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III: Extra Story
Chapter 155: Side Story · 14
But for your sake (Part 8)


Satoru never planned to get married, have children, start a family, and spend his life with someone. Or, he had thrown these things out of his life plan without realizing it.

The brain was not only a place to process information, but also a place to store cognition. Cognition often determined a person's choice and guides humans to make choices invisibly.

In Satoru's cognition, "love" was the most twisted curse.

Excluding the inevitable situation, the sorcerer exorcised the cursed spirit without cursing people.

He was born with a pair of eyes that were countless times clearer than ordinary people. After spending his ignorant childhood and walking out of the cage specially set up by the elders, time never stopped moving forward. From a teenager to a young man, the passing time was like the wind, sweeping past fragments of the past and leaving them far behind. He couldn't be caught up or catch up with people. The invisible barrier separated the past and the present, and the traces left behind subtly deepen the cognition in his mind.

Falling in love with someone was like cursing the other person at the beginning of "love".

The best way not to curse others was to stay alone and not love anyone.

"I tried very hard."

Satoru pouted, and buried his furry head directly in Yayoi's neck. His soft white hair rubbed against her sensitive skin intimately.

Satoru put his hands around her waist, and her back was tightly pressed against his chest. She was completely trapped in his arms. When he spoke, his lips pressed against her skin moved slightly, and his breath that fell densely into her neck was warm.

On the day they met again in the rain, he threw all his considerations and thoughts behind his head, unwilling to let go of her hand and let her go.

Yayoi paused, not reacting to what this sentence meant.

A chuckle came from above, and the arm around the waist loosened, and the warm palm was pressed against Yayoi's waist. He held her waist, turned around, and put her on his lap. The cat-like amber pupils came into his eyes, and the red eyelashes were long and curled, gently trembling like thin butterfly wings.

Satoru couldn't help it, raised his hand, and pressed his palm against his wife's soft neck, like a vine attached to the wall, climbing up all the way. The most vulnerable part was touched, the delicate touch of the skin and the warm body temperature continuously ooze into his palm, his wife's eyelashes half drooped, allowing him to touch her vitals, as docile as a cat being stroked by its owner, exposing the most vulnerable belly without scruples.

His broad hands held the soft cheeks, and the thumbs gently stroked the soft eyelashes, and the pale blue eyelashes narrowed slightly, like a cat hiding in the lush shade of trees narrowing its eyes.

Yayoi tilted her head and looked at him, her bright red hair falling like the beautiful clouds in the sky, her delicate eyelashes trembling like a butterfly gently flapping its wings.

Her brain probably couldn't react again, her amber eyes were blank and confused.

Every time she showed this dazed expression, Satoru would feel itchy in his heart, as if a soft feather gently brushed his heart. Because the itch was unbearable, he always wanted to pounce on her lips and take a bite. After taking a bite, his heart itched even more, and he was eager to eat her whole body into his stomach.

Satoru curved the corners of his lips, raised his chin, held his wife's face, opened his mouth, and restrainedly bit her soft lips lightly, as if he wanted to eat her whole body.

Yayoi blinked, and her fair cheeks slowly turned a thin red, and even the breath she exhaled from her body was a little disordered.

She knew Satoru best.

This person seemed to be a playful person, but there were actually very few things and people that could arouse his desire. However, once the desire was aroused, it woul overflow like a flood. Unfortunately, she was the one who could arouse Satoru's desire.

The warm palm slid down all the way, slowly moving back along the waist, like a wandering snake, firmly encircling her waist between his arms.

Lips pressed against lips, breathing long and hot, warm and wet feeling poured into the mouth, and the pointed tiger teeth brushed the soft wrinkles of the lips.

She lowered her head, her bright red hair cascading down, covering the faces of both of them. The fingers of her hands on Satoru's shoulders couldn't stop tightening, the cloth in her hands was tangled into a ball, her fingers trembled like a spasm, and the hands around her waist tightened, almost strangling her.

Slowly, like a cat eating.

She sank in a warm and wet feeling, her vision blurred, her consciousness collapsed.

It seemed like she was about to be eaten.

The cat took an unusually long time to eat, and she finally found a chance to breathe in the gap between her lips. Satoru bit her lips again, and it hurt so much that she burst into tears.

"What are you doing?" Yayoi pushed his shoulder, but he didn't mean to let go of his hand at all, and stretched out his tongue to lick her lips.

The warm tip of the tongue swept across the gap between the lips, with moist warmth.

"The 'I' in this world is alone."
Satoru whispered in her ear, his breath flowing into her ear in circles.

Yayoi paused, then pursed her lips, her drooping eyelashes casting a faint silhouette under her eyes.

"'I' in this world don't have you." Satoru said again.
"I" didn't have a wife, "my" friends have parted ways with "me", "I" am alone.

If he guess correctly, "Suguru" should be planning the "Night Parade of a Hundred Demons" at this point, and soon "he" would even lose his only friend. After killing his only friend, "he" would hold his head high and take steps towards the future, but no one could walk side by side with him, at least for a long time.

