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III: Extra Story
Chapter 152: Side Story · 11
But for your sake (Part 5)


Human were creatures that could lie.

But many people say that she was not suitable for lying.

Lying was a problem for her.

"I don't think... I haven't told you what the cursed energy and cursed techniques are."

The person who held her back collar spoke coldly.

The smooth road surface of the street was filled with thin rain, reflecting the moon hanging in the sky like a smooth mirror.

The clothes Yayoi wore were prepared for her by Manami. The mature and beautiful big sister had a very good aesthetic sense. The light brown jacket, the long skirt with small flowers, and the white top were soft, breathable and comfortable. Unfortunately, she was not a quiet beauty who could travel elegantly. The clothes on her body were messed up by her in a few seconds.

The cloth soaked by the rain was tightly attached to the skin, outlining the exquisite body curves. The thin jacket after being wet was attached to the back, and the slender butterfly bones stretched out a slender and graceful arc.

The wet red hair looked like silk soaked in water.

Judging from her appearance, she was a young girl, a college student at best, and she didn't look like a mother at all.

"Children who lie are not good children~" The white-haired man who grabbed her collar dragged out a long tail and said lazily.

"Hmm... I don't think I've heard of you in the circle~" Satoru grabbed the back of the redhead's neck with one hand, pinched his chin with the other hand, and looked at the redhead who was holding the cat, thinking, "Are you really not considering admission?"

"I really graduated from college several years ago." Yayoi hugged her big cat with one hand, and folded the other hand to her back, pulling the edge of the back collar, trying to pull the collar back from Satoru's hand, "I'm already past the age of high school."

Satoru's eyes paused, and fell on the face stained with rain. The wet red hair stuck to the fair skin. She tried very hard to save the back collar from him. Both the expression and the eyes revealed one thing to him— this redhead was not very smart, and it seemed that she didn't want to have too much involvement with him.

Satoru touched his chin and slowly loosened his hand that was holding Yayoi's neck. Realizing that the shackles were removed, Yayoi ran away, but was strangled again.

The wet fur of the cat in her arms exploded, and a dull roar rolled in his throat. The uncontrollable fierceness was like a flood, flooding in his pale blue eyes.

"What are you doing?" Yayoi hugged her cat tightly, with a pitiful expression on her face, just like a cat being held by the neck.

Satoru loosened his hand holding her collar, put his hands in his pockets, and lazily looked like a white cat going out for a walk. His pale blue eyes looked straight at her through the sunglasses.

—He still couldn't see anything from her.

Yayoi got goosebumps all over her body when he looked at her. She shrank her head while holding the cat and subconsciously took a step back. Both the high school Satoru and the 28-year-old teacher Satoru, had one thing in common, they didn't like to remember anyone on purpose. Even if they were people they helped, there was a probability of more than 80% that he would forget them the moment he turned around. He showed this expression, which was clearly telling her that he would remember her.

A tail silently circled around her waist. Yayoi paused and looked down to see the cat with bared teeth and fierce eyes.

Yayoi: "..."
A pressure as great as a mountain QAQ

Silence expanded in the street air with residual moisture, the dazzling neon lights fell into the mirror-like water at the feet, and a sudden laugh sounded in the night sky, like a punctured balloon suddenly bursting.

Yayoi's instinct to turn around and run was ready to move.

Satoru raised the corner of his lips, his pale blue eyes glittering like stars, "You can run."

Yayoi: "..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yayoi held the cat and stood there motionless.

Satoru curved his eyes, his eyebrows and eyes had a hint of feline cunning, "Come on, come on, I'll be the ghost, if I catch you, you have to go back to the technical college with me and be my assistant."
Play a game, change an assistant, the first-year work could be handed over to the assistant, and the future of skipping classes was bright.

The cat's tail exploded into a straight club, waving his claws, wishing to scratch that face with his nails.

This was his teaching assistant! His wife!!!

A stealing cat!!!

"...why is it to become a teaching assistant?" Yayoi hugged the furious big cat tightly.

"If you can't be a student, you can be a teaching assistant~" The cat's sharp claws scratched on the barrier created by the Limitless were scratching in vain. Satoru came over with ease, his attitude was as frivolous as always, as if he was acting like a spoiled child, and his voice was as sweet as syrup.

"Really not considering it?" Satoru blinked his big watery eyes, "Now if you join the company, all your debts will be written off, and the salary will definitely be considerable. If you miss this opportunity, you will never get it again. Is there any boss in the world who is more gentle and considerate than me?"

