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II: Lily of the Valley
Chapter 135: Shibuya (3)
I will take you to see him now.


People would always cling to things that were far away and out of reach for them.

Just like poor people were obsessed with wealth, lonely people long for the company of others, stand on tiptoes and stretch their necks, even if the distance was only shortened by an insignificant amount, they still have to reach it. This may be the greed imprinted in the bones of human beings.

The "curses" generated from people's negative emotions have well inherited the characteristics of humans. The weak cursed spirits would gather together and hug themselves in a ball in order to survive. The curses flowing out gather and expand, and the body became huge, its teeth and claws have become sharp, and its thinking was getting closer and closer to humans as the "source". It inherited human malice, inherited human greed, gnawed human bones, devoured human flesh and blood; devoured everything.

This was the "locust plague" that humans fear. Wherever it passed, it was desolate, leaving only a land like purgatory on earth.

The "curse" who learned to think in human terms was also surprisingly obsessed with their intelligence. It had been emphasizing that it was smart from the moment they met, and tried to prove that Yayoi was not smarter than it to show that it had a superhuman intelligence quotient.

Yayoi didn't have much obsession with whether she was smart or not. She had always been considered a stupid girl since she was a child, and it was rare for her to be smart.

But she had no intention of talking to the locusts.

It ate people. It chewed a person's skull into pieces while it was alive in front of her, tore out the muscles and bones, and sucked the blood. In their eyes, a living person was no different from a fish.

Chewing the minced meat and bones in its mouth, it generously showed off its intelligence advantage to Yayoi. With this advantage, it could taste the taste of transformed humans and untransformed humans.

She subconsciously remembered a food show she had watched before. The host and a chef living in a coastal city explored the process of making caviar. The more traditional way was to directly open the belly of a pregnant female sturgeon with a knife. Remove the piles of fish eggs inside.

The decapitated body was discarded by the locust spirit. Yayoi thought of the wide-open eyes and empty belly of the female sturgeon in the food show, whose eggs had been removed and discarded in the corner.

The smelly blood splashed onto the ceiling like a pouring ladle.

Yayoi pulled out her sword and ran in the passage filled with the smell of blood. The dazzling movements suddenly appeared in front of the locust curse spirit, she swung the sword cleanly and sharply. The blade cut off the bones and penetrated into the flesh. After a hissing sound, the blood rubbed the blade and spiraled out in a semicircular arc.

The locust creature itself had an amazing bite power. The locust monster, which was born out of mankind's hatred and fear of it, also inherited the characteristics of mankind's impression of this creature. It could bite the hard skull of a person into pieces. It could already be seen that its mouth is definitely trouble.

The blade of the sword tilted slightly and made a horizontal cut. The tip of the sword slid from the bite muscles to the chin. The sticky blood followed the arc of the semicircle and splashed from the ceiling to the floor.

The bite force of its upper and lower jaws has been abolished, and it had no way to explain to Yayoi that it was smarter than her. It could only make a whooshing sound in vain, like a broken bellows.

The handle of the sword in her hand rotated, and the blade fell sharply, severing blood vessels and slicing into flesh and blood. The broken limbs rolled to the ground. The air was filled with the foul smell of the cursed spirit blood. There was a clang sound of the blade, and the blade sank into the ground. The smelly blood It splashed out again, like rain suddenly splashing on the roadside, and the sharply elongated tail of the curse spirit was nailed to the ground.

Yayoi let go of the handle of the knife and turned her head slightly to avoid the punch.

The five fingers were gathered together and clenched into fists, and black lightning-like light exploded in the corridor. In the eyes of the locust cursed spirit that gradually shrank, the world sank into an eternal silence of black and white.

Exploded pieces of flesh and smelly blood splashed all over her face, and the strong wind set off by the Black Flash tore her forehead.

The second underground floor fell into silence.

The corpse of the locust cursed spirit disappeared into the air like embers after a fire, leaving scarlet all over the ground.

Yayoi pulled out the sword that had been buried in the cracks in the ground, and picked out the nail-shaped object that was buried in the ground and wrapped in layers of talisman paper. She saw the tattered guide sign out of the corner of her eye and smashed it neatly. She stuffed the sword into the scabbard and ran towards the stairs with the sword in hand.

Once upon a time, human beings were the top predators on this planet. They were not as strong as tigers and lions, not as ferocious as wild wolves, and did not have as huge bodies as brown bears, but they were able to forge steel on this planet and force creatures that were much stronger than them into desperate situations.