Yayoi touched Satoru's hair at the temples, which was as soft as pigeon feathers, and it itched when brushed against the palm of her hand.

"Do you want to talk to 'you'?" Yayoi stroked his hair and said softly.

"No." Satoru pouted, looking like a naughty child, with his arms around Yayoi's waist and his furry head resting on Yayoi's shoulder. "I am very, very stingy."
This was his wife, his treasure.

"You belong to me alone." Satoru said, his voice silently revealing a strong possessiveness.

Yayoi blinked, a soft smile appeared in her eyes, "You like me so much?"

"Super super super like~" Satoru held the person and stretched out the tone, the smile in the words was like melted syrup.

Yayoi paused, and suddenly understood what the original words meant. She tilted her head and looked at blinking eyes and acting cute, muttering, "Did you plan it a long time ago?"

"No~" Satoru said with a smile, "The truth is that I got carried away!"

"Did you drag me to the city hall when you got carried away?" Yayoi opened her eyes wide.

Satoru nodded and rubbed against Yayoi, "It's true~"

The soft hair brushed against her chin, itching so much. After a moment, the head simply buried in her neck, and a mumbled voice slowly sounded in her ears.

"Although it's just a rush of impulse, once I got it in my hands, I didn't want to let it go."

As soon as the words fell, Yayoi was stunned for a moment, and a smile that she didn't realize was spreading in her eyes, like warm paint on white paper.

After a moment, she thought of something again, and said worriedly, "Is it really okay not to look for 'you'?"

"I told Suguru everything." Satoru muttered, slowly slid down a little, and then turned to the side. After burying his head in Yayoi's chest openly, his voice sounded a little muffled, "If he doesn't take some action, he will be a super fool."

Yayoi thought about it. Suguru's style of doing things was more reliable than Satoru's in daily life. She thought this was feasible, so she put the matter aside and thought about what to eat tonight.

Suguru did go out, and he didn't take his two daughters with him.

After listening to "Satoru's" nonsense, he didn't sleep all night. After a heavy ideological struggle, he contacted Satoru.

The two chose a coffee shop in Ikebukuro as the meeting place. It has a Western-style decoration style, soft leather sofas, and a bell hanging by the door. When the guest pushed the door, the crisp bell sounded, and the staff would know that a guest had arrived.

Two very strange guests came today. Just looking at their clothes, these two people could be defined as a blind man and a monk, but the blind man with poor eyesight was surprisingly flexible. The monk didn't seem to abide by the rules and regulations. He didn't stay in the temple, but ran to the coffee shop. After ordering two cups of coffee, the two sat down in the table by the floor-to-ceiling window.

The two people seemed to be old acquaintances. The blind man frantically added sugar cubes to the palm-sized coffee shop. The monk had a sluggish face and complained about the former expressionlessly. They were too far away, and the waitress didn't hear what they said clearly, but it didn't seem to be a serious conversation. The two people outputted to each other one by one, and finally the monk was so angry that he almost jumped up and hit the blind man.

The waitress just put her hand on the landline, and instinctively wanted to call the police. The two men were tall and strong. If they fought in the store, she really couldn't stop them.

However, the moment the landline was picked up, the keys seemed to be frozen on it, and she couldn't press them at all.

The waitress put down the phone, checked it left and right, and pressed it a few times with her fingers, but there was no response. Fortunately, the two strange guests not far away also calmed down and didn't want to fight, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

The waitress looked at the landline with a puzzled look, and her delicate eyebrows frowned, "Strange, is it broken?"

On the other side, Suguru, who almost jumped up to beat someone, took back the cursed spirit he had released, and looked at Satoru with a sluggish face and expressionless face.

"Can we talk about business after playing enough?" Suguru said with a stern face.

Satoru took a sip of the cloyingly sweet coffee, "I've always been serious, I'm a serious person."

Suguru: "...who would believe that?"

Satoru curled his lips, "By the way, you came to me, right? We haven't been in touch for so many years, and you first provoked my students, and then called me a scum and a beast. You're no worse than me when it comes to trouble."

Suguru sneered, looking coldly at this guy who had been single for 27 years and was only one step away from becoming a 30-year-old magician. He didn't understand in his heart. The two Satoru Gojos were both dogs, why did the other one have a wife?

Suguru guessed that the provocation of Satoru's students was something that happened in HAPiNA shopping street some time ago, but he didn't intend to do anything to the two children. He released the curse spirit just to test Yuta and his "Rika", and the result was unexpectedly good.

The original plan was to try to persuade Yuta to join the Star Religious Group. If he could agree with his ideals, then it would be great. If not, then in the "Night Parade of a Hundred Demons" plan, Miguel would attract Satoru's attention to other places, and he would personally go to the high school to snatch the special-grade cursed spirit Rika Orimoto.

