi said calmly, but when she spoke, she found that her voice was hoarse.

Satoru lowered his head and buried it into the back of her neck. His soft white hair was a mess as he slept. When he brushed it against her skin, there was a tickling sensation. As he rubbed it, he let out a few gentle hums. The sound was like a coquettish feline.

He hugged her from behind, her back pressed against his chest, and the sound of her heart beating could be heard from her back.

"What happened?"

He lowered his head and reached out to push away the red hair scattered around her neck, revealing the white and soft back of her neck. The traces left on her neck were already very faint. The traces left last night were only faint marks that could only be seen in outline in the morning.

Like a cat preparing to hunt, Satoru narrowed his eyes.

The overly excellent body repair ability was not very satisfactory in this regard. If it was an ordinary person's body, it should be more obvious.

Satoru lowered his head and pressed his lips to the soft skin of her neck, just like a big cat biting the throat of its prey. He slowly opened his mouth and gently rubbed his teeth on the skin.

A strange feeling spread densely from the most sensitive neck and along the skin. Yayoi's fingers subconsciously clasped, the white quilt was wrinkled by the grip, and her body couldn't help but tremble.

"Don't bite." Yayoi couldn't help but shrink her neck and suppress the trembling in her body.

"But you haven't told me what happened yet~" The person with a hoarse voice spoke softly on Yayoi's neck.

His warm lips were pressed against the back of her neck, and he picked up a small piece of skin with his teeth and sucked it slowly. A numbing feeling flowed down her spine and throughout her limbs, as if it was like the tide washing on the beach. The subtle movements of the person on the back of her neck washed over her body, over and over again.

Her lips instinctively pursed tightly to prevent strange sounds from leaking out of the gap between her lips.

The fingers holding the fabric trembled slightly, and they instinctively worked harder. After finally waiting for the person behind her to finish nibbling to satisfaction, her fingers loosened, and the fabric she just held in her hand was pitifully wrinkled.

Bright traces remain on the back of the neck, like white silk with fallen red plum blossoms.

The old branches shook off a large golden rain, and a cool breeze blew from the half-open window.


Yayoi was lying on the quilt, a cry-like voice leaked from the gap between her lips, her soft waist was tightly wrapped in his arms with two hands, her back was pressed against his warm chest, and all the strength in her body had just been drained away. Her fingertips were numb, so she could only lie on the bed like a salted fish and let Satoru mess around.

Satoru held her waist and turned her over.

The other person's body temperature that came from the skin-to-skin contact between the quilts seemed to be too hot. She couldn't help but shrink her toes, but her toes brushed against the other person's calf.

Yayoi retracted her feet reflexively, but her knees brushed against his thighs.

Yayoi: "..."
This was where it was inconvenient for two people to sleep on the same bed.

Satoru raised his arms and held his chin, lying half on the bed, looking down at his flustered wife. His blue eyes half-covered by the darkness under his eyelashes.

"I remember there was work today." Yayoi raised her head carefully and spoke weakly.
She made it up.

But what day did Satoru not work?

She wanted to get up. Satoru's interest in certain things was extremely high. The white cat with extremely high energy tormented her all night, and morning was a time when the cat tended to be impulsive. It was very dangerous to continue to stay in the same bed with him. As for their current situation, it was inevitable that the gun would go off.

Satoru was like a lazy white cat, with a strong nasal voice, and after a slight 'um', there were no further words, as if waiting for Yayoi's next words.

"Absenteeism... is not good." Yayoi muttered dryly.

The big white cat said "hmm" again and simply lay down now. One hand was bent up and pillowed under the furry head, while the other hand held Yayoi's waist and lifted her up. Yayoi lay on his chest.

After autumn, the temperature began to drop. Yayoi was like a warm packet with its own temperature. When sleeping in a quilt, the entire quilt was warm.

"The work can never be finished." Satoru hummed twice, took out his arms from under his head, and wrapped both hands around Yayoi's waist, "It will be the same if I do it tomorrow."

Yayoi paused, and after a while, she accused Satoru with a straight face, "You are being passive and sabotaging your work."

