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II: Lily of the Valley
Chapter 128: Whirling Shadows
This complicated interpersonal relationship makes me want to turn around and leave.


It's almost dawn.

The sky was a hazy blue like haze, and the clouds floating in the atmosphere were like dark shadows.

The mottled tree shadows were reflected on the smooth asphalt road, and the steep mountain wind blew in his face, making a relaxing and comfortable sound.

It was the sound made by the wind passing through the branches, and the layers of branches and leaves colliding together and rubbing against each other.

He suddenly remembered the summer when cicadas were noisy, the lush evergreen trees in the yard, with layers of green stretched out like a heavy umbrella, and the big orange cat hiding in the green branches and leaves to enjoy the coolness.

He could never reach the branches of the tree, not even the shortest branch.

He stood under the tree and stood on tiptoes vigorously, but he couldn't reach it with his short hands and feet. The orange cat lying in the shadow to enjoy the coolness raised its eyelids, moved the whiskers on its face, raised its eyelids, and gave him a condescending look.

Do you want to come up too?

The cut shadow fell into the orange cat's emerald green eyes.

He was picked up and held up to reach the branches that were out of his reach.

He clearly saw the flowing golden sunlight reflecting on the emerald green leaves and flowing along the slender veins.

The person who picked him up was his sister, the red-haired sister.

"When you grow up, you can reach it by yourself." The red-haired sister picked him up easily. The bright golden sunlight leaked through the gaps between the stacked leaves and fell mottled on the beautiful red color.

"But I can't reach it now." The little child blinked and said with some frustration, the bright sunshine fell into his amber eyes.

"You will grow up and be taller than me." His sister said, "That's all when the time comes."

"Can I get there?" The little guy pointed to the highest place. The slender branches were covered with green leaves. When the breeze blew by, they made a clear and crisp sound.

"Yes you can."

"Then I want to grow up quickly."

His sister tilted her head and thought for a while. When she spoke again, she was quite serious, "I don't think there is such a rush. Just grow up slowly."

"My brother is very healthy, gentle and sensible." The red-haired sister smiled with crooked eyebrows. "He will grow up slowly and will encounter many problems that he will encounter in life, big or small, he will be distressed and sad, but in the end they will be solved. You will meet a girl you like and make many good friends."

"You will take your time growing up and spend your life happily, Yuji."

The sound of cicadas in midsummer reached his ears from the other end of time, and the lush branches reflected in his sight are blurred into a hazy green.

The steep mountain wind howled with the icy air, and the rustling sound lingered in his ears.

The strong smell of blood filled his nose, and the heart in his chest was still pacing, frantically pumping blood along the arteries to the body, but it could still make up for the undamaged organs no matter what.

Black spots spread across the field of vision, and his lungs were burning, like a lingering old man, and his body was constantly whining.

Vaguely, he saw Nobara, whose facial expression was almost ferocious. Gorgeous roses bloomed along her forehead, climbing up her slender left arm, and dripping with blood from her wrist.

She was originally a beautiful girl, fashionable and heroic, with beautiful features, but it was twisted into a ferocious appearance by herself; shocked, angry, and sad, like a she-wolf who had lost her son.

Her lips opened and closed as if she were shouting something hysterically.

But he couldn't hear it.

The moving body seemed to have been pressed on the pause button, all limb movements stopped, and the belated pain flooded the whole body, especially the sides of his abdomen.

The broken organs were moaning, and the burst blood vessels were gushing out hot blood. His vision stumbled, and when the hazy blue sky fell, he realized that he seemed to have fallen to the ground.


Yuji thought.

I'll get scolded later, and maybe even beaten.

The sky in the field of vision was so clear that it seemed like he could reach out and touch it.

In fact, it was very high and far away, even if he stood on tiptoes or stretch out his hands, he couldn't reach it.

The world suddenly became quiet, as if someone had pressed the mute button, and the rustling wind was slowly receding like a tide.

