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III: Extra Story
Chapter 143: Side Story · 2
To you at the age of twenty-seven.


"Don't you want to go see your parents?"

When Satoru was told about this, he was still writing a self-criticism frantically.

Adolescence was an important stage of development and a critical period of life. It was a transition period from childhood to adulthood.

If he had heard such lectures more than ten years ago, he probably wouldn't have taken it to heart. He would have listened with a smile and turned around to fight with Satoru. After achieving the achievement of destroying public property, the two of them rolled in front of Yaga and knelt down to be beaten and lectured.

The 27-year-old Suguru deeply understood this sentence and learned from Yaga's 1008611-word self-criticism.

By the way, Yaga wanted a paper version, and it was handwritten.

When the senior managements came out with the result of his punishment, it was not the death penalty, which surprised him a little, but not that much, after all, the person who really had the power to deal with him was Satoru.

On the day of the "Night Parade of a Hundred Demons", Suguru was beaten half to death by Yuta and Rika. He dragged his half-dead body around the corner and met Satoru who had come all the way to find him.

He had never planned to continue living.

He couldn't laugh. Excluding the three years in the technical college, he seemed to have never laughed sincerely again.

Living in such a world was too painful.

Satoru killed him.

Suguru knew very well that it was just his friend fulfilling his wish in disguise.

But now was different from that time.

It was inevitable to meet Yaga, and for a while he was not sure what identity to use to meet the teacher. He was Yaga's student and a prisoner of the technical college.

Before he could think it over, he ran into his teacher with a fierce face and a fierce expression on the day he went out.

Suguru: "..."
Suguru felt that this person was deliberately waiting for him.

Suguru opened his mouth and wanted to make a few excuses for himself.

In his impression, his teacher was upright and strict. During the years he entered the technical school, he had such an understanding of the sorcerer, which was not unrelated to this kind-hearted teacher.

The fact that there were two such guys under Yaga was pure misfortune for the teacher.

When the middle-aged teacher, who had a lot of white hair on his temples, looked at Suguru through his sunglasses, it was as if two mountains pressed down on his shoulders, bending his spine that would never be lowered. He subconsciously closed his mouth and lowered his head, just like when he was young, he was caught in front of the teacher and was beaten and lectured with Satoru for not putting up the "curtain" to exorcise the cursed spirit.

His teacher with a face full of flesh looked at his student with his head drooping quietly. The long silence made him feel scared. When the cool winter breeze blew across his neck, his skin was covered with goose bumps.

Suguru waited for his teacher's fist to come down, and recalled the bad things he had done over the years. Being punched became a trivial matter.

"It's good to be back."

After a long time, he heard his teacher say.

It seemed as if he saw himself kneeling on the ground and being beaten and scolded more than ten years ago, with his head drooping, looking like he was admitting his mistakes obediently, but inside he was the same as Satoru— like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water. [1]

Obviously he was not scolded or beaten, but the sour feeling was like a ripple that kept spreading, flooding in his heart.

"Ah, I'm back."
Suguru said softly.

Like a playboy returning home after many years.

These ten years had been like wandering.

"Remember to write a self-criticism." Yaga's voice was cold, like the bleak northwest wind.

Suguru: ???
There was also this thing?

"Do you think it's unfair to write a self-criticism for the bad things you did?" Yaga said coldly.

Suguru looked at his teacher's knotted brows, swallowed his saliva, and said honestly, "I don't feel wronged."
He had been unable to get over the issue of writing a self-criticism in the past six months, right?

There were also format and word count requirements for the self-criticism, paper version, handwritten, word count 1008611.

Suguru: "..."

Suguru once suspected that his teacher was possessed by someone. Only Satoru would do such a stupid thing. This was not something an honest person like you would do, sensei!

As if hearing the student's cry from the bottom of his heart, Yaga glanced at him coldly and said, "You guys forced me to do this."

These guys he taught were worse than dogs.

Suguru: "...I won't feel wronged. I'll write it."

"Then why are you still standing here?" Yaga snorted, "Go and write it."

Suguru went to write a self-criticism.

The curves of the mountains in the distant sky were soaked in a soft blue, and the warm winter sun fell on the treetops above his head, falling down generously, and when it fell on the skin, it gave a warm feeling.

The world was gentle and peaceful, and the crisp chirping of birds echoed in his ears.

Yaga watched the back of his student who left in a hurry. He took off his sunglasses, and raised his hand to wipe away the moisture in his eyes.

Suguru didn't see Yaga's actions later.

But thinking back, Yaga-sensei said that he would punish him to write a self-criticism, but he didn't give a deadline.

But if he didn't write, he would be beaten to death.

The momentary inability to think clearly during adolescence would result in a million-word self-criticism in the future.

After settling down in the technical college, Suguru could be said to have multiple jobs. Sometimes he could be a gardener who trimmed green plants in the technical college, and sometimes he could be a cook who helped cook in the canteen. His current fixed job was to replace the little red-haired teacher and be Satoru's assistant.

