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III: Extra Story
Chapter 145: Side Story · 4
With You (Part 2)


The first month was a very important month. As the beginning of each year, there were always various sacrifices in the first month.

At the end of the year, the people of the Gojo family began to work overtime. On the one hand, they were preparing for the annual Big Three Sorcerer Families gathering at the end of the year. This gathering was usually held on the last day of the year, and on the other hand, they were preparing for the New Year.

As a family of sorcerers with an ancient heritage, the old traditions have been accumulated and passed down over the years. Although the taboos were not as many as those in the Heian period, they were also quite complicated.

In the past, Satoru basically did not return to the Gojo's house. One of the reasons was that he was afraid of these complicated things. According to him, it was more terrible than Yaga's criticism.

"Curse" may come from accumulated resentment. Even a trivial thought inadvertently could expand with the accumulation of time. People's hearts were small, but they could be filled with messy things. Therefore, the taboos and complicated rules were particularly complicated.

The Big Three Sorcerer Families gathering at the end of each year was held in turn by the three families. This year, it happened to be the Gojo family's turn, so the already busy end of the year became even busier. Even the little maid Tsubaki who was assigned to Yayoi's side could not rest and was pulled over to be drafted.

The entire Gojo family was working overtime. The maids and servants were busy moving various documents and scrolls and preparing various sacrificial rituals.

Satoru disappeared at noon.

The butler of the Gojo family took him to the study.

This butler was thirty years old and the same age as Satoru, but just looking at his face, he looked like he was a generation older than Satoru. According to his own self-introduction, his own technique was mediocre, and his cursed energy was also mediocre. He couldn't play a big role in exorcising cursed spirits, and he was not outstanding. Instead, he had outstanding talent in financial management. He did not choose to go to a technical college, but chose to go to an ordinary school. Satoru funded him a sum of money to help him finish his financial management major in college. After graduation, he was caught by Satoru and stuffed into the position of Gojo family's butler.

Gojo's butler was much younger than she imagined, and had a very reliable image. If she wanted to say, it felt a bit like the very reliable Kento Nanami. His eyebrows were full of fatigue after staying up late to work, which made Yayoi feel that he would say the golden words "labor is sh*t" in the next moment.

Satoru basically didn't go back to Gojo's house. During the year, most of his time was spent on missions, and the rest of his time was spent on visiting students. The remaining time was so little that he was like a child squeezed into a corner, and his rest time was pitiful.

After Yayoi became his assistant, he had more free time.

All the trivial matters of the Gojo family fell on the butler, who was also very busy at this time of the year.

According to convention, at this time of year, since the head of the family had to do it himself, Satoru himself chose a special development direction and was not in the Gojo family all year round. The head of the family was busy outside, and the butler was also working overtime at the main house. Both sides were busy. In previous years, these things in the Gojo family would fall on the butler himself.

After finally catching someone, the butler certainly couldn't let him go.

At first, it was the butler who asked people to fulfill the obligations of the head of the family with a sluggish face-go to work quickly, and later it was Satoru who took the initiative to drag people away.

—The head of the family got married.

The butler did not block Satoru's newsfeeds. To be honest, when he learned the news, he would be lying if he was not curious.

After being exploited by Satoru for so long, he knew this dog man too well, and he never thought that this man would get married.

On the one hand, a person's cognition often had a huge impact on the choice.

Love was the most twisted curse — this cognition was deeply rooted in Satoru's heart. In his cognition, loving someone was equivalent to cursing the other person in disguise. This person's dog-like nature was soaked into his bones, but the other person was never willing to curse others.

The way not to curse others was very simple, just don't love people.

But he brought a wife home.

Based on the butler's understanding of Satoru, if Satoru didn't care about her, he wouldn't have anything to do with her.

This was good for everyone.

On the other hand, Satoru didn't scare anyone away, right?

Recalling the girls who were scared away by this man's bad personality, the elders were tirelessly selecting blind dates for him. Satoru scared away one of them every time he came. He couldn't count the number of them with his fingers and toes. Since the end of a face-to-face and cordial conversation with the elders one day, the elders who came out of the tearoom with dusty faces didn't dare to find girls for him to date.


The elders who came out of the meeting room were dusty and had to support each other to leave.

Gen lowered his head, took a step back, made way, and his eyes fell on the texture of the wooden floor that was smoothed by time. He didn't even look at it, like a statue, quietly waiting for the embarrassed elders to leave. [1]

Once upon a time, they were all prominent members of the Gojo family. When they were at their most powerful, they even dared to challenge the previous head of the family. But when it came to the current head of the family, blowing noses, glaring and making faces were no longer effective. Satoru was known to be hated by people and frivolous, but it did not affect his vigorous actions. He ignored the so-called pros and cons, did whatever he wanted, was cold and cruel. As the youngest head of one of the Big Three Sorcerer Families, after inheriting the Gojo family, he quickly became the real representative of the Gojo family.