The sounds of the world seemed to be swallowed up and nothing could be heard.

It seemed like he had spent a long time, and his field of vision was submerged in the black tide. The hazy brilliance was only noticeable and not bright at all. It hung far ahead, as if the day hung far away on the horizon before the night sank.

He trudged through the darkness, flowing through the endless water.

In the opposite direction to the white light, there was bottomless darkness. The black tide rolled indescribable things, rushed behind him, towards the dark, bottomless black hole behind him.

A cold mist-like air swept through his body. He instinctively disliked the black behind him. It was as black as a swamp. Once he got stuck in it, he would never be able to get out.

*splash* *splash* *splash*

The water was flowing backwards.

He stood in front of the rushing water, stopped, paused, turned back, and looked at the endless black.

Someone was talking, someone was whispering, and the flowing water was carrying all the conversations like whispers.



He hesitated for a moment, then raised his steps and took a step forward, water droplets splashing down in the darkness.


The sound became clearer.

The voice was very familiar, he thought he had heard it somewhere.

So he tried to take another step in the direction of the black hole.

The cold black water covered his ankles and flowed slowly. He looked back and saw the white light hanging hazily behind him, unchanged, but he always felt a little far away.

"What's the matter? Dad." Another unfamiliar voice said, "If you want to say anything about her, I will go back first."

The voice in the front sounded like that of an old man, and the voice in the back seemed clearer and clearer than the old man's thick voice, like that of a young man.

He couldn't see their faces or his figure, he could only hear their voices. Both voices felt familiar to him, especially the old man's voice.

Curiosity drove his legs, and he became inexplicably curious about the two voices that clearly belonged to different age groups. He turned his back to the white light and took steps towards the black hole.

The old man seemed a little angry and lowered his voice, "Jin, how you want to live is your freedom, but only for that woman, I advise you to let it go quickly, or you will die."

While wading in the black water, he was stunned for a moment when he heard the old man's words.

"Yuji is still here, please don't say such scary things, okay?" The young man's voice came from the black hole, swaying like a candle, "Memories from infancy can sometimes last for a long time."

"I know you really want a child, and I also know that you and Kaori have no chance!" The old man's voice suddenly rose, "But you have to understand the reason why Kaori died..."

"Dad." A third voice broke in, interrupting the old man's words.

He heard that it was a woman's voice.

"What are you talking about?"

The woman's voice was carried by the running water and drifted from the black hole. The bottomless darkness and the noisy sound were like a TV set with a snowflake screen. The noisy sound filled the entire space.

As if the city had been trampled by a giant beast, the city flashed past in his mind. Unbridled and almost maniacal laughter squeezed into his mind. Sharp pain pierced his brain, and messy lines crowded together and expanded in the skull cavity.

Bloody death and silent screams hovered over the devastated city, and scarlet blood splashed over his face, mixed with someone's unbridled laughter.

He recognized who was laughing.



What do you want to do?

Intangible anger surged through his body, and the intense resentment almost broke through his soul, mixed with an almost despairing sadness.

"Yuji." A hand grabbed his arm.

"Go back, don't go there," she said.

He recognized the person who asked him to go back, it was his sister.

*splash* *splash* *splash*

The black water was still flowing, and the white light behind it gradually took over the darkness, gradually flooding the whole world. The noisy chirping of cicadas in midsummer lingers in the ears, mixed with the thin calls of cats, lying in the shade of the trees. The orange cat raised its eyelids and opened its emerald green eyes.

He stretched out his hand and wanted to touch the orange cat, but the orange cat suddenly raised its head and yawned, and its wide-open eyes narrowed into gaps again.

He remembered that this was his sister's cat.

"Meow." The whiskers on the orange cat's face moved.

He retracted the hand that was about to touch the orange cat's head, scratched the back of his head, and smiled at the orange cat, "Should I not come here?"

"Meow." The orange cat turned around and turned its back to him.

