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II: Lily of the Valley
Chapter 82: Cherish the Color
"I'm not in a hurry, we still have a long time."


The most tragic thing in the world was that you love her, but she thought you love him.

Having known this redhead for so many years, Satoru always felt that there was something wrong with her brain circuit, but he couldn't pinpoint what was wrong.

Tonight, he knew it.

If a cat liked you, it would expose its most vulnerable and soft belly to you. If a cat liked you, it would unconsciously put its eyes on you from time to time. If a cat liked you, it would act coquettishly and cutely with you.

It's so obvious even for a cat like him, Yayoi actually thoughts he liked his best friend?!

What's going on? Does he look so gay?!

Satoru: kitty grievance.jpg

Satoru deliberately imitated the actions Yayoi would do when he was unhappy. He puffed up his cheeks. He looked at her, the eldest child looked unhappy, and the bright eyes of the sky shone with the brilliance of the stars.

More like a big unhappy cat.

"Yayoi." Satoru suddenly called her name.

Just a name.

It was obviously just a name, just a name, but it frightened her to death, and she subconsciously retracted her legs under the table under the chair.

When her name came out of his mouth, there was a feeling that made her want to turn around and run away immediately, but her legs were out of control. Her muscles were so tight that they were almost trembling, and the language center of her brain seemed to be paralyzed. She could not speak a word now.

The tide-like night filled this classroom, and the melodious chirping of insects rose and fell in the silent night.

She never thought that being kissed could be so fatal.

Looking up for a moment, Yayoi met those beautiful eyes.

She always thought Satoru's eyes were beautiful, with round pupils and cat-like eyes. When he smiled, his eyes narrowed slightly and curved like a crescent moon, like a big coquettish cat.

The cat’s fur was soft and the cat’s eyes were so beautiful.

Yayoi's head was dizzy. The big cat sitting opposite her seemed to like her extremely nervous look. He stood on the table with his chin in one hand and looked at her with interest, his long eyelashes were like cherry branches covered with snowflakes.

What should you do at this time?

"I like you." The big cat sitting opposite her bent his beautiful blue Six Eyes and smiled slyly. The beautiful eyes were as calm as the windless sea, and the turbulent emotions were covered under the calm eyes, "I like you so much."

Someone forcefully threw a boulder into the calm lake water, causing a raging splash of water.

—I like you.

What should you do at this time?

"I like the little redhead with red hair. I also like the little red cat, I like the silly little redhead." Satoru spoke unhurriedly, every word and every syllable speaking. It's melodious and has a long ending, "I also like a little redhead named Yayoi."

The cat, which liked to tease people, held its chin, his pale blue Six Eyes, and his gaze aws lingering.

Her head was dizzy, the things in her cognition were shattered, her thoughts were scattered everywhere, and no matter how hard she gathered them, she couldn't bring them back.

Yayoi suddenly remembered that when she was in high school, a boy blocked her in the corridor of the teaching building and confessed to her in front of many people coming and going. The people who were attracted by the large confession scene all looked at her. She came over and started to watching the show without any hesitation. The boy who confessed to her turned red as hell.

—I like you.

Maybe different people's confessions have different effects. Yayoi remembered telling the boy very calmly, "I don't like you and I don't hate you."

This was true, but the boy was extremely sad.

She would watch TV series, sit in front of the TV, and watch the male and female protagonists quarrel violently after being sweet and intimate, and then continue to be sweet and intimate together.

At first, it was just out of curiosity about emotions.

Yayoi remembered that it was March when her sister got married. The sun was clear, and the sea was gentle for several days without losing its temper. The ancient sound of the rising and falling tide echoed in the sky, and the cry of seagulls flew over the rolling waves of the sea.

"Sister, why did you marry him?"

The word 'get married' was heard from the maid who helped prepare the wedding. Yayoi actually didn't understand what 'get married' meant.

"Because I like him."