It seemed to be an autumn afternoon, and the red maple leaves were spread all over the courtyard. The shallow afternoon sunlight fell, and the thin veins of the thin leaves were clearly reflected in the field of vision.

"Red is beautiful, right?"
The young head of the family sat on the tatami with his head tilted back. One leg bent and the other crossed on the ground, supporting himself with one hand, staring at the red maple in his hand in a trance.

Several large red leaves were scattered on the windowsill of the traditional Japanese-style room, and the thin veins were like crisscrossing blood vessels.

The bridge of the young patriarch’s nose was clean, and the hand that was supporting himself on the ground was holding the sunglasses that he had taken off his nose.

He looked at the bright red maple, and seemed to be in a daze.

"But if I love her, I will curse her."

The traditional Japanese-style room was filled with golden sunlight in the afternoon, and dust particles danced in the misty sunlight.

"Love is the most twisted curse." The young patriarch said softly, "But I don't want to curse her, she is just an ordinary little red-haired girl with relatively strong strength."

"She doesn't even have a mother."

For a moment, Gen felt that Satoru seemed very sad, but the next second he felt that it was his illusion. The patriarch, who had finally come back, put on his sunglasses and didn't love anyone. He simply threw everything to him, whistled and walked out of the house alone, and said before leaving that he suddenly wanted to eat orange-flavored ice cream.

The sudden spread of sadness flashed away, as if it had never existed.

Gen: "..." ###

When he saw the bright red hair in the photo, he remembered the red leaves falling in autumn, which were already dyed with a thin red color.

"After procrastinating for so long, you still cursed others in the end."

Gen curled his lips, put down his phone, and buried his head in a pile of financial reports.

Except that Satoru got married, everything was still the same.

That red-haired woman looked familiar.

Yayoi also looked familiar.

The world was so small.

The two chatted politely for a few words, and then they found out that they graduated from the same university and joined the same club. Yayoi was his junior. Yayoi had just entered school not long when Gen had graduated and worked. The two had never met, but only saw each other in the group photo of the club.

After a few simple chats, Gen found that the red-haired junior didn't look very smart. He glanced at Satoru from the corner of his eyes, and the butler's brows twisted into a knot.

He looked at the red-haired junior in front of him and thought that she might have been fooled by Satoru.

Junior, senior, these words sound so beautiful, full of youthful and lively atmosphere, with a sense of immaturity.

But it sounded strange to Satoru. The sour feeling spread from his ears to his heart, and then to his limbs.

He was going to be sick.

Satoru decisively strangled him by the neck and dragged him away.

"Wife, I'm going to work. You wait for me at home~"

The ending sound was sweet to the point of being sickening. The familiar frivolity and inconsistency, the hand strangling his neck tightened more and more, and with a little more force, he could strangle him to Sanzu River to meet his father in the underworld.

"Stay away from my wife~"

After walking away, his expression and tone turned cold, and he could even hear the sound of grinding teeth, like sharpening a knife.

Gen: "..."
What could he do? He was just a worker for the master of the house. He could only curse Satoru in his heart with all his strength.

In short, Yayoi seemed to be the only person who was particularly idle in the Gojo's house. She tried to help Tsubaki clean up. It was okay to just help sweep the floor. Everyone was busy, even her cat was busy with housework. She was really embarrassed to be idle.

However, Tsubaki rejected her very seriously. The little girl looked at her with a condemning expression, "Madam, you can't do it!"

The maids who were busy cleaning around also raised their heads, with serious expressions.

Yayoi gave up.

Yayoi, who had nothing to do, strolled to the library. The servants and maids were cleaning in the library. The Gojo family collected a lot of ancient books and calligraphy and paintings, as well as a considerable number of famous sorcerers' notes, all of which were old and toothless. The strong servants took them down from the bookshelf, and the delicate maids carefully cleaned the dust left on them over the years.

Yayoi stood there like a stick for a while, thinking that she could help people move these things.

When she offered to help, someone recognized her as the wife brought back by the patriarch by her conspicuous red hair.

Yayoi returned to the yard where Satoru lived in a depressed mood.

In the evening, Satoru escaped from the clutches of the butler and came back to see his wife petting the cat in the yard.

Gojo the Cat: !!!

Gojo the Cat: Cat that stole fish!!!

