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III: Extra Story
Chapter 156: Side Story · 15
But for your sake (Part 9)


Suguru was not at Star Religious Group all day, and borrowed Yayoi's phone before leaving.

The phone she was using now was temporarily provided by Suguru for emergency use. When Suguru ran over to borrow the phone, Yayoi had just finished the work commissioned by Shiu and returned to the Star Religious Group residence.

Shiu respected Yayoi's principles and would not introduce her to bounties for murder. Most of the tasks Yayoi took over were to exorcise cursed spirits. Japan was a high-incidence area for cursed spirits, and similar tasks emerge in an endless stream. The profession of sorcerer had always been short of manpower. People in this profession not only have high risks, but also have high business trips. Even if they exorcise cursed spirits day and night, the number of cursed spirits may not decrease.

Because humans were creatures that produce negative emotions, after several population explosions, the current total population had long expanded to a number that could not be compared with several generations ago. The greater the flow of people, the more curses flow out. The thick cursed power was like an erupting mudslide. After gathering at the bottom of the valley, it expanded, compressed, and finally transformed into something new.

The work of the sorcerer was very busy, and there were quite a lot of similar bounties in the black market, which have been accumulated for many years without anyone paying attention. Until Yayoi went to the black market to "find a job" through Suguru.

Most of the similar bounties have been cleared. Shiu had many connections and was well-known in the black market. Naturally, ordinary people with wide connections and who could not see the power of the cursed spirit would come to him. Since Yayoi passed through his hands, he had received bounties for exorcising the cursed spirit one after another. This intermediary had also become famous for receiving many bounties for exorcising the cursed spirit. People who have this need keep coming to him. Some people even joked that he should just be an assistant director for the sorcerer.

Thinking of Yayoi's stubborn and strange request, Shiu had no choice but to smile, "The partner is stubborn."

To be honest, he didn't hate cooperating with Yayoi. Apart from the two points of violent execution of tasks and not being very smart, this girl was gentle and polite to others, and after the mission was completed, she would pay for his three meals from time to time. He respected her strange principles and the two sides cooperated happily.

Yayoi would take the reward from Shiu from time to time, solving the daily expenses while also solving Shiu's work problems, a win-win situation.

When Suguru came to borrow the phone, she was back home after work. Yayoi took off the coat stained with the blood of the cursed spirit and took out the phone from the wide pocket.

Yayoi knew roughly what Suguru was going to do, and lent the phone to Suguru very straightforwardly.

"The password is Satoru's birthday." Yayoi said when she handed the phone to Suguru.

Suguru's expression was strange for a moment, then he returned to his usual gentleness, his narrow eyes narrowed into a thin line, like a fox with narrowed eyes.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Satoru cooking in the kitchen. He was standing in front of the stove with a pink apron tied around his waist. It seemed that he had become addicted to being a househusband in the Star Religious Group.

Suguru quietly leaned into Yayoi's ear and lowered his voice to ask, "What do you like about him?"

Yayoi looked serious and answered Suguru decisively, "He's cute."

Suguru looked at Satoru, who was over 190cm tall, and then at the redhead who was not very smart.

It's not hard to accept that these two were together. The only hard thing to accept was that Satoru was no longer single.

Lunch was eaten at the two's residence. Thanks to Yayoi, it was the first time in his life that he had eaten Satoru's cooking. It was ordinary but very delicious. It’s completely impossible to tell that this guy could cook.

Because he got married and became a father?

Suguru ate the rice in the bowl as steadily as an old dog.

After eating, Suguru wiped his mouth, took the phone from Yayoi and went out of Star Religious Group headquarter to find someone, leaving the empty plates.

Yayoi washed the plates in the end, and Satoru helped to stack the plates.

The two briefly exchanged the information they got from the other Satoru in the cafe in Ikebukuro.

Six Eyes, Star Plasma Vessel and Tengen. Every five hundred years, Tengen needed to assimilate with Star Plasma Vessel. At the same time, Six Eyes would appear. This was a "binding" linked in the cause and effect of the curse, and it was also a cause and effect that had been forgotten by current sorcerers as time went by.

An unexpected factor broke into this causal "binding" linked by the curse. The Heavenly Restriction, who was born with the most powerful body and no cursed energy, killed the Star Plasma Vessel, and the cause and effect of the cycle was violently destroyed.

Tengen failed to assimilate with Star Plasma Vessel. After evolution, the nature of Tengen's body was closer to the cursed spirit than humans, and became the object of "Cursed Spirit Manipulation". The moment the caster touched it, it may be instantly absorbed.

"That person is staring at you and me." Suguru lowered his eyebrows, and his deep purple eyes burst out with a sharp edge.

No one would feel good if someone coveted their body and cursed techniques.

Satoru pursed his lips.