Her sister's eyebrows were bent when she smiled. The tips of her brows, eyes, and the corners of her mouth all told Yayoi that she was very happy.

The delicate sunshine reflected the soft flowers of the cherry branches, and the wind carried a comfortable warmth.

Her sister with soft eyebrows was different from the sister who usually beat her brother-in-law violently.

"So you like him?" Yayoi sat on the floor of the corridor under the eaves, dangling her feet, "But you always say he is a fool, an idiot, and a bastard."

In her memory, the person who made her sister angry the most was Hashirama. Although he would give her flowers and throw a big bouquet of chrysanthemums into her face, he would also go to the casino and lose his underwear. He wanted to trouble the sea urchin head to redeem him, but when his sister finally dragged him back by his ears, under the sea urchin head's eyes of disgust and rejection, he even shouted, "Madara, we'll see you next time."

Her sister was still smiling with bent eyebrows. Yayoi looked at the cherry blossoms on the branches and then at her sister, who had a beautiful smile. She felt that her sister's smile was very much like the spring cherry blossoms blooming in the sunshine in March.

"There's nothing we can do about it." Her sister raised her head and touched Yayoi's red hair, which was the same as hers. "Who told me to just like that fool, idiot, and bastard?"

"Listen carefully, Yayoi." My sister kissed her forehead, "If one day you meet someone who likes you very much, and if you like him too, he may make you angry or happy."

"Love is a very complicated and contradictory thing. Happiness is accompanied by the risk of pain."

"You have to take your time to experience it."

"You have to work harder, Yayoi." Her sister lowered her eyelashes, "This world is unfair to you."

Recalling her sister's hair, it was obviously the same red hair as hers, but she felt that her sister's red hair was much more pleasing to the eye than her own. Her sister's hair was like the cherry blossoms blooming in the sunshine in March, beautiful and gentle. But her own hair always reminded her of the color of blood.

With an ambiguous explanation, Yayoi's understanding of liking was still vague.

Yayoi was the same in the past, and Yayoi was the same now, with the same incomprehension and confusion.

'Why do you like me?'

Yayoi was a little confused.

There were always some people who would hint to her in subtle ways that she would never be loved wherever she went, because she was born not to exist.

She also acquiesced to this fact, but she couldn't help but long for something contrary to the fact.

Satoru shattered what she believed to be the truth, and the shattered truth crashed into pieces in her ears, but it made her heartbeat.

Satoru watched helplessly as Yayoi stood up from her seat and ran out. After knocking over several chairs and two tables in the classroom, she ran out of the classroom and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Satoru looked at the empty chair in front of him. Yayoi's movement to stand up was too big, and the chair was overturned. The chair that was thrown to the ground lay pitifully on the ground.

The soft moonlight fell from the dome, and there were dark shadows underfoot.

'As expected, she still ran away.'

Satoru thought dully, got up, slowly lifted the tables and chairs that Yayoi knocked down one by one, straightened them, and then slowly walked to Yayoi's seat and sat down.

He cupped his chin and looked at the empty podium. The cold moonlight was falling obliquely, and fine dust was floating in the air.

Why did she run away?

Satoru held his chin, tilted his head, his brows were knitted into knots, his eyes passed over the clean ceiling, past the dark blackboard, and then towards the lush trees outside the window.

'The atmosphere is obviously very good.'

The big white cat raised his hand, rubbed his lips a few times with his fingertips, and then smacked his mouth twice.

'Well, it’s a bit like orange soda-flavored jelly.'

Satoru thought hard for a while and decided to dig out the redhead and try it again.

Having made a strategic decision, Satoru walked out of the classroom door, turned a corner and met the gray fox frozen at the door.

"Huh?" Satoru took back his raised long legs.

The gray fox came back to his senses and let out an 'ouh', which made people feel sad and angry. He dragged his big tail and took two steps back warily.

'Don’t come over.'