"Yes." The impenitent big cat nodded and rubbed his chin against the top of his wife's hair.

Completely ignorant of repentance.

It's one thing to like to skip work. He finally realized the feeling of a king who didn't go to court early. With such a lovely wife, it didn't matter whether he went to court early or not. As for work, it's just postponed. Ijichi was here anyway.

He closed his eyes and rested his chin on the top of Yayoi's hair. The fragrance of hair overflowed, and the sweet smell of orange filled his nose.

Like it.

Really like it.

The white cat was so happy with it that he probably didn't want to get up for a while. Yayoi broke the pot and let him continue to rub her.

"Want to sleep a little longer?"

The soreness in her waist had eased a lot. Yayoi moved her shoulders and lay on his chest sideways, listening to the beating of an organ in his chest through his chest.

Yayoi suddenly thought of his extremely poor sleep quality and extremely short sleep time. Needless to think about it, neither of them slept much last night.

"You stay with me." Satoru kissed the top of his wife's hair, taking advantage of it.

"Okay." Yayoi raised her head and lay on top of him. The white quilt slipped off, revealing her round and white shoulders. Her red hair fell along the slender neck and scattered on the neck and shoulders.

Satoru was strangely silent for a moment, and after a while, the white cat said with a super serious expression, "Wait a while before going to sleep."

Yayoi tilted her head in confusion. When her red hair fell, it brushed against the skin on his chest, tickling him as if he were being swept by a feather.

"Let's do something else first." Satoru continued without changing his expression.

Yayoi paused, and the red-haired people's always accurate intuition told her that getting up right now was the most correct thing to do.

She moved her waist, trying to get up, but Satoru held her tight and refused to let go.

Yayoi: "..."

“Very comfortable.”
Satoru kissed her lips tenderly.

The voice of wanting to refuse was drowned in the warm tide.

The concept of time was blurred at this time, the gloomy twilight filled the sky, and the rustling wind rolled up the fallen leaves in the courtyard.

When they got up, it was already evening.

Certain things take extra energy to do, and Satoru's energy and interest in these things were extremely strong. He seemed to like to toss her like this, and he didn't let her go until noon.

Back and forth, like the turbulent sea, her consciousness was like a small boat floating in the vast ocean, trembling in the ups and downs of the waves, the sweat from her skin soaking the quilt, her hands passing through Satoru was under his armpit and clinging to his shoulder, as if she would be thrown into the bottomless water as soon as she let go.

When her consciousness was teetering between the waves, Yayoi couldn't bear it anymore and bit Satoru's shoulder with her mouth. When he got up and changed clothes, the teeth marks on his shoulder were unusually eye-catching.

Golden-red glow overflowed from the gaps between the floating fire clouds, and the dazzling sunset poured into the room.

When she woke up, there was no sticky feeling on her body. She was wearing a dry white bathrobe, but it didn't fit her well and was much larger than the clothes that fit her.

The clothes she was wearing were probably Satoru's.

The muscles in her waist and abdomen felt sore and weak. As soon as Yayoi got up from the quilt on the tatami, she wanted to lie back down again.

Satoru took her into his arms, placed his palms on her waist, and started massaging her.

"Why do you like doing this kind of thing so much?" Yayoi lay in his arms like a boneless person.

"Because I like you." Satoru held her waist and tipped her upwards, "I like you very much."

The body was lazy, the bones were soft, and the cheeks were hot. The bright sunset fell on the white cheeks, which were flushed red.

"Yayoi." He called her name softly.

Yayoi leaned against his chest, listening to the beating sound of Satoru's heart in his chest, breathing shallowly, and his chest fell with his breathing.

"Love is the most twisted curse." Satoru held her waist.

The sorcerers were doomed to live with curses all their life. He was born with these eyes of predestination paradox. For a person like him, any form of love would be a twisted curse.

The stronger the person, the more obvious the effect of the curse. Just like Satoru's student Yuta, even though he was still a young child at that time, he could still wrap the other person's soul in layers of curses by cursing Rika. In the form of a curse, he was forced to stay in the world of the living.