But now because of two unexpected people, this plan had been completely aborted. The fatal thing was that he recruited these two people himself.

According to "Satoru", "Suguru" did something similar to his plan, and the result was very miserable. The truth of Yuta and Rika was not that Rika cursed Yuta, but that Yuta cursed Rika. Rika's current attitude was ultimately due to the constraints and obsessions that Yuta accidentally set. If she was separated from Yuta, then Rika was very likely not to be the current special-grade cursed spirit Rika Orimoto.

By then, it would be different from what he planned, and this plan would be meaningless.

And what he cared about was another thing.

"Someone is watching you." Suguru said.

Satoru raised his eyebrows, "I know."

Ever since he was born, he had been watched by countless eyes, openly and secretly.

"I'm used to this kind of thing." Satoru said, "Too many, I can't count them all."

"Is it special?" Satoru said.
It's worth Suguru's trouble to come and tell him.

"From a certain period of time, all the Six Eyes of the past generations are within his observation range." Suguru said, "Is this special enough?"

Satoru was silent for a moment, then slowly spoke, "…the past Six Eyes?"

"I don't know the exact time." Suguru said, "Anyway, that person seems to be from the same era as Tengen-sama."



The smell of coffee beans spread in the air, the curtains hanging by the window were gathered in the corner, and the golden sunlight passed through the transparent glass window and smudged on the batik tablecloth.

"Is it true?" Satoru chuckled.

If it's true, that guy must be thousands of years old.

"The original plan was to cause a riot." Suguru said.

"Hmm?" Satoru raised his eyebrows, "You want to make trouble?"

"Yes." Suguru's face was sluggish, "I will go to the technical college to issue a challenge, attract your attention in advance, and divert your attention to other places during the riot."

Through the sunglasses, his eyes fell directly on Suguru, and Suguru spread his hands.

"Don't look at me like that, we are no longer high school students." Suguru said with a smile, "If I fight you, my chances of winning are very low."

Not only very low, but almost zero.

"Oh." After a long while, Satoru finally uttered a syllable.

They were no longer "we are the strongest", the reality was "I am the strongest".

"So I will die in your hands..." Suguru said calmly.

"That's not right, since you want to attract my attention to other places, it proves that there are people and things that can increase your chances of winning." Satoru interrupted him.

"I was wrong." Suguru held his chin with his hand, his face full of a broken jar expression, "It's not that Rika Orimoto cursed Yuta Okkotsu, but Yuta Okkotsu cursed Rika Orimoto. The 'Rika Orimoto' separated from Yuta Okkotsu is not the 'Rika Orimoto' I want, and in the end I still can't get what I want."

Instead, he would be beaten up by his students.

Satoru lowered his eyes, and his high-speed brain quickly sorted out the relationship, and then he knew a little about the reason why Suguru was looking for him.

"So that's it." Satoru chuckled.
No wonder he always felt that Yuta and Rika were different from what was said in the report. If it was really Yuta who cursed Rika, then many questions could be answered now.

"Then, who told you? "Satoru crossed his legs, resting one hand on the back of the sofa, supporting his head.

Suguru corrected him reflexively because of his sloppy sitting posture. When he reacted, he had already blurted out "sit well".

The air fell into silence again. The road downstairs was honking with elongated car horns, and the falling sunlight cast a colorful halo on the glass.

"Just pretend I didn't say anything." Suguru said.

Satoru put down his crossed legs, "You continue."

The topic was brought back on track.

Suguru thought of the nasty cat on the Star Religious Group and his wife, his brows twisted into a knot, and blurted out a big truth, "I still don't understand why 'you' have a wife. "

Satoru: ???
Cat confused.jpg

"I'm single." Satoru, who has been single for 27 years, raised his hand.

Suguru slid his phone against the table with an expressionless face. Satoru picked up the phone on the table suspiciously and turned on the screen. After a while, he put the phone screen down.

After a while, Satoru opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Suguru interrupted him.

"You really don't have a wife at the age of 27." Suguru said.

Satoru: "..."
What's wrong with not having a wife? What's wrong with not having a wife? He was proud of being single.

"It's enough for you who are in your thirties to have a wife." Suguru added expressionlessly, "Although I don't understand why you have a wife."

Satoru: "..."

Satoru picked up the phone and took another look. The little white-haired girl on the screensaver looked exactly like him. This was definitely his daughter, but this red-haired woman.

Satoru’s heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly thought of the person who smashed a Honda car to stand him up one night and gave her money afterwards.

Oh my god, that’s his wife?

Satoru, who had been single for 27 years and learned that "he" had a wife and a child, accepted the fact without hesitation.

"Don’t think too much. When we were in high school, your wife didn’t send us to the police station, so you don’t have a wife." Suguru’s eyes and expression were as steady as an old dog.

Satoru: "..."


· Genuine translation can be found only in OchatimesBlogspotCom, FanFictionNet, and Wattpad

• Omake •

Gojo the Cat: You’re thinking about shi*t, this is my wife.

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