Yuji stood under the dense shade of the trees, and the layers of shade were like an open umbrella.

Yuji heard someone urging him to go back quickly.

"Have you seen grandpa?" He looked at the big orange cat lying on the branch with its butt pointed at him. The young man raised a clear and bright smile, "Please say hello to grandpa for me. I am living a good life. My sister is also very good."


The last soft meow disappeared into the air.

His vision changed from blurry to clear, and his consciousness gradually awakened. Yuji stared at the lampshade hanging from the ceiling for a long time. The clear birdsong was like a clear mountain stream.

"Are you awake?" A familiar voice came from his ears, and Yuji turned his head subconsciously. The female school doctor in a white coat was holding a lollipop in her mouth, her eyes were completely dark.

Yuji opened his mouth to say something, but Shoko stretched out a finger and gestured in front of him.

"How much is this?"

"One." The boy answered honestly.

Shoko nodded, "You haven't broken your head."


"Ah what." Shoko drooped her yelids, took out the lollipop stick in her mouth, peeled off a new lollipop and stuffed it into her mouth.
She had been having the urge to smoke lately, so she had to rely on lollipops to suppress her long-awaited craving. If she continued like this, she felt like she would become a sweet party like Satoru.

"Kugisaki said you hit your head when you fell down." Shoko said, "I specifically asked to check your head carefully during the examination to see if there is any water in it."

Did he hit his head on the ground and fall, or did he fall into the river?

"Oh what." Shoko said, "You almost dead, you know?"

"I probably know." Yuji held the quilt with one hand and scratched his cherry blossom-colored hair with the other.

Shoko rolled her eyes and said to herself, you know what the hell, if the little redhead hadn't been there, you would have died.

That kind of injury, unless there was a reverse technique user like her, otherwise it would be a complete death. That was to say, for Yuji Itadori, fortune favoured fools. Although Yayoi herself could not use the Reverse Cursed Technique, people who come into contact with her blood could use her own self-healing ability that was almost the same as the Reverse Cursed Technique.

"Speaking of which, where is this place?" Yuji belatedly showed his boundless curiosity.

Looking around, he found that this was a very traditional Japanese-styled house. The traces on the walls had a sense of age, but the tatami had been replaced with new ones. The TV in the corner was also an old model from several years ago, and the furnishings were slightly older. It's a little bit cluttered, but it didn't feel messy, and it's clean and tidy.

"Saitama Prefecture, Yayoi-san's maternal grandfather's house." The door of the Japanese room was opened, and Yuji turned around to see his sea urchin-headed classmate with a sullen expression.

"Hey, Fushiguro, good morning!" Yuji greeted energetically and raised his hand.

Megumi rolled his eyes and said, "It's afternoon now."

"Oh." A struck dumb embarrassment.

"By the way, do you remember what I said before, right?" Megumi narrowed his emerald green eyes, and the handsome face of the young man suddenly became a bit sharper and gloomier.

Yuji was stunned for a moment, then belatedly remembered what Megumi had said to him at the exchange meeting.

—I’ll kill you if you dare to die.

Yuji: "...I was wrong."
The little tiger shivered.

Why were two of his classmates so scary?

#He's so scared, sister, Junpei, where are you?

"Wait wait wait?"
Yuji watched as Megumi's hands formed a seal.

—You’re not serious, are you?

"Divine Dogs!" Yuji looked horrified as he saw the black Divine Dogs leap out from the black shadow, opening its sharp claws and rushing towards him.

For real?!

The sharp claws set off a fierce wind that brushed against his face. The sound of the fabric bursting sounded in the room, and the torn cotton wool fell to the floor.

The back collar suddenly tightened, and Yuji was lifted together with the little chicken. His butt fell to the floor with a thud, making him grimace in pain.

Megumi picked up the collar of his jacket and threw him behind. When he came to his senses, Shoko, who had been sitting lazily, stood up at some point and had a sharp scalpel in her hand.

