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II: Lily of the Valley
Chapter 131: Looking in the Mirror
Wife, you have changed, really.


Satoru didn't know how to drink.

Not even a little bit.

Part of the reason for being unable to drink was due to the technique, and part of it was ultimately due to his own drinking problem.

When dinner was approaching, Yayoi made sweet wine dumplings and prepared them to be delivered to Shoko's infirmary, who had to work overtime during the holidays. After packing the portion to be sent to Shoko. After packing the portion to be sent to Shoko, Yayoi took the lunch box and went out. Unexpectedly, when she came back, she saw Satoru nestled on the sofa.

Yayoi took off her shoes, put on the cotton slippers for indoor activities. She walked up to Satoru, lifted the silver hair from the hiss forehead, and saw the slightly confused pale blue eyes.

"Yayoi~" The person in his field of vision was hazy, as if covered with a layer of mist. The blurred outline and the red warmth reminded him of the lights smeared on the window paper.

He pulled Yayoi's sleeve, smiling and trembling, his eyes and lips curved, and the clear light fell into his beautiful pupils.

Yayoi suddenly felt that his appearance looked familiar. In a moment of confusion, she was caught off guard and pulled down on the sofa, falling directly into his arms.

Yayoi slammed into Satoru's chest.

Perhaps because of the pain from the impact, Satoru grunted twice, pressed Yayoi's head to his chest, and held on to Yayoi's hands, refusing to let go. Yayoi could only sit astride his lap in this position.

"Have you been drinking?" Yayoi finally remembered, looking a bit like he was drunk.

Recalling the last time Satoru got drunk in front of her, it was more than ten years ago.

Sixteen-year-old Satoru unexpectedly became clingy when drunk, clinging to her and refusing to let go. It was so noisy that Shoko and Suguru at the time thought about burying him on the spot.

The drunken cat tightened his grip around Yayoi's waist and rubbed her hair with his cheek.

Satoru, who was hugging his wife, paused. Yayoi grabbed his collar, raised her head, and his mist-like blue eyes came into view.

Satoru shook his head, thought for a moment and then nodded.

"Did you drink or not?" As soon as Yayoi finished her words, the sudden retraction of her hands on her waist almost choked her.

The drunken man didn't seem to hear what she said clearly. He tilted his head and looked at his wife. In his field of vision, the red lips opened and closed, glowing with water under the light.

—A bit like strawberry.

—It looked very tasty.

Satoru's head was spinning as he thought, he stretched out his hands to hold Yayoi's cheeks, and gently rubbed her face with the pads of his thumbs.

The red color in the field of vision was always flickering, flickering and never stopping. The big white cat flattened his mouth and widened its eyes.

"Gojo?" Yayoi called in confusion.

The white cat opened his mouth and bit Yayoi's lip. The pointed tiger teeth cut through the folds of the lips and picked up the lips, the warm tongue slides into the mouth and rubs against it.

Breathing intertwined, lips and tongue tangled. This extra long kiss inexplicably made Yayoi think that Satoru was eating. Cats always take their time while eating, patiently enjoying the beauty of food and savoring every trace of sweetness in it.

It's like ice cream melting in your mouth.

The bright light fell into her amber eyes, and her thoughts gradually became lost in a gentle whirlpool. Something warm seemed to be swelling in her body, and it might overflow at any time.

Yayoi's fingertips turned white, and her fingers tightly grasped the loose front of his shirt, and her body almost melted into the warm lake water.

The mottled tree shadows were reflected on the glass windows, and when the quiet night wind blew the dry leaves across the doors and windows, the stagnant time began to flow again.

After Satoru finally let her go, his hot breath hit her face, making her cheeks feel hot and her head was dizzy. She lowered her eyes and accidentally saw her own reflection in the beautiful blue eyes, her cheeks were extremely red, and there were slender silver threads hanging from the corners of her mouth.

Yayoi was stunned and wiped a handful of it on her mouth.

Maybe it was because she was too close, too close, and the temperature on her cheeks could not go down no matter what, and it was as if it was burning like a prairie fire.

Yayoi pushed Satoru on the chest and pushed the white cat to the back of the sofa. Unexpectedly, the drunk cat reached out and wrapped his arms around her waist.

The final result was that the two people smashed into the sofa like two fish slapping together.

Yayoi's nose hit Satoru's chest directly, causing her to burst into tears.

The drunk cat frowned upon seeing this, stretched out his hand, and carefully rubbed Yayoi's red nose.

The skin under his fingertips was delicate and smooth. Satoru was stunned for a moment, thought about it, and pinched Yayoi's nose.

Yayoi: "..."

Satoru released his hand.

He pinched Yayoi's nose again.