However, the scene unfolding in front of her was completely opposite.

Humans, once predators, have become prey on the run.

Thousands of shadows were entrenched on the three underground floors like heavy ink stains that couldn't be washed away on white clothes. Thousands of transformed people and ordinary people were mixed together. The mournful wailing and sharp hissing made her brain buzz. Human beings fled like crazy to the stairs on the fourth floor underground. People were squeezing each other, people were stepping on each other, and the trampling and mourning sounds came up like a tide, filling the entire three underground floors.

Yayoi stepped on the wall, then jumped up with force, and chopped off the head of the transformed people who had already stuffed most of a man's head into its mouth.

The person who survived the disaster had not yet recovered from the death gate, and stared blankly at a head rolling to the ground until Yayoi pulled him up from the ground and pointed to the stairs leading to the second underground floor.

"Run that way." Yayoi said.

The man finally calmed down, looked at the stairs, and shook his head like a rattle.

"There's a monster up there!" the man said in horror.
The subway on the fifth floor underground had become their hope of escape.

"Dead, I kill them." Yayoi's voice was as cold as winter frost, "If you want to survive, run over there."

The man wanted to say something more, but Yayoi stopped talking to him and turned around to plunge into the craze of transforming people and ordinary people.

Just like the end of the world in the movie, these transformed humans appeared in the subway station without warning, appeared without warning, and began to eat the surrounding humans without warning. Living people were torn off their limbs. Muscles, bones mixed with minced meat were stuffed into the mouth, and blood splashed down. After witnessing the death of the first person, everyone's fear soared in an instant, and they instinctively turned around and fled to the fifth underground floor where there were no monsters.

People crowded together, people stepped on people, cries and screams were mixed together, children and adults, men and women crowded into each other, like a crowded school of fish, or like domestic animals being driven away collectively.

Yayoi pulled out the sword and reached out with her free hand to pull a wailing little girl away from the transformed human's mouth and threw her into the hands of the screaming woman.

The blade of the sword penetrated into the flesh and blood of the modified person smoothly like water. After a hiss, the blood wrapped around the blade was pulled away from the transformed person's flesh. She decisively changed direction, slashed horizontally and chopped off half of the head of the transformed human who suddenly jumped out from the corner.

The severed half of the head fell into the crowd along a parabola, but the fear continued and the riots spread. Yayoi kept walking through the crowd, slashing and killing the transformed human with her sword, and from time to time she had to reach out and grab unlucky guys and throw them aside. The crowded crowd separated the distance. She watched with her own eyes as a transformed human bit a man's neck and threw him up to the ceiling. His blood was dripping like liquid. The ground poured down on the people below.

Fear and turmoil escalated.

There were too many people and it was too noisy, but her brain was surprisingly calm. Even when human blood mixed with transformed humans blood was splashed on her face, she could continue to swing the sword without changing her expression.

The entrance to the fifth underground floor was actually not far away. Three minutes, no, only two minutes was enough, but it was far away. Across the waves of people, for an instant, it seemed like a singular point that was out of reach.

She understood that she could not save everyone here. If this was the case, then she should save as much as possible. The best way she could think of to save people right now was to kill all the transformed humans here.

The subway on the Fukutoshin Line from Meiji-Jingumae Station went to Shibuya. The current situation in Shibuya. If there were another subway carrying passengers going to Shibuya, it would simply add to the complicated situation. The other party specifically chose the Fukutoshin Line bound for Shibuya, undoubtedly heading for Satoru.

The more people there were, the worse it was for Satoru.

Yayoi looked at the crowd rushing to the entrance. There were a lot of transformed humans, and the crowd was too panicked and frightened. She could spend time to deal with the vicious transformed humans, but she couldn't appease the fearful crowd.

If Ijichi were present at this time, he would be more useful than her.

The escalators leading to the fifth underground floor from the fourth floor below were crowded with people, and the escalators looked like overflowing black algae.

On the fifth floor underground, the platform of the Fukutoshin Line was crowded with people. Every face was full of anxiety and fear. They craned their necks to look into the dark tunnel, with suppressed sobs and faint yells floating in the air.

Yayoi held the sword and walked through the surging crowd.