Satoru bent down and narrowed his eyes like a dangerous big cat.

"You're almost done, aren't you?" Satoru smiled.

The gray fox opened his eyes wide, and a chill ran up his spine, climb up one section at a time.

"There are snakes out at night." Satoru touched his chin and narrowed his round cat eyes, "Fox-chan, it's almost time to go back to find Yuji."

"Don't let me see you in Yayoi's room." Satoru straightened his body and bent his eyes. The blue-eyed cat raised his head, looking like he was the best in the world. His majestic and high-spirited look made the gray fox wanted to leave a paw print on his beautiful face.

"Otherwise, I will take you to be sterilized." kitty smiled.jpg

The gray fox felt a chill in his heart. He watched the big white cat leaving leisurely, and silently lit a candle for Yayoi in his heart.

Based on his understanding of Satoru, this guy was not going to give up if he didn't find Yayoi tonight.

If someone else was playing hide and seek with Satoru like this, he would find him out in a few seconds. However, when the person playing hide and seek was Yayoi, it would be a bit of a headache.

Satoru traveled through most of the college, from the faculty and staff dormitories to the student dormitories. Yuji was startled when the white-haired teacher suddenly appeared in the courtyard against the balcony glass.

"Gojo-sensei?" Yuji was startled and ran over to open the window. "Don't suddenly appear outside other people's dormitories in the middle of the night! It will scare people to death!"

"Gomen, gomen." Satoru waved his hand, "Have you seen Yayoi?"

Yuji was silent for a moment.

"Sensei, this is the men's dormitory." Yuji said.

It was so late at night, and his sister was not a pervert.

"Oh, it's okay, bye." Yuji watched helplessly as Satoru disappeared.

Yuji: ???
Flying Thunder God Technique!

Yuji: "Wow—"

Satoru, who had traveled through most of the high school, was about to break into the girls' dormitory.

The cold full moon was embedded in the dark sky, and the clear brilliance of the bright moon was falling, and the dim starlight was hidden among the clouds and mist.

The flat path paved with stone slabs reflected the warm orange light of the streetlamps, and the cool wind carried the sound of rustling grass blades.


The low bushed suddenly trembled, and a furry head protruded from the lush grass, and then a tricolored kitten emerged, its emerald-green eyes reflecting the thin light.


The little guy raised its head and yawned, showing itss pink tongue and pointed teeth.

Satoru paused.

The tricolored kitten licked its furry paws. After looking around with its emerald-green eyes, the skinny cat stood up on its four legs and raised its tail like a flag, swaggering past Satoru and went into the grass on the side.

Satoru touched his chin.

Were the high school's wildcats so arrogant? Why didn't he notice it before?

Satoru paused and suddenly thought of something.

No one at the Jujutsu High School in the suburbs kept a cat, and no one had kept a cat for so many years. However, this did not mean that there were no wild cats. Generally, wild cats have a stronger sense of crisis than domestic cats, and they were also more aggressive. Under normal circumstances, they would not get too close to humans.

But recently a cat-loving red-haired cat came. She loved cats and made no distinction between domestic and wild cats.

The hillside behind the college was a place where wild cats often hang out. Because it's located on a cliff and had not been built into a teaching place, it had always been left deserted. There were no large beasts and the environment was relatively stable, so it had become a gathering place for wild cats.

The dazzling lights of the city lit up in the distance. The lights of the modern metropolis in the distance reflected the dark sky. From a distance, they looked like a fishing fire lit in the dark night.

Satoru pushed aside the layers of grass and branches and heard the sound of meowing. Following the sound of meowing, he looked over and saw Yayoi squatting on the ground. If her red hair hadn't been too dazzling, she would have been no different from a stone stuck in the grass.

The wild cats, which usually ignore people and were highly aggressive, lie on the ground in a mess, waving their fluffy tails and meowing coquettishly and begging for petting from time to time.