After going back and forth several times, Yayoi couldn't stand it anymore and reached out to pull off the hands that were messing with her nose.

Satoru flattened his mouth in displeasure and muttered an accusation, "Yayoi, do you not love me anymore?"

Yayoi, who was lying on Satoru, was stunned for a moment, wondering where his sudden depression came from.

"When did I say I don't love you anymore?" Yayoi was confused.

"You made sweet wine dumplings for Shoko." The white cat blinked his beautiful blue eyes. His pale blue eyes were sparkling, as if he might shed tears at any time.

"...it's a thank-you gift." Yayoi told him dryly.
She traveled all the way from Tokyo to Saitama Prefecture to provide outpatient care for their children.

"I have no share in it." The white cat felt extremely embarrassed.

Yayoi felt that if he had a pair of cat ears on top of his head, they would droop down if he didn't keep them straight.

Yayoi reached out and touched the top of his hair. The silver-white hair was delicate and soft, with a few strands sticking up restlessly. The ends of the hair felt itchy in the palm of her hand.

Yayoi couldn't hold it back and touched it a few more times.

Perhaps because he felt comfortable being touched, Satoru squinted his eyes and raised his chin, looking like a large white cat.

Yayoi touched his chin a few times. The cat purred comfortably, and the hand around her waist tightened.

"Next time, you have to make sweet wine dumplings for me too." Satoru muttered like a child.

Yayoi paused and turned around. From this angle, she could see the empty plate next to the gas stove. The bare plate looked particularly lonely and helpless on the countertop.

"Are the sweet wine dumplings delicious?" Yayoi asked.

"It's delicious." Satoru squinted his eyes, "After eating it, I feel light all over, as if I'm floating in the clouds."

"I'll give it a try next time." The drunken white cat nuzzled his wife.

"What should you do if you are drunk?" Yayoi asked.

"Then you're drunk." Satoru puffed up his cheeks, with a blush like sunset on his fair face, "I don't care, you have to make me sweet wine dumplings, and you have to make a unique one."

The big white cat rubbed the top of his furry hair against Yayoi's chin, tickling her.

"Yayoi, have I ever eaten sweet wine dumplings before?" Satoru buried his face in Yayoi's chest, and his muffled voice came out.

Yayoi lowered her head and saw the white cat raising his head; his pale blue eyes blinking.

"Have eaten." Yayoi touched his hair.

"Am I drunk?" Satoru pouted, "Suguru and Shoko said I was super annoying when I was drunk, and they even said they wanted to throw me into Tokyo Bay."

"How foul they are~" Satoru leaned his face against Yayoi's chest.

"You are the cutest cat in the world." Yayoi lowered her head and kissed his forehead.

The drunk cat heard the satisfactory answer in a daze, and narrowed his eyes comfortably, then seemed to think of something, and pouted his mouth again.

"Then I'm the cutest cat in the world, right?" Satoru's face suddenly turned serious.

Yayoi nodded with a blank look on her face. The cat's sudden serious expression made her feel strange.

Her own cat's behavior had always been to let himself go and be carefree. There were very few times when he was serious like this. Even Yayoi, who had known him for so long, had only seen it a handful of times.

"Then you can only give me a cat bath." Satoru said seriously.

Yayoi: ???

The shadows of the trees reflected on the glass windows were swaying, and the orange lights fell into the glass panels on the table, creating warm ripples.

"Bath?" Yayoi didn't know why he suddenly brought it up here.

"You can only give me a bath for one cat." Satoru said angrily, "You are not allowed to bathe that big orange."

The cat came out all the time, and Yayoi was confused by him and had no idea what he was talking about.

"I can let you pinch my pads." Satoru raised his hand, and suddenly realized that it was not a cat's paw, but a human hand with slender fingers and fair skin.

"Where are my pads?" The white cat tilted his head, looking confused and innocent.

Yayoi's heart suddenly moved. The drunk cat looked a little cute.

"My pads are gone." Satoru felt extremely aggrieved.

"Without the pads, you are still the cutest cat." Yayoi said seriously.

Satoru stared blankly at his hands for a while, then lay back down, hugged his wife and began to mutter. Yayoi thought it was the thoughts of a drunken cat. He was mumbling that Yayoi was obsessed with Tangerine, and it was obvious that he was enough for her.

"You actually helped Tangerine take a bath." Satoru was angry, "You can only help me take a bath."

"Have I never given you a bath?" Yayoi tilted his head.

"Yayoi is the big bad guy, Suguru and Shoko are also bad guys." Satoru continued to mumble, "You actually want to neuter such a cute cat."

Yayoi paused, feeling like she had caught something, but it could slip out of her hand at any time.

