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II: Lily of the Valley
Chapter 130: Picking Mulberry Seeds
It's all up to you.


She opened her eyes drowsily.

The room was quiet, the white curtains contained the hazy morning light, and the golden light flowed in along the gaps in the curtains, shallow and thin, and spread on the tatami.

There was a sweet smell floating in the air.

The source of the breath was a cat.

The sleeping Satoru was a rare painting.

His silver-white hair was messy, half of his face was sunk into the pillow, his breathing was shallow and even, his long and thick eyelashes trembled gently with his breathing, his brows and eyes were rare and gentle, and his body seemed to be relaxed; like a lazy big cat.

At this time, the cat did not mind others touching him.

Yayoi couldn't hold back and poked the cat's soft cheek. The skin was good and the touch felt good. The place where it was poked sunk slightly.

Maybe it was itchy.

The cat's nose moved, and his thick eyelashes trembled slightly like butterfly wings. After humming twice, he reached out and grabbed the claws on his cheek, and rubbed it against his cheek. After a few moments, he snored and fell into sleep again.

The person seemed to have fallen asleep, but he had no intention of letting go.

She gently twitched her hand and found that he seemed determined to hold her hand and wouldn't let go.

Her eyes fell on Satoru's eyelashes again. His hair was white, his eyelashes were white, and his skin was white. It didn't feel inconsistent at all to say that he was a big white cat.

The frost-like eyelashes were raised, and when the eyelids were opened, the blue eyes were so clean that they were almost magical.

"Are you peeking at me?" The blue cat's eyes were curved, and the morning voice was heavily nasal, but he did not hide his good mood.

"I didn't peek." Yayoi said.
Once you get married, you would be her cat. She didn’t need to peek to see her cat, just look at it openly.

Satoru blinked, his beautiful eyelashes trembled.

Yayoi suddenly wanted to put needles on Satoru's eyelashes. She felt that he could put several needles on his eyelashes.

The hand holding her hand slipped the five fingers into her fingers, closed them, and clasped them. His cheek gently rubbed against the back of her hand, and his warm breath fell on the back of his hand, as soft as a cat's fur.

Yayoi smelled the sweet smell from Satoru again.

He seemed to have been soaked in a sugar bowl, and his breath smelled sweet.

"Gojo." Yayoi's cheek was pressed against the soft pillow, her red hair scattered on the white quilt, "You are sweet."

Satoru paused, his pale blue cat eyes seemed to pause for a moment, and when he looked at his wife again, his gaze became meaningful.

"It's so early in the morning. It's dangerous to say such things." The pupils of the sky were slightly curved, like a cat squinting its eyes in the thick night, and the pupils emitted a deep blue light.

His wife was cutely slow in this regard, still unaware of the approaching danger. Her amber eyes blinked like a docile domestic cat.

Yayoi slowly got up, the white quilt slipped off her shoulders, and her red hair fell down against the beautiful side of her neck. After hanging lazily on her shoulders for a while, it fell to the pajamas on her chest.

Her legs under the quilt were slightly propped up, her knees brushed against his thighs, and her bent arms supported her upper body. She was like a cat emerging from a blanket.

Yayoi slowly moved over, stretched out her hand, rubbed his hair with the palm of her hand, and then touched his cheek.

He has white hair, white eyelashes, and white skin. His eyelashes look like the sky after heavy snow in winter.

She suddenly felt that Satoru was made of snow, his beautiful eyelashes were made of rime hanging on the branches, and his silver-white hair was made of frost and snow falling from the sky.

White, the cleanest color.

Yayoi sat up from the bed, her red hair falling from her shoulders to her waist one by one. The ends of her hair were scattered on the quilt. She bent her legs and rubbed her white feet on the quilt a few times before curling up her toes.

"If you fall into a snowdrift, will I not be able to find you?"
Yayoi touched his hair, and the soft white hair rubbed against her hand. It felt like the soft fur of a cat.

"Guess what?" Those beautiful eyes curled up again.

Sitting up from the bed, Satoru stretched out his hands and wrapped them around Yayoi's waist. The fabric of the clothes he rubbed made a rustling sound. With a little force on his arms, Yayoi was brought into his arms.

Their bodies were pressed against each other through two layers of thin clothing, and the ends of their red hair swept over his face like soft feathers.

"Are you a cat made of snow?" Yayoi lay in his arms and touched his eyelashes.

Looking up from this angle, he could just see his wife's fair chin and beautiful neck.

Satoru raised his head and kissed his wife's chin, his breath lingering on the most sensitive skin of the neck, "Would you like to try it and see if it melts?"

The cat made of snow had beautiful cat eyes and curved lips, and it felt itchy in his heart. It always needed to do something to calm down the itching lingering in his heart.

