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II: Lily of the Valley
Chapter 137: Shibuya (4)
No matter what, the cat can't be serious.


Meiji-Jingumae Station

After dealing with all the transformed human, Mei Mei contacted the assistant director on standby on the ground to evacuate and transfer the surviving ordinary people. Although the mess left by Mahito had been dealt with, this place was obviously not suitable for ordinary people to stay.

In terms of negotiating with ordinary people, the assistant director was more natural than them. After barely calming the crowd, he began to evacuate them in an orderly manner.

On the fifth underground floor, Yuji stood on the platform. In front of him was the dark tunnel entrance. The rails lying on the ground were like black snakes swimming into the darkness. There were piles of corpses of the transformed human under the platform. The strong smell of rust mixed with the filthy smell filled the entire fifth underground floor.

Something silently stuck to the outer contour of the ear, exuding a cold texture like metal.

The sensitive athletic boy instinctively pulled the thing off his ear, his five fingers tightened continuously, and the metal shell made a crackling wail.

"Yuji Itadori, can you hear me?!" Kokichi's voice rang out a second before it was crushed, "Stop it now!"

A familiar and urgent voice echoed in the empty corridor.

"Mechamaru?" Yuji recognized the other person's voice.

The palm-sized metal badge lay quietly in the boy's palm. If he looked closely, he could still see the cracks left by the strange power just now. At least it was not crushed.

The metal badge lying in Yuji's palm resisted the urge to scold this well-developed sports idiot, and slowly said, "This is the 'insurance' I left behind."

"What 'insurance'?" Yuji's eyes were confused.

"I can't guarantee that I can survive in the hands of "Suguru Geto" and Mahito." Kokichi's voice slowly came from the badge, "So I left a little 'insurance', and the activation conditions are very harsh. It was originally limited to 'after Satoru Gojo is sealed' to be activated."

"Oh, then why did you activate it now? "Yuji's eyes were wide open.

Mechamaru: "..."
He wanted to smack Yuji's head off right now. He finally understood why Nobara always looked at this well-developed guy with a very disgusted expression. It was pure disappointment!

Yuji, who was a bit brainless, finally reacted. His expression changed in an instant, "Wait, isn't Gojo-sensei..."

"No, he's doing very well now." Mechamaru's voice came out from the badge in his hand again, "His wife eloped with him."

Yuji: "..."
Why could I understand every word, but I couldn't understand it when they were connected?

"Does your sister never play by the rules?" A voice that was half complaining and half stating came out of the badge slowly.

Because the investigation and handling rights were transferred to Satoru, Kokichi was transferred to Tokyo Jujutsu High School, where Satoru was in charge. After being detained, Kokichi had a good attitude and told Satoru everything he knew.

After seeing the three brothers of the Death Painting Wombs strolling in the high school, Kokichi knew that in terms of intelligence acquisition, there was not much difference between having him and not having him. In this situation, cooperating with Satoru's actions was the best choice.

A week after being transferred to Tokyo Jujutsu High School, Kokichi deeply realized one thing; this sorcerer was the most powerful and poisonous, and his wife was also a weirdo, otherwise why would the two of them live together?

After all, sorcerers were not normal people, otherwise they would not stay in the same place and do the same thing.

He must have been kicked in the head by a donkey to pin all his hopes on Satoru. [1]

Kokichi, who saw through the phenomenon and the essence, was shocked. One day, after witnessing the most powerful sorcerer openly shirking responsibility, he locked himself in the laboratory temporarily provided by Satoru with an old mother's heart, and worked hard to modify the activation conditions of the insurances reserved in Shibuya, Meiji-Jingumae Station, and Kyoto School.

As he expected, at the beginning of the plan, "curtains" were set down in these places to block the sorcerers from entering and trap Satoru. The "curtain" at the exchange evetn was only an experimental version. The communication tools could communicate normally and did not block radio waves. The "curtains" placed at Shibuya and Meiji-Jingumae Station would have some functions that the experimental version did not have.

In this case, things that could be used need to be used as much as possible.

The badge lying in Yuji's hand was his cursed corpse, which could be regarded as his clone in a sense. It did not need to rely on radio transmission signals and was not affected by the "curtain" to a certain extent.

The three brothers of the Nine Phases Diagram appeared in the high school, and Kokichi himself, all telling the other party that the plan has been exposed.

Kokichi expected Kenjaku to change the original plan, but he did not expect that this old bastard who was still unwilling to give up would still implement the plan on the eve of Halloween on October 31.

For a moment, he was not sure where the other person's confidence was.

The senior management did not trust Yaga and rejected his preventive measures based on the "Night Parade of a Hundred Demons". They stubbornly believed that it was the best choice for Satoru to solve the riot alone to reduce losses.

The response measures shown by the sorcerers to the riot were really backward.

There were more than one guy lurking in the high school as an insider. If he was counted, the number of people would be more than two.