"If it weren't for Suguru, I wouldn't have turned into a cat and let him slaughter me. Suguru is so weak... to be attacked by such a super weak weakling. No, we are the strongest." Satoru tilted his head and started talking nonsense. After thinking about it for a while, the cat said, "That's not right... right now, "I" am the strongest."

The lonely tone made people feel distressed, and not long after, Satoru kissed Yayoi on the forehead again, "You are the strongest's wife!"

After the kiss, Satoru rested his head on her head again.

Satoru was drunk and opened his mouth to tell the truth, "Now that he has turned into a fox, I also want to... take him to be neutered, and go to the same pet hospital..."

Yayoi: "..."

The deep sleep was like the tide on the beach, sweeping over his eyelids. Satoru wrapped his arms around Yayoi's waist and fell asleep holding his wife like a little girl holding a doll.

Yayoi looked at her cat in silence, touched his cheek, the skin was soft and smooth, without fur, and then touched the top of his head, there were no furry cat ears.

The cat in his sleep was breathing shallowly. Yayoi lowered her head and placed her ears on his chest. Through the thin shirt, his body temperature continued to surge over him, and the sound of his heart beating slowly came from his chest.

Yayoi's eyelashes trembled.

"It turns out you are really a big cat." Yayoi said softly.

A strand of hair crossed the tip of his eyebrow, tickling him.

Satoru frowned, but refused to let go of his hands around Yayoi's waist.

In the quiet night, the wind was filled with the delicate and silky chirping of night insects. The evening breeze gently blew through the wind chimes under the eaves, and the tinkling bells sounded in pursuit.

Yayoi listened quietly to the beating of Satoru's heart, and the past events came and went one after another amidst the slow and slow heartbeat.

The next morning, Satoru woke up in bed, wearing pajamas, the same style as Yayoi's, with several cute cat heads print on them.

The bedding was warmed by the sun, and the bed was filled with the scent of his wife.

Satoru rubbed the quilt with satisfaction, reached out and touched the side, but found nothing. The white cat opened his eyes, and the bed was empty except for him.

He was stunned for a moment, then lifted the quilt and got out of bed. There was a gurgling sound in the kitchen, and the soup was boiling under the glass lid. At a glance, he saw his wife wearing an apron by the stove.

Her red hair was tied up with a hair tie, revealing her beautiful neck.

There was still a dull pain in his temples. Facts have proved that Satoru's alcohol capacity was in contrast to his strength. The stronger he was, the lower his alcohol capacity. After half a plate of sweet wine dumplings were in his stomach, he would be very drunk and unconscious.

There was a warm feeling in the kitchen, and the dull pain in his temples seemed to dissipate a little.

Satoru found his way to the edge of the sink.


The oversized white cat pulled up to Yayoi, put his chin on her shoulder and rubbed her neck.

The white cat who was addicted to zone out and enjoy his wife early in the morning moved his nose and found that Yayoi was making soup to sober up. He felt warm and bubbling in his heart. He rubbed Yayoi's neck and said, "Yayoi is so capable~"

Yayoi was embarrassed by his praise, "It's just something simple."
These things were all taught by her mother who was good at cooking.

The hand around the waist tightened unconsciously, and his eyes wandered, finally landing on the side of Yayoi's neck. It was soft and white, a bit like milk ice cream, as if he took a bite.

Satoru lowered his head, and when his lips were about to touch the skin on the side of his neck, a hand touched his forehead.

Satoru tried to push down, but the hand refused to budge, motionless as a mountain.

"I have to go out in the morning." Yayoi's voice came.

Gojo the Cat: ???
Wife, wife, you have changed!!! You'd never been like this before!!!

Yayoi put down the spoon in her hand and turned off the stove fire, "I'm going to find Utahime-san."

Gojo the Cat: "..."
Great, Utahime, I would remember you.

"I won't be back for lunch at noon." Yayoi added.

Gojo the Cat: !!!

"So you have to prepare your own lunch." Yayoi finished.

Gojo the Cat: !!!

The big white cat's pupils were trembling, as if it had suffered a huge blow.

Yayoi stood up on tiptoes and kissed him on the lips, "Today is also a beautiful day. Work hard, Mr. Cat."

Gojo the Cat: !!!
Wife, you had changed, really!!! You'd never done this to me before!!!


· Genuine translation can be found only in OchatimesBlogspotCom, FanFictionNet, and Wattpad

• Omake •

You think your wife is a natural muddlehead, but in fact she is a hidden natural black muddlehead! The kind of blackness that is so deep that you don’t even know it and has attacks from time to time!

Gojo the Cat: Suguru! Get up and get neutered!!!
Geto the Fox: What are you crazy about this morning?! (wake up from the fox den.jpg)

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