The curtains were drawn up before going to bed, and the light in the room was dim. Satoru couldn't see his wife's red cheeks clearly. He could only feel that her breathing paused for a moment, and then the hot breath fell on the tip of her nose.

*tuk* *tuk* *tuk*

There were several muffled sounds from the knocked glass window, followed by the intermittent chirping of birds.

The breath falling on the neck was hot, and the other person's body also reacted strangely. Yayoi's body froze, and her hands subconsciously grasped the fabric on Satoru's shoulders, trying to calm his breathing and make his voice sound calm.

"It's dawn." Yayoi said every word.

"Yeah." Satoru kissed Yayoi's chin again.

The warmth carried by the soft lips almost made the redhead throw the cat away. The hands on Satoru's shoulders trembled slightly, and a numb feeling came to the fingertips.

Yayoi subconsciously clasped her fingers, and the fabric on his shoulders was wrinkled by her grip.

"Get up." Yayoi said.

"I know, I'll be up soon." Satoru circled Yayoi's waist.

Yayoi breathed a sigh of relief, then became confused after a moment, "Why wait?"

"What do you think?" Satoru bit his wife's lips gently, placing his palms up against herwaist.

'My wife is so cute when she just woke up, I can’t help it.'

'My wife made a nice sound.'

The fabric of the clothes was rustling, and fragmented sobs floated in the air.

The skin under the palms was delicate and soft, and the waist was so slender that it seemed that it could be broken with just a slight exertion. He held his wife's waist with both hands, raised his head and kissed her lips, his hot breath almost burning the skin.

The soft quilt was pressed against the back of her head, and her bright red hair was spread out messily. Hot and humid water vapor climbed to the corners of her eyes, and tears fell from her eyes.

He couldn't help but kiss her eyes, his tongue rolled up the tears hanging at the end of her eyes, and he kissed the end of her eyes.

Her consciousness seemed to be trapped in the clouds, hazy, and her body seemed to be floating. However, the next moment it seemed like someone had pushed her off the edge of a cliff. The falling feeling was frightening. Yayoi subconsciously grabbed Satoru's shoulders and traced his fingers on the fair skin, leaving clear red marks.

"Go... jo... mmh..."

The eye sockets were filled with moist, and hazy shadows were reflected on the retinas, like hazy snow falling from the sky.

Satoru lowered his head to kiss her lips, tracing the shape of her lips with the tip of his tongue, and gently picked up her soft lips with his teeth, tangled and rubbed them.

"Relax, it'll be fine soon." A deep voice breathed softly in her ear.

The wind coming in from outside the window stirred the spotlessly white waves, and the sound was like rolling waves.

The sun was dazzling, and a pair of hands covered her eyes.

After adapting to the change in light and dark, the hand covering her eyes slowly moved away, and Yayoi slowly opened her eyes. The window of her room faced the old cherry blossom tree in the courtyard, and golden leaves fell all over the window sill.

The light golden sunlight smudged on the white curtains.

"Get up." Satoru kissed her eyes, held her waist, and put her into bed like a child.

Didn't know what time was it.

The sore feeling was like a snake wrapped around her waist. Yayoi showed a numbness face, letting her consciousness be between chaos and clarity. She was picked up by Satoru like a doll, and the black jacket was draped over her shoulders.

Yayoi rested her chin on Satoru's shoulder and let Satoru wrap his arms around her waist. She squinted her eyes in a lazy manner that reminded her of a napping cat.

"Did something happen when you suddenly returned to Gojo's house?" Yayoi asked.

Satoru pressed his palms on the top of Yayoi's hair, rubbed his cheek against the top of his wife's hair, tightened his hand around her waist, and said casually, "It's okay."

Yayoi paused and said subconsciously, "Gojo."

Satoru was silent for a moment, a meaningful smile appeared on his face, and the corners of his lips raised, "The old man at home heard the news."

Yayoi's eyes moved, and the sunlight fell into her pupils like cut gold foil.

Satoru thought for a while, and the expression on his face suddenly became serious, "I'm twenty-eight years old."

Yayoi was stunned and didn't react.

"There are very few Gojo family heads in the past who have not had children at this age." Satoru blinked with an innocent expression on his face.

Yayoi suddenly remembered that more than ten years ago, when she was still a little potato, Satoru ran to her house to escape from a blind date. It happened to be early in the morning, and on the day of the Great Dark Day, Satoru did not eat soba noodles. A few hours after the Great Dark Day passed, he ran to her house and Yayoi made him a bowl of soba noodles.

Let alone children, Satoru was a straight bachelor before he turned twenty-eight.

The elder of the Gojo family was worried about the fact that the head of the family was unwilling to start a family. He was the only head of the family who was unwilling to start a family at such an age for hundreds of years.