Fear and uneasiness flooded the entire subway station, and the crowd no longer had basic communication skills. Yayoi picked up the sword, and the blade of the sword simply destroyed the operating escalator. The cut wires erupted with bright sparks, and the crowd retreated in horror. For a moment, resentment and anger replaced fear and uneasiness.

"Get back."

Before the crowd could speak again, Yayoi stood between the escalator and the crowd with a sword in hand, like an unshakable dividing line.

"I will kill whoever comes over." Yayoi heard herself say.

The woman in front of them was holding a sword. The sword was still stained with sticky blood. The large blood stains on the clothes were smudged on the dark clothes. The blood stains on his fair cheeks were scarlet and dazzling, and he really looked like a murderous maniac.

The temperature in the subway station dropped to freezing point in an instant, and an unspeakable chill filled the air.

The crowd was like a duck being strangled by the throat. For a moment, they were shocked by the majestic killing intent and could not move.

The effect was very good. Yayoi turned her eyes a few times, jumped over the escalator, and jumped to the fifth underground floor, which was crowded with people. She kicked off the sign hanging above her head and threw it in front of the escalator, once again warning the crowd who were about to go to the fifth underground floor.

She didn't know how effective it would be, but a warning was better than nothing.

Yayoi took a deep breath and spoke slowly, "I know you are here."


With so many transformed people, it was difficult to prove that they are not here.


Sudden and brisk applause sounded in the air, and the cursed spirit with stitches on his cheeks walked away from the crowd like a leisurely stroll, with a child-like smile on his face as he pushed away those who stood in front of it.

The person who was forced to move couldn't see the cursed spirit, and obviously didn't know what was going on. He let out a confused "huh" with a surprised look on his face.

Everyone was watching Yayoi talking to herself, talking to the air through the vast crowd.

"Oops~" Mahito stretched out his hand to wrap around a strand of hair hanging on his face, with a smile on his face like a child who had succeeded in his mischief, "You came so fast, I'm not even ready yet~"

The cursed spirit that looked like a human spreads his hands in the crowd, as if to extend a hug to a friend through the crowd.

"Look." He raised his hand and touched the head of the man closest to him.

The man who was touched felt that something was touching him, but he could not see the other person. For a moment, trembling goosebumps crawled all over his body along his spine.

"Wha, what?"
The man's legs trembled and he opened his mouth to shout uneasily.

Like a pebble thrown into the lake, the calmness that Yayoi had just grabbed was in jeopardy.

"He can't see me!" Mahito curled his lips, "He can't see me but he's still very scared~ There are so many things that humans are afraid of~"

There was an innocent smile on his face covered with sutures. Mahito spread his hands, and Yayoi's fingers turned white as she held the handle of the sword.

"The number of humans... is too many..." He smiled.
The eyeballs of the man who had just been touched by him exploded out of their sockets in an instant, like sparks exploding in the crowd, instantly igniting a raging fire, and the surging transformed human seemed to be swarming. Like a wild beast, rushed towards her.

Yayoi's eyes turned slightly, and with Mahito's joking expression of "wow, I'm so scared", she cut the transformed human who first rushed towards her into two with a sword. The smelly blood stuck to the blade and slid down. She turned her wrist, the deflected blade shook off the blood, and turned to face the next transformed human.

The crowd around them couldn't see Mahito, but they could see the transformed person with a physical body. They backed away in horror, looking at the red-haired woman surrounded by the transformed people in horror. The blade repeatedly penetrated and pulled away from the transformed person's body. The one after another screeching sound made people's whole body chill in the small space, and every cell was trembling.

Mahito stood in the crowd who were panicking and running away like rabbits, laughing loudly, laughing and applauding.

Yayoi grabbed a transformed human by the neck and threw it up to the ceiling. With a wave of her hand holding the sword, the tip of the sword pierced the transformed human's throat. The smelly blood was like rainwater, splashing all over her face.

"Take the stairs! Go to the fourth floor! Go outside, don't stay here!" Yayoi shouted almost like a roar.

The panicked crowd had lost their minds and had simply lost the ability to distinguish between right and wrong in other people's words. They instinctively knew that staying here would lead to death, and they rushed to the stairs like a shoal of fish.

The ground trembled slightly, the steel wheels vibrated the rails and roared on the ground. The dazzling lights cut through the deep darkness of the tunnel, and the long steel subway slid into the rails.

Yayoi's pupils couldn't stop shrinking.

"The subway is coming!" Someone in the crowd shouted.