The Gojo family was decorated in a traditional Japanese courtyard, far away from the downtown area, with a good ecological environment around. It was no big deal if a few wild cats often run down from the mountains.

After being busy for a long time, the big white cat came back and found that his wife was petting other cats. He was angry and put it on the floor next to him with a pout. Every hair on his body was saying 'I am unhappy now, you were in big trouble'.

"You are back?" Yayoi's eyes were attracted by her cat.

Satoru ignored her.

Yayoi tilted her head, "You are unhappy."

He really was unhappy.

Satoru still ignored her.

She touched the soft back of the kitten in her hand and put it on the floor. The kitten raised its head in confusion and meowed, its emerald green eyes full of confusion.

"I'm going to coax my Mr. Cat." A gentle smile appeared on Yayoi's face.

Satoru's eyebrows were raised.

The kitten tilted its head, turned around and jumped off the floor. The soft pads stepped on the grass in the courtyard, gently and silently, and a few steps into the evergreen bushes disappeared.

"Won't you come and hug me?" Yayoi opened her arms to him, and the loose sleeves of her kimono were like open wings.

Satoru subconsciously remembered that when she was walking towards him on the beach, crushing the waves all the way, the white sleeves filled with wind were like vibrating wings.

He suddenly thought of the mermaid in the fairy tale. It was said that mermaids would turn into sea foam after death. At that time, she was as beautiful as the foam in the dream, beautiful and gentle, but could break at any time.

Satoru slipped into his wife's arms, put his hands around his wife's waist, leaned his head on his wife's chest, and listened quietly to the sound of her heartbeat.

"It's great that you are still alive." Satoru closed his eyes, letting the heartbeat echo in his ears, and his hands around her waist tightened unconsciously.

He still couldn't forget the white hair in Shibuya. Shoko told him that she almost died. When she was sent to a temporary resting place, the blood in her body seemed to be drained and re-injected. There were countless broken bones, and her shriveled body was as fragile as a porcelain doll that would break at the touch. Maybe she survived by relying on her own unreasonable repair ability, or maybe by relying on a curse left by someone.

Yayoi touched his hair, and the soft hair rubbed against her palm obediently, which was a little itchy.

"Yayoi." Satoru's muffled voice came.

"I'm here." Yayoi said softly.

"Do you like the type of people who come from heaven or childhood sweethearts?" Satoru gritted his teeth, looking like a resentful husband.

Yayoi thought for a moment, tilted her head and asked, "Do you think you are a drop-in-the-sky type or a childhood sweetheart?"

Satoru thought for a moment, and answered reluctantly, "Childhood sweetheart."

Since ancient times, childhood sweethearts vs drop-in-the-sky type, most of the losers were childhood sweethearts, this was a law that made him very unhappy.

"Then I like childhood sweethearts."

Yayoi kissed his beautiful eyes, like a dragonfly touching the water.

The satisfied cat purred comfortably, and the whole cat was about to float up.

On New Year's Eve, the Big Three Sorcerer Families gathering was held as scheduled.

In addition to the Big Three Sorcerer Families, there were other famous sorcerer families. Yayoi had sharp ears and had heard a lot of miscellaneous things. The older sorcerers sighed, "Times change too fast. The so-and-so family and the so-and-so family from more than ten years ago could not withstand the ups and downs and are no longer here." The younger sorcerers tightened their hearts in such occasions, carefully answered the questions of the elders, and responded from time to time.

She knew two of the three heads of the Big Three Sorcerer Families. One was her husband, Satoru, the head of the Gojo family. The other was Naobito, the head of the Zenin family who came to the high school to rescue his son. The last one was the head of the Kamo family, whom she did not know. However, when she saw Noritoshi following behind him in a formal kimono, Yayoi roughly guessed who he was.

Noritoshi did not look like his father. Compared with his father, he looked more like his gentle mother, with soft facial features. Yayoi had never seen Noritoshi's mother. At first glance, he looked nothing like the head of the Kamo family. However, if she looked carefully, she could still find some shadows.

Noritoshi was stunned when he saw Yayoi, but then he thought that Yayoi was Satoru's wife, so it was not strange for her to appear here. After the doubts were solved, he nodded to her, which was considered a greeting.

It was customary for the head of the family to bring the eldest son of the main family to attend the gathering on such occasions. It was not strange for Naoya to follow Naobito. Perhaps because he was beaten by Yayoi twice, when he saw Yayoi, his eyes subconsciously dodged and his expression was distorted for a moment.

Yayoi ignored him.