The Big Three Sorcerer Families value the inheritance of bloodline. People with the same bloodline have a high chance of inheriting the excellent skills of their fathers, so they value their heirs very much.

Although the Gojo family was said to be a force with Satoru as the core, for nearly a thousand years, the concept of relying on heirs to strengthen and pass on family power haf long been ingrained. Even Satoru, who was the representative of the Gojo family, could not correct it for a while.

Yayoi opened her mouth, "So—"

She didn't know when a hand was placed on her abdomen, gently rubbing it through the thin pajamas.

"Will there be a baby here?" Satoru said softly.

Perhaps many of the girls who graduated from Urami East Junior High with her back then have married as wives, had their own families, and become mothers.

A person would have various connections with the people around him throughout his life. Even if he remained single all his life, connections with others were unavoidable. The only difference lay in the form in which it took place. Getting married and having children was just one of them.

Become a mother.

The mother in her previous life was named Sukasha. She had a face that resembled Sukasha, but she had never seen Sukasha. The only evidence that Sukasha had lived was the fragmented words spoken by a few old people except her.

She never knew her mother, and Sukasha never held her hand or called her name.

The mother in this life is called Haruna, a gentle mother, as gentle as her name, and she was also gentle when she called her name.

Yayoi's face still looked like Sukasha, and her hair still resembled Sukasha's red hair, but her mother held her hand.

Mother was gentle and her hands were warm.

She liked this kind of mother.

Every girl had the opportunity to become a mother.

She habitually ignored this opportunity.

Just like she never thought that Satoru would tell her that he liked her. On the wedding day, everything would fall into place, and there would be no need for so many surprises, just accept it calmly.

She never realized her chance of becoming a mother, never thought about becoming a mother, and had no guarantee that she would become a qualified mother.

When the topic of children came up, she was not surprised or panicked. She surprisingly felt very calm.

The abdomen was a sensitive place, and the hand covering her abdomen was broad and warm. Yayoi felt very comfortable, and put her hand on the back of Satoru's hand.

"Do you want it?" Yayoi looked at her husband calmly.

The amber eyes met his, and he could even see his own reflection in those clear eyes.

Satoru smiled softly, "If you are willing, I would be happy to be the father of your child, Yayoi."

"But only if it's you, Yayoi." Satoru held the back of Yayoi's head, her red hair resting in his hand, and he smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Wouldn't it affect you if you don't have children?" Yayoi looked up.

"I am the strongest even without children." Satoru nuzzled Yayoi's hair several times and smoothed her hair into a mess. "Of course, if you are willing, that would be great~"

Yayoi's cheeks turned red.

After all, she hadn't been a mother yet, so she couldn't help but blush when talking about this topic.

"I want a daughter with red hair." Satoru held his chin, a smile appeared on his face, "This way I can have two little redheads."

Yayoi blushed so much that she was going to burn herself if she continued to let Satoru talk.

She raised her hand and covered Satoru's mouth. Satoru screamed twice as his mouth was covered, with a look of grievance on his face.

The topic of children ended here. When she went downstairs, Yayoi found that no one was at home.

With a giant cat attached to her back, Yayoi saw Shoko's note on the refrigerator door after wandering around the house.

[—I took the students back to the high school to find Utahime-senpai.
ps: Take precautions and look at Megumi, you are not suitable to be a father.]

Yayoi suddenly felt that this note was very hot.

"What did she write?" Satoru put his chin in the crook of her neck and probed her head.

"Nothing." Yayoi crumpled the note into a ball and threw it into the trash can.

"Huh?" Satoru tilted his head, his blue cat eyes blinking.

"Really not!" Yayoi pushed Satoru's head.

After tinkering for a long time, they were finally able to go out. When the couple stepped out of the threshold, they saw Choso, the eldest of the ten brothers, with his two younger brothers.

Eso wore a white shirt and black trousers. Due to his special body structure, this kind of clothing actually made him very uncomfortable. However, in order not to cause panic and excessive human attention, he still dressed as close to ordinary humans as possible. Kechizu's appearance was very different from that of humans, so his whole body could only be covered in a Pikachu doll costume, but he did not seem to object to such a dress, because he met many human children on the road who wanted to get close to him.

When the eldest brother of the ten brothers saw Satoru, he felt like he was seeing the enemy who killed his father.

Satoru: Oh-hoo.


· Genuine translation can be found only in OchatimesBlogspotCom, FanFictionNet, and Wattpad

• Omake •

Gojo the Cat: This is already my wife, what can you do? (cat is proud.jpg)

Megumin: I raised Satoru Gojo from the age of seven with great hardships.
Megumin: It’s so funny that he can't be raised at all.

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