The coffee in the cup cooled down as time passed, and the light and shadow flowed between the buildings in the city, and fell from the branches outside the window.

"Ten years ago, Riko's death, and ten years later, "your" death was also in his calculations."

Satoru's mind turned quickly, and after Suguru finished talking about the connection between the Star Plasma Vessel, the Six Eyes and the Tengen, he understood roughly.

The name that was sealed in the memory was mentioned again. After wiping off the thick layer of dust, the girl's face was still young and lively. She was left in the past forever, just like they were left in the past forever ten years ago.

If nothing unexpected happened, Suguru would be killed by him after the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons. With his character, he would not give Suguru's body to Shoko. At that time, the guy hiding behind the scenes would get the opportunity to obtain the "Cursed Spirit Manipulation".

The other party was not sure to kill Satoru. Even if he killed the Six Eyes of this generation, the next generation of Six Eyes would be born again, so the other party chose to seal him.

"I can't figure out why he succeeded." Satoru held his chin and stirred the coffee in the cup unhappily.

Suguru drooped his eyelids, "Don't you think there is a big problem with your careless personality?"

In order to avoid being absorbed by the Cursed Spirit Manipulation technique, Tengen closed the Tombs of the Star Corridor where the main body was hidden, and reopened it only after Kenjaku was killed.

"He made an appointment with Yayoi and had a talk with her." Suguru said.

"Yayoi?" Satoru caught this name.

"The wife of 'you' in another world." Suguru had a dull eyes.

Satoru turned on the screen of the mobile phone, took a look at the woman who was said to be the wife of the another him, touched his chin, and recalled the red-haired girl who looked harmless and not very smart that night, but would inadvertently reveal the hidden beast instinct, "It seems... she is the type I like."

Suguru twitched his lips, not wanting to pay attention to him, and continued, "If Toji Fushiguro is the one who broke the causal bond of the three, then she is the one who broke the original ending."

Satoru raised his eyebrows.

"In the ending predicted by Tengen, I will die and you will be sealed." Suguru said softly.

"It's really that ugly ending." Satoru said.

"There are even uglier ones." Suguru said, "Your student will be the vessel of the King of Curses, Sukuna, and the King of Curses will use his body to revive in this world."

"'You' and 'I' went to Saitama Prefecture in the first year of high school and met her in an old Japanese-style house. After three years of acquaintance, until her mother died, she left Saitama Prefecture in the eleventh year, and 'you' found her in Sendai." Suguru said, "It's a childhood sweetheart."

"If we in this world fail to meet her, then everything will continue along this trajectory." Suguru said.
The suppressed voice silently exuded a chill.

The air fell into silence.

The withered and curled leaves stick to the transparent glass window, rolling down, and mottled light and shadow fall all over the windowsill. The outstanding golden retriever shakes its tail and passes by the window with its shadow, and its fur is blurred with soft circles of light in the sun.

"Heavenly Restriction, huh?" The moment Satoru opened his mouth, the ice-like coldness was shattered, and the sunlight falling on the table stained his sleeves.

"No." Suguru said, "I sparred with her a few days ago. She is a person who has both a strong body and a strong technique that is infinitely close to the Heavenly Restriction. The power of the curse stored in her body is so huge that it is unheard of, like a reservoir covering a very large area."

"Can't you see it?" Suguru's brows twisted into a knot.

Satoru spread his hands, his tone relaxed and happy, "I can't see it at all."

Suguru: "...are you happy that the Six Eyes have an extra blind spot?"
Oh, you ignorant.

"Isn't this very challenging?" Satoru held his cheeks with both hands, emphasizing that he was as sweet as a high school girl, and his watery eyes kept blinking, like a white cat that left his owner and was ready to destroy the house. "Hey, Suguru, arrange for me to meet her. We were in a hurry last time and didn't have a good chat."

Suguru felt a chill, shook off the goose bumps on his body, and said with disgust, "Forget it, she wants to run away when she sees you."

"Hey~" Satoru pouted, very unhappy, "After all, we are 'Satoru Gojo', since she can accept 'me' as her childhood sweetheart and husband, why can't she have a good chat with me? Let's chat~"

Suguru: "..."
Forget it.

Suguru pinched his brows, invisible fatigue surged to his eyebrows, he really didn't want to see the two Satoru Gojos fighting.

Just thinking about it, it was a disaster.

After finally getting rid of Satoru's unreasonable troubles, Suguru returned to Star Religious Group exhausted. When he thought of there being a Satoru in Star Religious Group, he was so exhausted that he suddenly had the idea of ​​"I'd rather die".

It was around dusk when he returned to Star Religious Group. The sky was filled with charming and flowing flames, and dazzling golden light overflowed from the gaps between the layers. The red sunset fell into the mountains, and the weird shadows spread over the sky and the earth.

The dark sky was full of starlight, like tiny gems inlaid on the hair net.