Yayoi, who was currently a pauper and owed a huge amount of money, was tempted. An 'okay, I'll do it' almost slipped out of her mouth, but was interrupted by a particularly shrill cat cry, and the skin on her neck felt a slight pain.

The big white cat kept arching into her neck, opened his mouth and bit the skin on her neck, and his sharp canine teeth sank slightly into the skin. Because of caring for her, the canine teeth never broke her skin.

The voice was wronged and pitiful, and the wet tail swung out a delicate splash of water.

Yayoi was stunned for a moment, and when she reacted, her hand had already touched the white cat's head that was wet by the rain. While stroking the cat's head, she said firmly, "Okay, I won't do it, I absolutely won't do it!"

Satoru had seen many big scenes, but he had never seen this kind of scene.

My goodness, there was a peerless handsome man standing here, but he was not as good as a fat cat?

"Really not doing it?" Satoru blinked his eyes, his expression was innocent and harmless, and his delicate eyebrows and eyes were also slightly sad.

"No!" Yayoi said loudly, "My cat won't let me do it!"

"But good jobs and good bosses are hard to come by." Satoru tried to deceive the red-haired woman. His eyes fell on the white cat who was trying hard to push his furry head into Yayoi's neck. He slowly said, "Your cat is not sterilized, right? There is a pet hospital nearby. Take him to be sterilized."

As soon as the words fell, the cat who was trying hard to push his furry head into Yayoi's neck was stunned. After a moment, a more shrill cry echoed in the night sky of Tokyo.

Yayoi's eyes widened, and her amber pupils contracted and trembled violently. She never expected that Satoru would say such a thing one day. Her eyes were shocked.

Yayoi's pupils were shaking. Did you know who you were going to sterilize?

You were all Satoru Gojo. You were from the same roots. Why were you so anxious to fight each other?

Satoru, who noticed that Yayoi's eyes were not right, slowly typed a "?" on the top of his head.

A thunderous roar exploded in the night sky, bright flames fell from the top of the head, and broken glass shards fell down.

The dazzling flames flickered, fear and panic spread in the crowd like a tide, and screams echoed in the night sky like spreading waves.

Satoru frowned, and thick curse power rolled in the air, like black sticky ink rolling on white paper, spreading wantonly.

A powerful cursed spirit suddenly appeared upstairs.

The place where the two people stood was a square in a department store. There were more people gathered here than in other places. It was not surprising that a cursed spirit appeared here.

But the time of its appearance was inevitably strange.

The black sunglasses reflected the swaying flames, and the flames were wrapped with the twisted and fragmented screams of the cursed spirits. The gradually warming air rolled with a familiar breath, the breath of an acquaintance.

The lips were flattened, and the gap between the lips was pulled into a straight line.

The firelight reflected Yayoi's fair face. The raging flames in the dark night devoured the things in the department store wantonly.

Yayoi noticed that the other person's eyes fell on her.

"Wait here for me to come back." When he spoke again, his voice unconsciously brought a little coldness, and after a moment it turned into the previous sloppy tone, frivolous, and careless tone, "If you run away, I can catch you back~"

The pale blue eyes under the sunglasses narrowed slightly, like a predator locking onto its prey.

Yayoi: "..."
Yayoi felt that this was a threat, a naked threat.

Satoru took long steps and strode towards the department store where the corridor was on fire.

Yayoi stood there in a daze with the cat in her arms for a while. The cool night wind chased her and ran past her. The clothes on her body were cold and she couldn't help shivering.

There was a shallow mark on the back of her white neck. The big white cat stretched out his warm tongue, licked her cheek carefully, and then licked her cheek. In his heart, he silently made a small note for his other self.

—Bastard, dared to threaten his wife.

Yayoi kissed his little nose, "I'm fine, I'm glad you found me."

"Meow." The big white cat rubbed his wife's cheek distressedly.
Go back and change clothes.

Yayoi held the cat, turned around, and looked at the department store with flickering firelight. She tilted her head and looked for a while, recalling Satoru's words in her head. After a moment, she decisively held the cat and turned around and ran away.

The red-haired girl who turned around and ran away saw the leader of the Star Religious Group in a cassock narrowing his fox-like eyes and waving at her in the night wind.

Gojo the Cat: "..."
Good job, Suguru.

Suguru paused, and a familiar feeling inexplicably surged in his heart. After a moment, he recalled that this was the feeling of successfully skipping classes with Satoru.

His eyes unconsciously fell on the cat held in Yayoi's arms, with white fur and pale blue eyes.

Suguru: "..."

There was a slight pain like a needle at the end of his eye, and Suguru widened his eyes, and his eyeballs almost jumped out of his eye sockets.

