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II: Lily of the Valley
Chapter 81: Continuously Cutting
"That’s it for now."


Satoru spent a working day that felt like a day off.

His sleep duration was always short.

Six Eyes was a passive skill. It couldn't be turned off, and it couldn't absorb the appropriate amount of information according to the opinion of the Six Eyes holder. As long as someone in Satoru is somewhere, information within a certain range and information flow within the visibility of Six Eyes would be ingested.

Eyes are mirrors that reflect visible things and appear behind them. The nerves that connect the brain and vision transmit the resulting image to the visual center of the brain for processing and discrimination, completing the process of 'seeing'.

The number of things that could be seen with Six Eyes was so huge that others could not imagine it. The brain could easily become tired when processing these 'images'. One of the conditions for the Limitless was to have a conscious brain. The brain spent most of its time processing the flow of information coming in through Six Eyes.

His sleep time would be very short, and he didn't like the confused feeling when he was drunk.

After lying on the bed for a while, Satoru got up from the bed, brushed his teeth and washed his face. After washing, he changed his clothes and quietly walked out of the door. He walked all the way to the training ground and watched the whole process of Yayoi beating the students.

The lush green spread out in sight, and the soft golden sunlight flowed down along the tile ravines on the ancient roof.

The shadows of the sun dance under the feet, and the birds singing in front of the mountains were melodious and clear.

Satoru saw a bright red spot in the middle of the playground field. She had her hair tied up specially. In Six Eyes's view, the dark collar revealed a slender neck and fair skin. The temperature in summer was a bit high. It was inevitably stained with fine sweat.

Satoru, who loved taking pictures, took out his mobile phone from his pocket and clicked several times at the red spot in the center of the playground. Unsurprisingly, he caught her attention.

The movement paused for a moment, and Yayoi turned around, her eyes catching a sneaky cat standing under the eaves.

"Too slow!" Nobara, who was knocked over by Yayoi on the field, found the lazy and unscrupulous teacher and immediately protested and condemned, "You are late! You are late!"

"Sorry, sorry." Satoru put his phone in his pocket with a smile, and his frivolous attitude did not show any sincerity in admitting his mistake. "Anyway, you are all doing close combat training, so it doesn't matter if you are late for a while."

"How's it going, Yayoi?" Satoru slowly walked out from under the eaves and looked at the three students lying stretched out on the lawn.

"The close range ability is too poor." Yayoi said.

"Did you teach Megumi's taijutsu?" Yayoi looked sideways at Satoru.

"Yes." Satoru curled his lips, "Is there still some trace of you?"

Megumi, who was thrown to the ground, paused, sat up from the ground, and turned his gaze to the two people with a confused look on his face.

"When did you steal a lesson?" Yayoi looked at Satoru in surprise, "I never taught you."

"Self-taught." Satoru made a playful gesture of scissor hands, "After all, I am the invincible Satoru Gojo. I have been fighting with you for three years. If I don't learn a single move, I will be a failure."

Yayoi was silent for a moment. In theory, her taijutsu style was not suitable for Megumi. During the fight, she could feel that Megumi had many concerns. During the battle, the time left for both parties was pitifully short. More often, you need to rely on intuition. Yayoi's intuition was eerily accurate. The physical skills were engraved in her muscles, and she could basically react instantly without much thought.

Most of the time, Yayoi would choose to attack. Her physical fitness allowed her to ignore defense. Satoru had Infinity. For these two people, offense was the best defense. Based on the fighting styles of these two. Combat styles based on these two would be wrong if applied to others. With this in mind, Satoru also added some defensive methods to the routine he gave to Megumi, trying to make him more resistant to beatings.

Yayoi briefly explained to Megumi, and after listening, the sea urchin head fell into deep thought.

After a moment, Yayoi's eyes fell on Nobara.

"As for Nobara, the technique is within the range of long-range attacks, right?" Yayoi suddenly thought of the technique to pierce the cursed body. "The fighting style is useless. If someone gets close, the situation will become very bad."

Yayoi had already demonstrated this terrible scene to her. If the nail as a medium was driven into the curse body, then the cursed power would flow into the curse body along the medium, destroying the curse body. It was a very convenient technique, but if the user's movements could not keep up with the opponent's, it was easy to be knocked down before the technique was cast. Even if the technique was cast, the nails may not be able to penetrate the opponent.