Satoru's position in the sorcery world was extremely special due to the intricate power network. On the one hand, the cursed spirits and sorcerers maintained a delicate balance because of his existence. On the other hand, he also served as a delicate easing point in the relationship between sorcerers and curse users. Since more than ten years ago, the activity of curse users had been much less than before. At the same time, the old-fashioned people in the sorcery world have also been restricted by his existence.

In other words, this guy was really good at attracting hatred. His position was a very good reason for people to mess with him. In recent years, the number of provocations to the higher-ups had increased. The actions of curse users and cursed spirits were restricted because of his existence. The senior management of the same camp have been slapped in the face by him. He unscrupulously protects sorcerers without family backgrounds, shaking the interests of traditional sorcerers families.

Kokichi was really tired. Just thinking about it, the number of people who have reasons to mess with him could form an army. There was really no way to find the traitor in a short time.

The guy who acted as a middleman between him and 'Noritoshi Kamo' had disappeared without a trace. The traitor had been hiding himself from the beginning.

Apart from the accident of Satoru who went after his sister, Yuji had no relationship with the jujutsu society a few months ago.

Mei Mei was very strong and had been stamped by Satoru, but her position had always been a mystery. She had no fixed position. If it had to be said, her position was money. As she said, everything could be measured by money.

However, when Kokichi saw the woman holding a long axe at the subway station, he felt that he could rule out the suspicion of being a traitor from her.

If it came to finding the enemy, there were few people in the entire jujutsu world who were better at finding the enemy than her. If she was really a traitor, she should not come here. It was more beneficial for the enemy's plan to let her operate in Shibuya. The longer the time was delayed, the more beneficial it was for the enemy.


"Get ready, those things are coming." Kokichi said.

After listening to the explanation, Miss Mei Mei smiled slightly, took the long axe from the little boy who had been following her, and her lips pulled out a bright arc, "After the matter is done, remember to transfer the money to me. I look forward to getting a bonus that will satisfy me afterwards."

"You, understand?" Mei Mei smiled.

Yuji and the metal badge held in his palm were silent. This was a subway branch line located underground in Tokyo. The sunlight was isolated from the ground by layers of concrete and steel bars, and it could not shine in. It was the end of October, and the temperature on the ground had obviously begun to drop.

Yuji and Kokichi who were not there felt inexplicably cold. They could already see themselves eating dirt next month because of the financial overspending this month.

"...we should get together, right?" Yuji had a sad face, and he had experienced the devilish nature of the money vampire who plundered others so closely.

"...probably." The salary of the sorcerer was not low, and they were still minors. Although this woman was notorious for being a money-grubber, she would not strip them naked.

The cold air, wrapped in a foul smell, whistled from the other end of the corridor that was like hell. A few dim lights lit up in the dark corridor, like phosphorous fire suddenly lit up in the dark night, getting closer and closer until the other party walked out of the darkness and exposed his figure. Yuji saw clearly that it was not only curse users, but also a cursed spirit, and it was at the same level as the Fuji Mountain cursed spirit, and could speak human words.

The panting sound echoed in the empty corridor was like the hissing of a broken bellows, and the air around them suddenly became cold.

The hidden instinct in the body drove the body to respond, and the blood flowing in the blood vessels throughout the body seemed to be agitated.

The woman's flexible shoulders and neck slowly stretched back, one hand pressed against the heavy axe, and the other hand grasped the axe handle. She stood on the long snake-like railroad tracks, and her bright lips were like sharp roses.

"Then now, you can start to act as you please."

Yuji nodded, and the metal badge pressed against the outer contour of his ear. The boy's eyes were as bright as pine branches lit at night, and his taut back pulled out a tight body curve.

Let's put aside the matter of eating dirt next month. If he guessed correctly, Shibuya was now a place where demons were dancing. It's not the curse users and cursed spirits that were restraining Satoru, but the ordinary people gathered in Shibuya.

If Satoru was sealed as the old bastard Kenjaku expected, then not only Shibuya, but everyone in the country would be in trouble.

Then they wouldn't even have dirt to eat next month.

Kokichi thought so, and suddenly felt that it would be good to have dirt to eat next month.

"Itadori, go out now and contact the sorcerers gathered outside the 'curtain'." Kokichi said, "I'll leave this to you, Mei Mei."

The most important thing at the moment was the "curtain" that locked up ordinary people. As long as ordinary people in Shibuya were still gathered together, they would become an obstacle for Satoru.

Satoru was the strongest when he was alone, and those ordinary people gathered in Shibuya would only become his stumbling blocks.

The air made a shrill cry, and the sharp long axe tore through the air and chopped at the rushing curse spirit. The blood flowing in the veins boiled in an instant, and the tense legs suddenly exerted force. Yuji was fierce and fierce like a tiger running in the jungle. He turned and plunged into the other end of the corridor, and disappeared in the corridor in the blink of an eye.

The woman with long silver braids smiled, and the hoarse crow cry echoed in the dark corridor.