The redhead squatting on the ground stretched out her hand from time to time and stroked their soft bellies. Unlike her usual focus on petting the cats, her eyes were a little wandering and she looked a little careless.

Satoru: "..."
You actually went to find another cat behind my back!

Between the mottled tree shadows, the night was as thick as ink, and the red hair was like a bright bonfire that was quietly lit.

Sensing Satoru's approach, Yayoi retracted her hand to play with the cat, hugged her knees and buried herself in the grass, trying to get away with it.

The wildcats perked up their ears when they sensed the approach of others, and invariably focused their attention on the source of the sound.

The big white cat ignored the warning gasps of the wild cats and strutted up to Yayoi who had dug herself into the grass.

"I found you." With a smile on his lips, he bent down and lowered his head.

"You have the wrong person." Yayoi buried her face in her knees and said in a muffled voice, "I don't know you."

"Eh~ Really?" Satoru squatted down, and Yayoi moved herself, trying to bury herself deeper behind the grass, but her back was pressed against the trunk of a tree.

Yayoi was stunned for a moment, and then a hand passed over her and held on to the tree trunk.

She subconsciously looked up and saw a man holding a tree trunk with one hand, a black blindfold hanging around his neck, and his eyes shining brightly in the sky.

'There's no way out.'

"Yayoi hates me?" Satoru looked down at her.

Yayoi was stunned for a moment, then shook her head, "I don't hate you."

"Eh~ But Yayoi suddenly ran away, I'm so sad." Satoru said aggrievedly.

Yayoi saw Satoru squatting in the grass, his beautiful blue eyes covered with a thin layer of mist. He was 190+ cm tall, but squatting on the ground reminded Yayoi of a wronged cat.

"I mustered up a lot of courage." kitty felt wronged.jpg

One of the two people was squatting and the other was sitting. The squatting person became Satoru, and Yayoi didn't know when she sat on the grass.

"It's so pitiful." Satoru hugged himself aggrievedly, "This is my first confession, and my first confession was severely rejected."

Satoru was so aggrieved that Yayoi felt that she had done something unjust and bastard.

"I didn't reject you." Yayoi bit her lip.

His blue eyes suddenly lit up, like clear and bright gems, shining like stars.

Satoru grabbed Yayoi's hand and put her hand on his cheek. The warm palms were pressed against the soft skin, and the silver-white hair brushed against the palms of her hands, causing Yayoi to feel like she was petting a cat.

"I can be petted off for you. You can pet me wherever you want." Satoru blinked his eyes and opened his lips.

...there was a big cat to pet.

Yayoi became energetic, and her eyes brightened when she looked at Satoru.

...it was such a good thing?

"It's true." The voice was gentle and affectionate, touching people's hearts.

The pads of the fingers touching his cheek were warm. Yayoi carefully touched his cheek, touched his hair, and lightly touched his long eyelashes.

Satoru smiled softly, stretched out his hand to wrap around Yayoi's soft back, and pulled her into his arms. The tip of his nose was buried in Yayoi's hair. For a moment, his sense of smell was infiltrated by the sweet fragrance of orange soda.

He nuzzled her cheek and her skin, like a feline who liked to leave its own scent on its belongings.

"...Gojo?" Yayoi was a little itchy from being rubbed by him, and she called out hesitantly.

Satoru let go, touched her hair and then her cheek. He moved his fingers, wrapping a few slender red hair around the tip of his finger. Finally, his fingertips rested on her cheek, stroking it gently.

Yayoi tilted her head and looked at Satoru blankly.

"I'm not in a hurry~" Satoru squinted his eyes, his long eyelashes creating a slight silhouette under his eyes. He lowered his voice and told Yayoi, "We still have a long time."

He kissed Yayoi's forehead and watched with satisfaction as the red-haired girl blushed the same color as her hair.


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• Omake •

Brother Suguru: It scared me to death.

Gojo the Cat: alert.jpg

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