The black dog shikigami jumped directly into the yard.

Ignoring the pain in his butt, Yuji got up from the floor and squatted on the ground, staring straight at the yard outside the paper partition door, instinctively making response movements.

There was one more person in the yard, a man with twin tails, pale cheeks, and dark eyes. The teeth of the Divine Dogs were welded to his arm like a tightened animal trap, the blood dripped down, staining the soil under his feet red.

"What do you want to do?" The sea urchin head with spiky hair looked gloomy. He had already pulled out a sword from the shadow, as if he was going to chop him to death regardless of whether he answered or not.

The man's facial expression was cold and hard, and he let the Divine Dogs' teeth continue to sink into the flesh, staring straight at the opposite side as if he didn't feel any pain.

Shoko and Megumi both realized who he was looking at.

Megumi hissed, "What is your purpose?"
Was the target really Itadori?

The man took a deep breath and tried to sound friendly, "I don't represent any party. I have no intention of doing anything. I just came to see my brother."

Megumi lowered his brows and his eyes became sharper, "It's hard to say, after all, you made a hole in the stomach of the idiot behind me."

"And there is no brother of yours here." Megumi held the sword in front of her.

Megumi was surprised to find that the other person's expression suddenly became... painful?

"I'm an older brother." the other person said.

Megumi's frown deepened.

"Not long ago, I figured out something." He said, but his eyes fell directly on Yuji, "Your name is Yuji Itadori, right?"

The three people found that his eyes suddenly became strangely... kind?

What the hell?

"I'm your big brother."

Megumi: "..."
Shoko: "..."

To be fair, you just opened a hole in this guy's stomach this morning! Besides ○ Uchiha, who would treat his younger brother like this these days? Even ○ Uchiha may not be able to do this kind of thing, right?! [1]

The two people who witnessed the scene were so full that they wanted to vomit.

The person involved was already stupid and subconsciously started to argue with the other person, "Thank you, I only have one big sister."

The other person's pupils were trembling, and his body was trembling, "...what?! I actually have a younger sister?"

Yuji: "Listen to what people are saying!!!"
What the hell were you talking about?!

"Eso, Kechizu, did you hear that? We have a younger sister!" The other person was so excited that he shouted towards the wall.

Megumi: "..."
Shoko: "..."

Yuji: "..."
What could he do? He was also desperate!


There was a loud noise in the blue sky and the white sun, and the wall in front of the three people collapsed instantly. The rising dust blurred the vision, and the cracked stones were scattered on the ground.

The red-haired woman was carrying one person in one hand, and another... Pikachu, well, let's just say it was a Pikachu, walked out of the smoke.

Megumi saw sharply that it was just a doll suit, and there was a cursed spirit hidden inside.

Yayoi's face was paralyzed, and her eyes fell on Choso, looking at the posture that she might fight to the death with Choso at any time.

"Eso, Kechizu!" Choso's pupils trembled, and his expression turned cold instantly, "What did you do to my brother?!"

"Sister!" Yuji almost cried with joy.
He really only had one big sister.

Megumi: "..."
Shoko: "..."

This complicated interpersonal relationship made me want to turn around and leave.


· Genuine translation can be found only in OchatimesBlogspotCom, FanFictionNet, and Wattpad

• Omake •

#Same initial event.

Yuji and Nobara did not kill Eso and Kechizu because Choso intervened halfway. After being beaten by Yayoi, he deeply realized that the sorcerer was not a good person, so he was worried about his younger brothers would follow him. Seeing his younger brother being beaten, he became agitated and fired Piercing Blood. He was originally going to hit Nobara, but Yuji pushed Nobara away, and a hole was made in his stomach. He was beaten half to death, and then... non-existent memory.jpg

Choso: !!!

Uncle had no effect, because little redhead came, pressed Yuji's head and Nobara bit her arm twice.

Nobara: ...f*ck.

When Gojo the Cat comes, the scene became more complicated hahahahahaha

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