More than ten years ago, Satoru let her go.

Suguru's defection was the dividing line in his life, the dividing line between boyhood and youth.

After things he once believed in were overturned, he realized that there were some people he couldn't keep even if he wanted to, even if he was the strongest.

They moved around in a hurry.

He did not pay attention to it deliberately, nor did he pursue it. Shoko joked that he had always been obsessed with the little redhead. When he was young, he did not admit it. As an adult, the feelings and longings of his youth quietly settled and fermented in his heart, without even realizing it. The situation was getting worse and worse as time went by.

A woman living in a society of ordinary people was very likely to marry a man and have children, and spend her life quietly and happily.

That's fine.

But he wanted to blow the heads of men other than himself.

On the day when the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons ended, Suguru exposed his thoughts completely.

'If you don’t go, others will.'

The longing that had quietly settled in his heart for a long time finally broke through.

He didn't want to see her with other men in a place and time without him, and he didn't want to see her smiling at other men.

As for getting married and having children, haha.

"I cursed you." He lowered his head, his white hair stained by the fiery and bloody sunset, and his pale blue eyes half-hidden in the shadow cast by the sunset.

The mountains facing the setting sun outside the window were dyed thickly black, and the horizon seemed to be burning with flames, dazzlingly bright.

"Maybe one day in the future, I will curse you like Yuta cursed Rika." Satoru said.

The frost-like eyelashes were drooped, and the pale blue pupils were faintly glowing.

"Are you scared?" He suddenly smiled, like a child who had succeeded in a prank.

Yayoi blinked, stretched out her hands, wrapped her arms around Satoru's neck, sat upright in his arms, raised her head, and pressed against the side of his neck.

In the fragile part, the arteries under the skin beat slightly, and blood flowed through the body along the blood vessels.

"I'm not afraid." Yayoi whispered, "I'm not afraid of being cursed by you."
Everyone on the left and right was already a cursed person.

She was genuinely happy at such a curse.


"You're not gonna let me go, are you?" She remembered what Satoru had said to her before she entered the Jujutsu High.

Satoru nodded happily and rubbed his cheek against hers in a good mood, "So it's too late for you to be afraid."
He wouldn't let people her no matter what.

Yayoi understood, this cat gave the redhead no room to refuse him, even though she had no intention of rejecting him.

Rather, it was like finally seeing the shining North Star under the vast night sky.

She grabbed Satoru's shirt, and the cool wind penetrated into the skin along the wide collar. Satoru subconsciously hugged her tighter.

The person in his arms half-raised her eyelashes, her amber eyes dim and unclear.

Turned out she wanted this, wanted this cat.

Even her own thoughts, which were vague, finally became clear.

The full feeling of satiety was like being submerged in hot spring water on a snowy winter day.

"Since she is Satoru Gojo's wife, there will be a lot of trouble." Satoru's brisk voice came from above.

"Will I get beaten up?" Yayoi raised her eyes and asked curiously.

Satoru paused, "Why do you think so?"

"Shoko-san said your reward is still on the black market." Yayoi said, "It has always been at the top of the list."
Satoru, who had always topped the list of bounties, was becoming more valuable every year.

"Then you are the number one's wife." Satoru kissed her eyebrows.

"If trouble comes, I'll just beat him back." She put her arms around Satoru's neck and pressed her cheek against the skin on the side of his neck, feeling the beating of his blood.

"Anyway..." Yayoi said softly, "we probably can't be separated now."

What she responded to was Satoru's contented hum, his furry white head buried in her neck and rubbing against her neck for a long time, refusing to let go.

She knew the cat was content.

"It's almost time to go back to high school." Yayoi pushed his head, "Ijichi-san is about to collapse."

"Then let him collapse for a while~" coquettish kitty.jpg

Yayoi looked at the phone that was thrown on the tatami, the screen turned on, and vibrated for its life. The note "Ijichi" on the screen was on.

After all, Yayoi couldn't resist her conscience and told her cat seriously, "Don't always embarrass Ijichi-san."

Her cat threw her directly into the soft quilt and rubbed her for a while before giving up.


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