Yayoi's body reaction ability was very fast. Even though the opponent gave her enough time to prepare for the battle, she was approached just moments after the battle began, and the joint bones of the hands that needed to be used to perform the technique were removed on the spot.

"By the way, how did you do it?" The brown-haired girl sat on the lawn and said angrily.

It's obviously her own joint, but Yayoi's movements were so slippery when she disassembled it.

"Judgment." Yayoi said, "The structure of human bones is similar, but there will be subtle differences, such as height, fatness, and thinness. These differences will cause subtle differences in bones."

"But there are traces of it, the protruding joints and the sunken skin." Yayoi said, "Nobara is very slender, and the bones are obvious."

The beautiful girl who was praised for her slimness was completely unhappy.

"The last one is Yuji." Yayoi said, "As for Yuji, his physical skills are the best. His fighting instincts are very accurate and he can master skills. However, some movements are redundant. The intensity should be neither too strong nor too weak. Just make sure it can knock down the enemy. Don't go too far and don't hold back."

"I know!" Yuji, a energetic young man, was full of fighting spirit.


Time always went very fast when there was something to do.

There would be no missions in the short period of time when they first enter the school. According to the teaching method of the Jujutsu High, students were first familiar with all aspects of the school's infrastructure and related departments. For example, the "window" department was responsible for communicating missions and providing mission intelligence. The other step was to accumulate theoretical knowledge about the curses, and finally be taken on a mission by the grade leader.

After the practical instruction class in the morning, there was the theoretical class. Since Yayoi also knew little about the jujutsu society, Satoru thoughtfully added a set of tables and chairs to the classroom. Three children and a twenty-five-year-old adult sat in the same classroom listened to the lectures of another unreliable adult.

Satoru, who was twenty-eight years old and still liked to have fun, started to lecture enthusiastically under Megumi's disgusted eyes, looking at Yayoi who was sitting by the window from time to time.

The theory class still made Yayoi want to play cards with God of Dreams. Satoru was very unreliable in some places, but unexpectedly reliable in some places. He actually taught this theory class well.

The white-haired man with his hands in his pockets stood on the podium without holding a textbook. He picked and talked about some relatively important things, and from time to time he picked up a piece of chalk and made two strokes on the blackboard.

The chalk clicked on the blackboard one after another. Satoru was giving a lecture on the podium, but Yayoi was stunned underneath, holding her chin, trying not to let her chin fall to the table.

*squeak—* *squeak—*

It felt like she was back in the summer when she was 12 or 13 years old. The cicadas chirped endlessly in midsummer, and their loud calls stretched into lines in the air heated by the sun.

The heat wave carried the sound of cicadas rolling in the air. The chalk on the podium was still creaking. After a while, it stopped again, and the sound of reading on the podium slowly came down.

Slowly, making people sleepy.

She was a teacher, ah, now she was a teaching assistant, but it did not mean that she would not be in a daze in class when she was a student. Every teacher grew up from the classroom when they were a student. When the students who were in a daze in the classroom became teachers, they watched the children below in a daze in their own classes, and the cycle started over and over again.

The afternoon sun was a soft golden color. The sun hung lazily over the mountains and slowly fell towards the mountains in the west.

The gorgeous rays of sunlight smeared on the smooth glass windows, the red sun disc was burned black, and the world enveloped in it was as thick and colorful as Ukiyo-e, ancient and mysterious, but also contained a beauty that made people unable to take their eyes away.

Her eyelids were so heavy that Yayoi finally couldn't help but lie down. The sound of cicadas in her dream was wrapped in the unhurried speech on the podium, like a dream, like spring water flowing into a mountain stream.

"Hey, I caught a naughty student who distracted~"

She saw Satoru, who had taken off his blindfold, sitting on the chair in front of her seat, which was Yuji's.

Didn’t know what his idea was, insisting on adding an extra set of desks and chairs for her to attend class with.

Yayoi rubbed her eyes and got up from the desk. The red sun disk slowly became silent in the mountains. The dazzling sunset spread all over the ground. The blue Six Eyes were inlaid with the magnificent starry sky. They bent and squinted lazily, but also had the cunningness that only cats could have when they were mischievous.

"What time is it?" Yayoi was a little drowsy in sleep.

"Class is over, Yayoi-sensei~" His hands were folded on the table, and the big cat in front of her put his chin on the back of his hands, his lips curved, and he looked at her with curved eyebrows.

Yayoi's heart thumped and she finally realized, "Am I asleep?"