Having been classmates with Satoru for three years, he was naturally very familiar with those unparalleled eyes.

Suguru's pupils trembled, his lips trembled unconsciously, and his waving hands froze in mid-air.

If he guessed correctly, the cat's eyes was Six Eyes.

Satoru, what the hell did you do outside?

The strongest who worked diligently to exorcise cursed spirits: Ahchoo!!!

Satoru: ???

For a while, Suguru couldn't figure out what the relationship between this cat and Satoru was, but if there was no relationship, he would never believe it.

If this cat had nothing to do with Satoru, he would live broadcast washing his hair upside down. [1]

It was currently known that this cat suspected of having Six Eyes was raised by Yayoi. Suguru looked at the white cat's half-closed eyelids and nestled in the owner's arms with peace of mind, allowing Yayoi to rub his belly and stroke his fur. The relationship between the cat and the owner was harmonious. Although he had fully understood Yayoi's cat-loving physique in the past few days, she should not have such a natural feeling without a long period of getting along.

The white cat was carried back by Yayoi on her shoulder. On the way back, she also bought pet shampoo and shower gel, and then bought two sets of men's clothes and a few pairs of underwear nearby.

The shopping guide's suspicious eyes moved back and forth between Yayoi, who was wet and holding the cat, and Suguru, who was wearing a monk's robe. Suguru pretended not to see it and took out his wallet with a smile to pay.

Not to mention, Suguru's face was really popular with women. The shopping guide blushed on the spot and settled the bill shyly.

When walking out of the store, Yayoi, who had sharp ears, heard the shopping guide muttering, "Are monks so handsome these days?"

The wet clothes stuck to her body, which was very uncomfortable. The weather in autumn was different from that in summer, and the temperature dropped significantly. She was not afraid of cold and did not get sick very often, but it was always uncomfortable to have clothes sticking to her in the mountains.

So she decided to give her husband who had turned into a cat a bath first, and then clean herself up.

The big white cat was clinging to his wife's shoulder, and from time to time he would stick out his tongue to lick his wife's face and the skin on her neck, with a proud and sweet voice, and his white tail was wagging like a dog.

Yayoi, who was addicted to petting the cat, couldn't help but kiss his nose, which was soft.

After being clingy for a while, Yayoi looked down at the big cat lying on her chest without any intention of leaving, "Come down first, I'll give you a bath."

"Meow—" The big white cat opened his pale blue eyes; looked innocent and simple.

The hazy mist was like a thin veil, covering the smooth mirror in the bathroom, and the rising and falling water vapor wrapped the soft light.

Yayoi took down the shower head hanging on the wall, and the water sprayed from the shower head wet the white cat's fur, and the pet shampoo applied to the cat exuded a sweet citrus smell.

Satoru who was turned into a cat, who was served by people throughout the whole process, purred comfortably, and felt so comfortable that he wanted to stretch.

After washing off the foam on his body, the cat slid into the bathtub filled with hot water. The water vapor filled his glass-like eyes, and the cat's whole body was immersed in the warm hot water, making sweet calls.

Yayoi felt that her cat was plotting something bad.

In normal times, when Satoru was a person, Yayoi would never want to stay in the same bathtub with him, otherwise she would not be able to go to bed on time tonight.

But he was just a kitten and couldn't do anything. She didn't know what he was up to, so she was confused and took a bath in the same bathtub with the cat.

The person and the cat soaked in the hot water. The white cat realized that he was just a cat now, half of his face was in the water, and he spit out an unhappy bubble.

So sad.

His wife finally agreed to take a bath together, but now he was just a cat.

Yayoi didn't know what he was sad about for a while, holding the cat's furry cheeks and lifting his head out of the water.

"What's wrong with you?" The steam filled the amber eyes, and the hot water steamed the corners of Yayoi's eyes red.

Gojo the Cat was even sadder.

"Meow—" The white cat tilted his head and rubbed it in Yayoi's palm.
Wife, I'm sad, did you hate me?

Yayoi, who had learned cat language without any instruction, blinked and told him seriously, "I don't hate you."

"I like you the most." Yayoi said.

Gojo the Cat's ears trembled, and a purring sound came out of his throat, like soft and light soap bubbles under the sun.

After a moment, the furry ears drooped down, and aggrieved mist filled the cat's eyes.

You didn't even want to take a bath with me at home.

Yayoi paused.

This was a kitten, an aggrieved kitten.

An arrow immediately hit her heart, as if she had suffered a critical hit, and Yayoi's conscience was strongly condemned.

"Let's take a bath together when we get home."

Yayoi looked serious and promised solemnly.