Shibuya Subway Station

The subway branch line from Meiji-Jingumae Station to Shibuya was blocked by the "curtain" that fell after entering Shibuya in that shabby compartment.

It was no longer possible to return by the original route, although Yayoi did not think about returning by the original route.

Things became a mess. If the curse users and cursed spirits here were not dealt with, as well as the "curtain" that fell in Shibuya, no one would be able to survive today.

Yayoi felt a little headache. The guy hiding behind the scenes was very calculating. Although his purpose was known, no one could predict his next move.

While all the people were worried about the turmoil that might cause a huge change, the core figure who was being targeted by the enemy leader was leisurely nestling in his wife's arms in a good mood, with a leisurely rhythm of humming a little song in the spring countryside.

The anxious and crazy red-haired woman felt dizzy for a while. He was as proud as he was when he beat up the volcano head just now, and now he was as messy. She rolled several times in the pile of the transformed human, and her red hair had become a mess.

When she was dizzy, Yayoi heard Satoru laughing, as if he had been holding it back for a long time and finally couldn't hold it back anymore, he laughed out loud.

The cat in her arms was laughing.

Yayoi's eyes widened when she saw that he was still laughing. The cat smiled with curled lips and his shoulders trembled, and the soft white hair was shaking.

"You are still laughing!"
Someone wanted to put you in a cat cage!

"Didn't you say you would elope with me?" Satoru blinked, and his pale blue eyes were instantly filled with mist, aggrieved.

Yayoi's conscience was strongly condemned, but reason told her that it was not the time to laugh, so she made up her mind, "Then you can't laugh anymore!"
You must be serious at this time, otherwise you would be locked in a flight box if you were not careful.

"Sorry." Satoru took it easy and apologized honestly, but she couldn't hear any sincere apology from him, "I'm just too happy."

The big white cat blinked, and the beautiful cat eyes couldn't help but bend, and in the dimly lit corridor, a faint pale blue light flashed.

Yayoi paused.

Satoru blinked, the smile in his eyes remained unchanged, "I remember I asked you to wait for me~"

Yayoi was stunned, and suddenly realized that she was the one who disobeyed first.

The redhead was stunned for a long time, and said, "I can't wait any longer!"

The cheek was suddenly held, and the bright blue suddenly hit her vision. The light intertwined in the pupils was bright and dazzling, which made her dizzy.

Satoru held his wife's cheek and kissed her lips with a smack.

"I'm glad you came to see me." Satoru said.

Yayoi, who was kissed by her own cat, blinked, and her cheeks turned red belatedly.

The black eye mask was hung on his neck, and Satoru blinked. Six eyes had good eyesight. Even if the light in the corridor was not good, he could see the difference in his wife's face, as if she was stunned.

She was always stunned in some strange things.

Satoru couldn't hold back his laughter again, and Yayoi almost wanted to throw him out, but she lost her temper when he gave her a cat-like expression of grievance.

"You have to be serious." Yayoi tried to make a serious expression and tried to tell Satoru seriously.

However, Satoru, who was seriously warned by his wife, couldn't be serious at all. Like a big cat, he buried his cheek in Yayoi's neck and rubbed it, saying openly that he was charging.

The soft hair made Yayoi's neck itchy. She was now dirty all over, and her clothes and hair were stained with the blood of the transformed human. Satoru, who had fought fiercely with two special grade cursed spirits, was very clean and refreshing. When he rubbed her, all the dirt on her body was taken away.

Yayoi paused, and decisively put Satoru on the ground and asked him to stand.

Without his wife's care, Satoru pouted and stood there unhappily, looking at her with pale blue eyes, feeling very aggrieved.

Yayoi shook her dirty sleeves, "I'm dirty..."
You'd better not touch me first.

The clean big cat pounced on her, smacked her cheeks, lips, eyebrows and hair several times, and rubbed her cheeks several times.

Yayoi was stunned for a moment, and let Satoru continue to rub her, and the cat's breath enveloped her whole body.

"How did you get here?"

Satoru held her cheeks and tucked the red hair behind her ears little by little.

"Meiji-Jingumae Station, that guy wants to send the transformed humans here." Yayoi's eyelashes moved, "A lot of transformed humans."

"I took that compartment." Yayoi moved her lips, and she heard herself say, "I killed them all."

Once upon a time, they were the same as every ordinary person.

Satoru's eyes moved, and he gently rubbed his wife's soft cheeks with his fingertips, wiping off the remaining dirt on her cheeks.

"Hurry up and finish it, let's go back and take a shower together." Satoru raised his shoulders, "It's so dirty, it's so uncomfortable~"

Yayoi pushed his face away expressionlessly, "If you don't rub against me, you won't be dirty."

Satoru continued to rub against his wife, and as he rubbed, small flowers of happiness floated out.


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[1] "The brain was kicked by a donkey". For suffering misfortune or doing something stupid.

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