Satoru nodded, intending to tease her, "Yayoi-sensei, you distracted in class~"

Yayoi's eyes were dumbfounded, ah, it's so embarrassing. She's such an adult, and she's still a teacher. She could still fall asleep in class, or fall asleep in Satoru's class.

This was even more embarrassing than falling asleep in class and being hit by the teacher's chalk when she was a student.

Satoru was still looking at her, his naked gaze not concealing the evil amusement inside. Yayoi was so embarrassed that she wanted to bury her head in the ground.

There was a thin red color on the skin of the ear, and when it was clustered in the red hair, it was even more attractive than her bright red hair.

Satoru smiled, reached out and touched her ear gently.

The temperature on his fingertips was frighteningly hot. Yayoi pulled his hand away and covered her ears with both hands, like a frightened squirrel, wanting to ball itself up into a ball.

"It's embarrassing, don't say it anymore." Satoru heard the person who lowered her head say this. Her voice was small, like thin and soft feathers brushing against the skin. If there was a crack in the ground now, she would probably get in without hesitation.

"Hey, does Yayoi have someone you like?"

The sun sunk into the mountains, and the overwhelming ink poured out from the horizon. Those eyes were as quiet and motionless as sapphires that could not hide their brilliance.

Satoru straightened his back slightly, cupped his chin, and lowered his eyelashes. His white eyelashes half covered his bright pupils.

"It's the kind that you like very much." Satoru said softly.

"Like it so much."

Silence was something that was surprisingly disturbing.

The sound of the shadows of the trees, the chirping of birds returning to their nests at sunset, and the whistling of the wind all left her, like a flood that suddenly receded. After all the sounds were swept away, Yayoi heard her own ear-splitting pounding heartbeat.

As the distance got closer, the warm breath sometimes fell and sometimes paused.

What came from her chest was a heartbeat like a beating drum. As for whose it was, she couldn't tell who it was. The nerve center was messed up and her brain couldn't function normally. Her brain was a mess and she couldn't distinguish anything, whose heartbeat, whose voice, or whose body temperature was.

Couldn't tell, couldn't tell anything.

What was reflected in the sharply contracted pupils was someone's eyes, those magnificent eyes of the sky, and the breath falling on the skin was also that person's.

The temperature on her lips was frighteningly hot, but it was like ice water melting on them in spring.

The slender eyelashes were like the soft and delicate down feathers of birds. They tremble slightly with each breath of the human body, and sweep against the skin, making it tickle.

The moon in the night sky parted the layers of clouds, the clear moonlight splashed down from the treetops, and the sudden sound of night owls sounded in the night.

Just a kiss like a dragonfly had already made her stupid like this.

Cats themselves were cunning but unavoidable creatures. Cat owners would inevitably encounter mischief from their own cats one day.

Yayoi, who had been raising cats for more than ten years, thought that she had long been accustomed to cats’ coquettish sounds, their mischief, and their soft belly.

But now she felt like she was wrong.

She had never understood the cat's mind.

The eager cat stuck out its tongue, and the tip of its tongue was hot, gently tracing the wrinkles on its lips, as if its lips were immersed in the rippling lake water in spring.

It seemed as if sugar had melted on the lips, and it was so sweet that the person himself seemed to be made of sugar.

Yayoi had never thought that kissing could be such a frightening thing.

"Yayoi is sweet."

The cat licked his lips after finishing his prank.

The mottled tree shadows fell on the windowsill. The cat squinted his blue eyes and kept focusing on Yayoi. Yayoi felt like a little white rabbit that he was eyeing.

Yayoi felt like every cell in her body was trembling.

Satoru looked at the dumbfounded redhead in front of him. Her hair was red, her cheeks were red, and her lips were red.

He couldn't help but laugh.

'That’s it for now.'

Yayoi opened her mouth. She felt that her lips were trembling, and every syllable in her words was trembling, "You... don't you... like Geto?"

If you like Geto, why would you kiss me? QAQ

Satoru: "..."



· Genuine translation can be found only in OchatimesBlogspotCom, FanFictionNet, and Wattpad

• Omake •

Gojo the Cat: I can't wait any longer, I'm going up, wait...? Do you have any misunderstanding about me?!

Geto the Fox, who was out for a walk and passed by the classroom: What is that?!! [pupil earthquake.jpg]

#Someday in the future:
Redhead: Geto, I'm sorry for you, I offended you.
Brother Suguru: I'm not, I did not, don't talk nonsense! I'm straight!!

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