Before taking over Yayoi's job, Suguru visited Yayoi several times in the teachers' dormitory. He had never seen such a listless little red-haired teacher. In his impression, Yayoi would have a bright red hair and raise her fist to fight Satoru. The little red-haired teacher after adulthood was also a spirited red-haired person, and her fists could kill people.

He looked at the woman with a somewhat gloomy expression and didn't say a word for a long time.

The white hair was like snowflakes falling down.

Noticing that he was looking at her hair, Yayoi blinked a few times and told him, "It will return to normal after a while."

Suguru didn't know what to say for a moment, "I'm sorry."
When he came to his senses, he said this.

"What are you apologizing for? You didn't hit me." Yayoi tilted her head, "And I won."
She was referring to the fact that she won the fight with Sukuna, and the old man was now locked up in a real small dark room.

Suguru didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and didn't know what to say to this red-haired woman for a moment.

"Geto." Yayoi looked at him with amber eyes, bright as stars in the night sky, "Do you want to laugh now?"

Suguru was stunned for a moment, and after reacting, the corners of his mouth subconsciously bent upwards and then collapsed, "I don't really want to laugh now."

Yayoi tilted her head, and the ends of her overly long white hair fell to her knees.

"The word count of the self-criticism is very long." Suguru sighed, and the corners of his mouth curved again, "But I feel very happy that I can write the self-criticism myself."
Finally, I didn't have to use my fox paws to type on the keyboard.

Yayoi smiled, her eyebrows were gentle, and her amber eyes were like the sunlight shaking off the shade of the lush trees.

Suguru said a few more words, and then was chased out by Satoru who appeared. When he left, he heard Satoru mumbling about plans to move, too many people in the teachers' dormitory, he wanted a world for two. There were also Yayoi's words that were almost compliant.

After taking over Yayoi's work, Suguru found that Yayoi's attitude towards Satoru was basically equivalent to indulgence. Satoru had become almost a figurehead for the first grade. Except for the theoretical knowledge of cursed techniques' theory that Yayoi was not familiar with, most of the other things were her responsibility. As long as Yayoi did not have a task to go out, Satoru was equivalent to skipping work.

Suguru: "..." ##

Half of the four first-year students were half-way sorcerers. Nobara and Megumi, the former came from a sorcerer family, and the latter was taught by Satoru himself. Although Suguru was skeptical about this statement, it was undeniable that both of them have a foundation in sorcery and were very clear about the basic theory of sorcery.

As for Yuji and Junpei, these two were completely half-way sorcerers. To put it bluntly, they accidentally stepped into a cesspool while walking on the road. They were unlucky. They had no foundation in sorcery before entering the technical college, let alone theoretical knowledge.

After finding out the background of the four people, Suguru found that the sorcery theory of the other two was simply a mess, and the culprit who caused all this had no guilt for it.

For a long time after the Shibuya incident, Satoru took a few days off from work to stick to Yayoi, and the result was that he was busy as a dog. The mess left by Kenjaku made him very busy, and even the time he spent in the technical college was shortened a lot. Rest time became precious, and he would stick to Yayoi immediately after work.

He looked at Yuji and Junpei, as if he was looking at two misguided teenagers, and murmured, "I actually thought he would teach you theoretical knowledge properly. I'm out of my mind."

Yuji, who was sitting below, raised his hand, "Geto-san, your brain was found by Gojo-sensei and me."
In a sense, your brain was broken once, and it was almost thrown away.

Suguru wanted to throw a piece of chalk at him on the spot to shut him up.

He wanted to beat Kenjaku again now. What kind of hobby did this thing have? He actually collected people's brains. The brain of the infamous curse user Noritoshi Kamo more than 150 years ago was also in his collection column.

On the day of the "Night Parade of a One Hundred Demons", he did die. His body was stolen by Kenjaku. After being controlled by Kenjaku, his body was alive, and his soul was strangely bound in the body of a fox.

When Satoru asked about this, he was also confused.

"I saw someone in a daze." The moment of death, when he turned into a fox.


"The one with red hair."

"...hmm?" Satoru's expression suddenly became distorted, dangerous and terrifying.

"...not your wife, I really don't have the NTR fetish, and the feeling she gives me is different from Yayoi's." Suguru had dead fish eyes.

"I heard the sound of the tide, and... she said she has a daughter, a daughter with red hair." Suguru leaned against the backrest of the sofa in the reception room, and the lights spread orange light in his vision.

The sea breeze was warmed by the sun, the white feathers of the seagulls glowed like gold, and the red hair was like red ink.

"..." Satoru looked at him with an even weirder look, full of distrust.

"Don't look at me like that, and I don't have that kind of fetish!" Suguru's veins popped up, and he almost jumped up and smashed Satoru's dog head.