"Don't go there!" Yayoi yelled.

However, it was no use. She didn’t know who took the lead first. A part of the crowd pushing towards the stairs separated and rushed to squeeze into the compartment. Their messy hands were waving in the chaos, trying hard to reach the compartment. However, in an instant, he died in the mouth of the transformed human.

The special grade cursed spirit in the crowd stretched out his hand, patted this one, touched that one, and one transformed person came out of his hand one after another, as easily as a child pinching plasticine.

The above had urgently arranged for the subway to Shibuya, and this subway would also be temporarily stranded at Meiji-Jingumae Station. What Mahito had to do was to let this subway continue to move forward and head for Shibuya.

This subway station had a total of five floors, and he put transformed human people on the first four floors. The purpose was to drive ordinary people in this subway station to the platform on the fifth floor.

His goal was this subway and all the people in this subway station. He would turn everyone here into transformed people and put them into this subway, and then deliver them to Satoru Gojo.

Those who get on this train would lead to the hell-like Shibuya. Those who fail to catch this train would face the risk of being transformed into a transformed human by Mahito.

It was expected that a sorcerer would come after hearing the news, but he did not expect that the visitor would be so quick and arrive at the battlefield before his work was completed.

There were too many humans around.

The coverage area of her technique was too wide. If she activated her technique rashly, she would injure ordinary people around her if she was not careful.

The difference between her and Mahito was that she would be tied up by the lives of ordinary people, but he would not. Human beings were in his hands, no different from plasticine that could change its shape at will.

Yayoi took a deep breath, and something expanded in her chest. In the intertwined breathing and heartbeats like a spider web. She heard the sound of birds vibrating their wings, and the hoarse crow call was as thin as a strand of silk reaching her hearing range.

Yayoi waved the sword in her hand, and the silver-white arc flashed in the air. After the blood-red flowers exploded one after another, she held the handle of the sword in her hand and threw the sword towards Mahito.

The sudden change in the offensive made Mahito stunned for a while. The blade plunged straight into his chest, and the blood of the cursed spirit splashed in the air. This level of injury was not enough for him who could change his physical form at will, Mahito thought. He wanted to pull out the sword on his chest and laugh at Yayoi, but unexpectedly, Yayoi had already grabbed him by the collar the next moment.

The special grade cursed spirit who was caught by the collar jumped up into the air and was thrown directly into the compartment. He crashed into the compartment. The metal guardrails were distorted by the impact, and the flat iron plates in the compartment seemed to be welded. It wrinkled like crumpled paper.

Yayoi jumped up in the crowd like a leopard, jumped over the crowd, and jumped into the compartment. She reached out and grabbed the driver who looked frightened, threw him out of the compartment, and then used the same method to catch him with lightning speed. Several passengers in the compartment were thrown out, grabbed the armrest, slammed the door violently, and pulled down the lever.

In the dark tunnel, the roar of the train sounded again, the wheels sparked brilliantly on the rails, and the tattered compartments swayed forward.

After completing this series of actions, Yayoi violently removed the metal handrail beside the door, picked up the handrail and smashed it onto the connection between the subway cars. With a loud bang, the front car was disconnected from the following cars. The compartment and its passengers were left on the platform.

The compartment carrying her and the special grade cursed spirit was running through the roaring darkness. She vaguely heard the hoarse crow crows and the boy's cry of "sister" coming from the other end of the tunnel.

Yayoi stood in front of the gap in the windy compartment, looking at the special grade cursed spirit that had smashed into the compartment and slowly climbed up on the other side, with a color like lava flowing in his eyes.

Mahito twitched the corners of his mouth, obviously not expecting this development. For a moment, the smile on his face could no longer be maintained, and he could only scream in pain.

Yayoi didn't care about him. The strong wind tore her red hair. Her eyes seemed to be filled with lava. Her lips opened and closed, and the sound she made was like the temperature in the winter. "I will take you to see him now."

Go see Satoru.


· Genuine translation can be found only in OchatimesBlogspotCom, FanFictionNet, and Wattpad

• Omake •

Mahito: Is it still too late for my special code to run? Suddenly I don’t want to do it anymore :)

Jogo: I just know that Satoru Gojo is not a human being, but I don’t know that his wife is not a human being either.

Hanami: @#*#&……
Jogo: I don't understand, shut up!
Hanami: ...

Brainy: keep smiling.jpg

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