This person often went to Tokyo Jujutsu Tech recently. His target was Toji, who was currently staying at the high school. Toji, who was harassed by him too much, ran directly to the place where she and Satoru lived to take refuge, so the uncomfortable person became Satoru.

Two people who killed each other once were not happy with each other, especially this bastard who dared to stay in his house openly and eat the food cooked by his wife!

There were many such things, and Satoru finally couldn't help but catch the culprit and beat him up. Naoya was beaten and a lot of ugly photos were taken, which were sent to every group he was in by Satoru.

The sound of conversation was like a flood of seawater, flooding the entire hall. Some people were laughing, some were talking about miscellaneous things, and all kinds of messy sounds came at once. Yayoi's head was buzzing, and someone in the crowd laughed, like a balloon bursting with a "pop".

Yayoi rubbed her temples and saw someone holding two cups of wine and handed one of the glasses to Satoru. With an unnatural smile on his face, he raised the cup to Satoru.

Satoru remained calm, his lips curved, and his eyes were filled with a breathtaking light.

The man holding the wine cup swallowed his saliva, and was instinctively afraid like a herbivore whose throat was strangled. It took him a while to find his voice, and he tried his best to hold back the trembling, "Don't you dare drink?"

Yayoi walked over and snatched the wine cup from the other person's hand at lightning speed, and drank the wine in the cup before the other person's fear was gone.

The person in front of her blushed and opened his mouth to scold.

But Yayoi loosened her fingers holding the wine cup, and the ceramic wine cup fell to the ground and broke into pieces. The light flowed in the cracks, like a bright firefly.

"Sorry, my hand slipped." Yayoi said.

"I drink for my husband." Yayoi narrowed her eyes, "Do you have any opinions?"

She smiled, her pupils bursting with dazzling light like lava, as if the next moment it could splash sparks and burn the other person, burning the other person to ashes.

The Six Eyes that have inherited the Limitless technique have always had a problem. The brain needed to receive too much information and operated the brain at super high power all the time. Naturally, the brain had little resistance to alcohol.

The normal operation of the cursed power and the technique was closely related to the brain.

But she didn't need it. She could kill people with her fists alone.

This was a warning and a threat.

—Don't touch her cat.

The person who came with the wine cup retreated awkwardly.

After the short episode, it seemed as if this incident had never existed. Everyone drank their own drinks and talked their own things. Different faces said different things, and they mixed together like a mess of lines and squeezed into the brain.

Yayoi rubbed her temple subconsciously, and a pair of warm hands covered her ears. The messy sounds blurred in her ears, as if there was an extra barrier separating the two worlds.

Yayoi subconsciously grabbed Satoru's clothes. He was wearing a black formal kimono today. His hair was neat and his clothes were neat. The neat clothes were wrinkled by her.

She tilted her head and blinked.

"Let's slip away." He curved his eyes like a cunning cat.

"You are the host." Yayoi said.

"That's the real host." Satoru turned his head and his eyes fell on Gen, who was trying to reduce his presence in the corner. Obviously, Mr. Butler didn't want people to notice him. He was just a fake host.

Yayoi paused, and suddenly felt that her senior was really miserable.

"Anyway, no one noticed." Satoru said confidently.

Yayoi tilted her head, and she became as docile as a house cat. She put her hand into Satoru's palm obediently. She suddenly noticed Satoru's hand. His hand was very beautiful, with fair skin and distinct joints, like mutton-fat jade.

Unknown when the sky started snowing. The hazy snowflakes fell from the dark night, and the firelight wrapped the white snowflakes, spinning and falling to the ground.

Yayoi stretched out her hand, and the snowflakes fell into her palm. After a while, they turned into a very small pool of water in her palm.

"Look, it's snowing." She turned around and spread her palm to Satoru.

Satoru stretched out his hand and helped her wipe off the snow on her head. He took his little wife into his arms and rubbed her hair with his chin.

"Look, I won't melt." Satoru said softly, "You are so warm, I won't melt either."

"I can find you even if you fall into the snow." His wife smiled.

She raised her hand and touched his eyelashes. Her eyebrows curved, and her amber eyes were like candlelight covered in a lampshade, warm and bright.

He closed his eyes and felt his wife's body temperature in the falling snow.

The world was hazy and soft, soft and warm.


· Genuine translation can be found only in OchatimesBlogspotCom, FanFictionNet, and Wattpad

• Omake •

Gen: One day I will fire my boss.

Gen: ...forget it, let's just keep doing it.

[1] The butler's name "Gen Gojo", the "Gen 彦" can be spelled as "Masaru", but I took the first name that appeared when I search the kanji. CMIIW

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