Satoru dug out the unknown creature in his body, which was said to be a brain with a mouth. The brain was directly beaten into a pulp by Satoru. After that, Satoru found the base of the brain. The moment he opened the door, there were brains all over the place. Satoru and Yuji searched for a long time and finally found the jar where Suguru's brains were placed.

"It's soaked in the jar with a label on it. The jar was brought back by Yuji. Remember to say thank you to him." When talking about this matter, Satoru's expression was very annoying, and he showed him the jar where his brains were soaked. Suguru almost couldn't help but fight with him.

After breaking the chalk in his hand, Suguru subconsciously touched his forehead. There used to be a very ugly suture line here. This body was once controlled by an unknown creature.

After being separated from the unknown creature that controlled the body, this body was strangely in a state of being alive and dead. After the missing part of the body was found, Satoru wrote a string of incantations on his back, mumbling something about this being a rough version, and he had no idea whether it would work.

The incomplete body was repaired, and the wandering soul returned to the vessel.

"I'm not sure about your current situation." Satoru told him, and looked him up and down. "The incantation on Yayoi's back is a big project. The person who made that thing is definitely a lunatic, and a crazy person who doesn't care about her life."

"Your situation... maybe, no, it's better than Yayoi's original situation." Satoru looked at him, his eyelashes half-covered his pupils, and the gloom in his eyes was gone.

The person who wrote the rune on Yayoi's back wanted to bring back the dead Yayoi. Yayoi had died before, and someone risked his or her life to bring Yayoi back from the world of the dead to the world of the living.

Kenjaku that occupied Suguru's body kept his body active. His soul was still active while being bound in the fox's body. The conditions were much better than Yayoi's original situation, and there were fewer steps to do.

"This is just a rough version I summarized based on Yayoi's incantation. It's very rough." Satoru's expression was serious, but he inexplicably made him feel like he deserved a beating, "Specific effects, ding dong, is you!"

Suguru: "..." ##
This person really deserved a beating.

The memories ended here. Suguru calmly put the broken chalk back into the chalk box, and asked Yuji and Junpei to stay for extra lessons with a smile.

Yuji: "..."

Junpei: "..."

Suguru was exhausted after giving extra lessons to Yuji and Junpei. The dark circles under his eyes were moving closer to Shoko. Satoru was unreliable and his attitude was so casual that he wanted to beat him up. How much theoretical knowledge did he leave behind for these two children?

Exhausted, Suguru met Yaga at the corner.

Suguru: "..."

Yaga: "..."

Suguru narrowed his eyes and showed the same gentle smile as the high school him with a man bun more than ten years ago. He was as steady as an old dog, "Good evening, principal."

It's been a long time since he last saw such a smile. Yaga, who hadn't seen such a smile for a long time, inexplicably stiffened his fists.

Yaga: "...have you finished writing the self-criticism?"

Suguru: "..."
Oops, I forgot everything.

After being distracted, the pen tip drew a long mark on the white paper.

Suguru paused, he lowered his head, looked at the neatly arranged words on the paper, his eyes trembled.

The soft twilight spread over the windowsill, and the treetops outside the window were soaked in a warm sunset.

Silence in the air was like a soap bubble that swelled up, and burst with a "pop".

After a long time, Suguru slowly spoke, he did not directly answer Satoru's question, "I thought about cutting off all my back roads."
These back roads, including his parents.

Satoru chuckled, "Why did you give up in the end?"

Suguru smiled, his fox-like eyes narrowed into two slits, "Maybe it's because candy is sweet, and eating sweets will make you feel better."

He put his hand on the door handle, and subconsciously put his other hand into his pocket, his fingertips touched a few candies in his pocket. He held the door handle and stood quietly at the familiar door of his home, listening to the voices of his parents coming from inside, without saying a word like a statue. After a long while, he turned and left, diving into the dim corridor of the residential building.

Satoru raised his eyebrows, took out a lollipop from his pocket, peeled off the candy wrapper on it, and stuffed it into his mouth, "I told them that you went on a business trip to a far place, and the time is uncertain."

Suguru was silent, and after the silence, he lowered his head and continued to write his self-criticism.

The rustling sound of the pen tip rubbing against the paper was blown up by the wind outside the window, and the documents next to him turned up, and he picked up the pen holder next to him and pressed it down directly.


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• Omake •

#Small Drama
Geto’s mother: Father, Suguru-chan is back! Waah, my Suguru-chan has lost weight. Satoru-chan said you went to Africa for humanitarian aid. It must be hard work, right? You can’t go home for so many years…
Geto’s father: I’m glad you’re back.
Brother Suguru: ...Satoru, what the hell did you say to my parents?
Gojo the Cat: Tehee~

Principal Yaga: I'm just asking casually.

[1] "A dead pig is not afraid of boiling water". It means that one is mentally prepared enough to face difficulties, or that one is indifferent to seemingly difficult things. It is usually used to mock oneself or to ridicule others. It means that one has no scruples and can do anything.

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