On the way, he met Larue who was out. After a polite greeting, he found that he was holding a transparent garbage bag with several scrapped light bulbs in it.

"The light bulbs in Mimiko and Nanako's room are broken." Larue explained to him.

Suguru understood and smiled gently, "That's really troublesome for you."

Larue waved his hand, "I just helped to throw away the garbage. The person who really did it was Yayoi-chan."

Suguru: "..."

"The light bulb in my room happened to be broken, and Yayoi-chan helped to replace it." Larue said, "She also helped to fix the broken wires."

Suguru: "..."
Supposedly she could even repair electric wires, how many more surprises did your wife have in store for you, Satoru?

The chirping of insects could be heard from the low green plants on the roadside, and the metallic guardrails were shining in the dark.

The silent road illuminated the shiny headlights, which travel straight through the dark night.

Shiu sat in the driver's seat, one hand on the steering wheel, the other hand holding a cigarette on the lowered window sill, mist lingering on his fingertips, and the lit cigarette butts were as bright as stars.

He's been a bit busy lately.

In just a few days, someone got wind of the news. It was said that Shiu had connected with a very powerful person, who only accepted tasks to exorcised cursed spirits, and so far, there had been no precedent for mission failure. Shiu had many connections in the black market and was a well-known intermediary, so several people who needed this kind of thing found Shiu one after another.

Shiu did not unilaterally treat Yayoi as a cash cow. Before making a commission, he would ask her opinion. After all, the two parties were just partners, not a superior-subordinate relationship. The two parties need to have basic respect to cooperate for a long time.

Today, Shiu received a commission from a big employer. He thought about contacting Yayoi to ask for her opinion. Who knew that the person who answered the phone was not Yayoi, but her husband.

Shiu: "..."
The hell, I didn't expect this red-haired woman to be a family person.

Once again, he thought of Toji, who was addicted to horse racing and couldn't even remember his son's name!

According to Yayoi's husband, the light bulb in the neighbor's house was broken, and Yayoi went to help change the light bulb.

Shiu: "..."
My God, it's really an ordinary and harmonious neighborhood life. Suguru Geto, what kind of guy did you find to enter the black market?

"Is it a very urgent matter?" It sounded a bit out of tune, but there was nothing unusual. "I can help~"

As soon as the words fell, Shiu heard the sound of the door frame closing, and then the other person welcomed someone back. Shiu remained silent, smoking and listening to the conversation between the couple and the man's coquettish voice coming from the microphone. After a while, the cigarette butt with sparks was extinguished in the ashtray, and the conversation over there ended. The man convinced his wife with unilateral coquettishness.

This task would be done by him.

"Don't worry, Kong-san, he is very strong, stronger than me." This was Yayoi's solemn promise.

Shiu: "..."
Was it true or fake?

The short-term cooperation made Yayoi leave a good impression in Shiu's mind, and Shiu half-believed and half-doubtedly accepted this statement.

The smell of tobacco rolled in the throat, and the bright light was as white as snowflakes covering the sky.

A tall figure appeared in the bright white light. Shiu put out the cigarette in his hand, the car window was opened with a click, and the other party sat down.

"Kong, right?" The other person's voice was a little frivolous.

Shiu paused and nodded.

The two sides talked briefly for a few words. Shiu was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the honest red-haired woman's husband turned out to be a slightly frivolous and outgoing person.

Shiu briefly introduced the task situation to the other person. Fortunately, he was not a pain in the a*s and listened patiently.

"Then, I look forward to working with you." Shiu said.

The light in the car was a little dim, and large shadows covered the other person's face. Shiu turned on the lights in the car casually, and the orange light illuminated the other person's face.

"You too."

The orange light flowed on the soft silver-white hair, and the metal sunglasses frame exuded a cold metal texture. The light instantly illuminated the face, the face that had been ranked first in the black market bounty for many years.

The pale blue pupils exuded a cold light in the dark night. The moment he looked over, Shiu felt that he was going to die.

Shiu: "..."
Shiu Kong wanted to run away.

"Eh? You look uncomfortable~ Do you need my help to call an ambulance?" Satoru said with a smile.

Shiu: "..."
Stop it already.

"Don't show such a horrified expression~" Satoru held up a long tail tone, "I'm not a scourge."

Shiu: "..."

"I'm just working for my wife~" Satoru said.

Shiu: "...your wife?"

Satoru took out his phone, turned on the screen, and shook it, "My wife."

The screen saver was a photo of his wife and him taken recently. The moment Shiu saw the redhead face on the screen saver, Satoru put the phone back into his pocket.

Shiu: "..."

Shiu looked at the vast night sky through the car window and silently asked Yayoi in his heart, weren't you an ordinary red-haired woman? Why was your husband Satoru Gojo?


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• Omake •

Shiu Kong: You tricked me!!!

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