The sound of "meow—" was dragged with a long tail sound, and the cat straightened his back slightly and rubbed it on Yayoi's cheek.

Yayoi, who was obsessed with the beauty of the white cat, did not notice the fleeting success and cunning in the cat's narrowed eyes.

After taking a bath for a while, Yayoi took the towel from the hanger, took the big cat out of the bathtub and wrapped it around the cat. After the fluffy fur was wet, it unexpectedly looked very thick, dripping with water.

After wiping the cat's fur half dry and making sure it was no longer dripping, Yayoi walked out of the bathroom with the cat.

When he walked out of the bathroom, it was already late at night. A crescent moon hung in the dark sky, and mottled shadows of trees fell on the old windowsill.

Yayoi used a hair dryer to dry the cat's fur and then dried her hair, then hugged the cat and huddled in the quilt.

"Good night." Yayoi kissed the cat's little nose.

"Meow." The white cat stretched out its tongue and licked Yayoi's lips.
Good night.

The soft fur pressed against her body, accompanied by the sound of shallow breathing, Yayoi felt very at ease.

When the dawn light pierced through the heavy haze, the light golden sunlight was like a thin veil, falling obliquely from the dome to the windowsill.

Yayoi held a small comb and sat cross-legged on the tatami. Gojo the Cat sat between her legs, two cat paws carefully retracted sharp nails, and soft pads rested on her calves.

She was straightening his fur, and after a night, there were many more knots in his fur.

The old TV broadcast the morning news, and the female host's gentle voice was like a gurgling spring.

The door of the room was knocked, and Yayoi paused, "The door is not locked, please come in."

The person who came was, as expected, the leader of the Star Religious Group, who was wearing a monk's robe.

The cat who was being served, glanced at Suguru. The monk's robe, it seemed as if he had returned to many years ago, when that guy was still a cult leader who wanted to kill all ordinary people in the world who didn't have cursed energy and build a paradise for only sorcerers. Who would have thought that Suguru, who was in his thirties, would stay in the technical college quietly and accept the lifelong surveillance of the technical college.

The big white cat yawned carelessly, but it attracted Suguru's attention.

Suguru's eyebrows jumped. Goodness, if he didn't know, he would think that this cat had become a spirit. That look reminded him of Satoru.

For a moment, he almost thought that Satoru himself was here.

"Good morning, Geto-san."

After straightening the cat's fur, Yayoi put down the comb in her hand.

"Good morning." The fox-like Star Religious Group leader narrowed his eyes, and his gaze stayed on the big white cat for a while before moving away without leaving a trace.

The air was filled with the clear chirping of birds and the gentle voice of the female anchor.

"How do you feel?" Suguru smiled, "Seeing Satoru."

Yayoi paused, with a sad face, "I feel a lot of pressure."

She couldn't lie, and it's not suitable for her to lie. If the other person was Satoru, she would be exposed in the next second.

"Don't you want to go back with him?" Suguru said softly.

"Meow?" The furry tail of the white cat watching TV hit the tatami with a bang.

"Why should I go back with him?" Yayoi was full of doubts, and her hand naturally reached out to the cat's belly and began to stroke the cat. The cat naturally slid onto the tatami and turned out its soft belly.

"Purrr..." Gojo the Cat was stroked comfortably.

Suguru opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but the morning news interrupted his next words. The picture showed a department store burned beyond recognition by the curse. The curse caused some public property losses, but at least there were no casualties. It was said that it was thanks to the enthusiastic citizen Gojo-san who rushed into the fire and rescued the staff and guests inside.

Yayoi: "..."

Gojo the Cat: "..."

Suguru: "..."

The scene changed, and the reporter put the microphone in front of the man with square sunglasses on his nose. The man was clean and dust-free. He raised the corners of his lips as if nothing had happened, and his moist lips opened and closed, and he slowly opened his mouth.

"So far, I have always been the one to flaked others out." Satoru said with a smile, "Those who flaked me out last night, please come forward. Gojo-sensei may consider leniency~"

Suguru's mouth twitched, and his eyes fell on Yayoi. The cat in her arms kept hissing at the face on the screen, wishing to rush over and bite him to death.

Wow, people hate... cats hate.

Suguru's eyes were lifeless and dull.


· Genuine translation can be found only in OchatimesBlogspotCom, FanFictionNet, and Wattpad

• Omake •

Yaga: Iron Fist of Justice!!!

[1] "Washing hair upside down 倒立洗头", is a joke when making a bet. "立flag" is a slang, meaning "set the goal" or "make the bet". Someone promised to do something if it came true and that's "flag". In this sentence, his/her "flag" comes true.

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